by Montserrat Guibernau
With 23% unemployment (rising
to 40% among young people), the deepening of the economic crisis is hitting
Catalans hard. Resentment against the Spanish government’s economic policies
and dissatisfaction with politics prevail: In the Catalan society, those who
are ‘dissatisfied with democracy’ rose to 49% in March. Catalonia, a
traditionally prosperous region, sees its wealth and status downgraded as it
looses competitiveness and lacks resources and saving for infrastructure while
accumulating annual deficit of 8% of GDP due to the financial arrangements
imposed by the Spanish state. In this context, support for Catalan fiscal
autonomy (Pacte
Fiscal) is rising fast and secession, for the first time in Catalan
history, appears as a legitimate option.
Catalan nationalism emerged in the 1960s as a
progressive social movement defending democracy and freedom against Franco’s
dictatorship, demanding a Statute of autonomy for Catalonia and amnesty for the
regime’s political prisoners. Franco’s death in 1975 allowed a transition to
democracy led by members of his own regime. Catalonia played a key role in the
democratization of Spain by strongly supporting EU membership; providing
economic and industrial leadership and being committed to solidarity towards
Spain. Vitally, Catalan nationalism was instrumental in overcoming the 1993
crisis and strongly supported Spain to fulfil the conditions to join the Euro.
However, it was felt by many that Catalan loyalty and support did not pay off
as Spain reinforced centralism.
my view the roots of secessionism and the so-called ‘right to decide’ originate
in the second mandate of Prime Minister Aznar and the landslide victory of his
Popular Party (PP) in 2000. Soon after the election, sympathy and understanding
towards Catalan demands for further autonomy and recognition were replaced by
hostility embedded in a neo-centralist, conservative and neo-liberal political discourse.
The Popular Party was dismissive of claims for greater autonomy for the
historical nationalities (Catalonia, Galicia and the Basque Country) and
adopted an arrogant attitude towards former political allies. In this period a boicotagainst Catalan products –in particular ‘cava’
(sparkling wine) – developed in Spain.
Catalonia, growing dissatisfaction with the Aznar government guaranteed strong
support for J.L. Rodriguez Zapatero, the leader of the Socialists Workers Party
(PSOE) in the 2004 election. Most people received the PSOE’s victory with joy
and regarded Rodriguez Zapatero as sympathetic to Catalan political
aspirations; an assumption which proved wrong after he was unable, or
unwilling, to stand up by his promise to support the new Statute of Autonomy to
emerge from the Catalan Parliament; a project led by fellow socialist and
President of Catalonia, Pasqual Maragall.
draft Statute of Autonomy – supported by 90 per cent of the Catalan Parliament
– was significantly modified by the Spanish Parliament and Senate to fully
comply with the Constitution prior to being approved by both chambers. The
Statute was finally endorsed by the Catalan people in a referendum 18th June
2006. However, the Statute was immediately challenged in the Spanish High
Court: the PP challenged 51 per cent of the text and the Spanish Ombudsman
(PSOE) challenged 48 per cent.
Spanish High Court issued its verdict 28th June 2010: it suppressed 14 articles
of the Statute and modified a further 30 relating to symbolic, financial and
judicial aspects as well as state investment in Catalonia, creating an
unprecedented situation. On July 10th 2010, over one million people demonstrated
in Barcelona against the Spanish Hight Court decision. Their motto: ‘We are a
nation. We decide’. The demonstration was led by Jose Montilla, the then
president of Catalonia. Shortly after that, fresh elections to the Catalan
government resulted in a change of government; Artur Mas, leader of the
nationalist party CiU, became president of Catalonia.
to the latest available data Catalonia’s average contribution to the Spanish
Central Administration and Social Security corresponds to 19.40 per cent of the
total. In contrast, Catalonia receives 14.03 per cent. After contributing to
Spain’s Solidarity Fund, Catalonia is worse off than those autonomous
communities subsidized by the Fund and finds itself below average in per capita
2012 Budget presented by Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy does not contemplate the
State paying back its pending debts to Catalonia. According to the Statute
these include, €759 million for 2008 and €219 million for 2009. In addition,
the State’s investment in infrastructure in Catalonia has been reduced by 45
per cent, and now stands at 11 per cent of the total, far from the 18.6 percent
that would be an equal share for Catalonia.
December 2009, with the support of 15000 volunteers, 166 Catalan cities held
referendums on Catalonia’s independence. The referendums were not legally
binding, but they contained an important symbolic content. Participation
amounted to 27 per cent, and 94.71 per cent voted in favor of Catalonia’s
independence. To date the Spanish State forbids the holding of a legally
binding or consultative referendum in Catalonia.
2011, 42.9 per cent of Catalans supported independence, and at present support
has risen to 44.6 per cent. In Catalonia the enthusiasm for democracy
associated with the initial phase of the transition to democracy is gone. Lack
of trust in politicians and institutional politics accompanied by central bad
economic management and open hostility to Catalan demands has alienated a
rising number of citizens. Only 4.4 percent of Catalans consider that they have
too much autonomy, 24 per cent are satisfied with the current level and 65.7
per cent are frustrated by insufficient autonomy. Today 30.8% are in favor of
Catalonia becoming a state within a federal Spain and 29% want it to become an
independent state.
rise of secessionism in Catalonia emerges out of the will to decide upon its
political destiny as a nation. It questions the assumption that it is possible
for a nation without its own state to flourish and develop within a larger
state containing it, and within which it is not considered as an equal partner.
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