who follows the media has probably heard many times that the rich are getting
richer, the poor are getting poorer, and incomes of the population in general
are stagnating. Moreover, those who say such things can produce many
statistics, including data from the Census Bureau, which seem to indicate that.
On the other hand, income tax data
recently released by the Internal Revenue Service seem to show the exact
opposite: People in the bottom fifth of income-tax filers in 1996 had their
incomes increase by 91 percent by 2005.
The top one percent -- "the
rich" who are supposed to be monopolizing the money, according to the left
-- saw their incomes decline by a whopping 26 percent.
Meanwhile, the average taxpayers' real
income increased by 24 percent between 1996 and 2005.
How can all this be? How can official
statistics from different agencies of the same government -- the Census Bureau
and the IRS -- lead to such radically different conclusions?
There are wild cards in such data that
need to be kept in mind when you hear income statistics thrown around --
especially when they are thrown around by people who are trying to prove
something for political purposes.
One of these wild cards is that most Americans do not stay in the same income brackets throughout their lives. Millions of people move from one bracket to another in just a few years.
One of these wild cards is that most Americans do not stay in the same income brackets throughout their lives. Millions of people move from one bracket to another in just a few years.
What that means statistically is that
comparing the top income bracket with the bottom income bracket over a period
of years tells you nothing about what is happening to the actual flesh-and-blood
human beings who are moving between brackets during those years.
That is why the IRS data, which are for
people 25 years old and older, and which follow the same individuals over time,
find those in the bottom 20 percent of income-tax filers almost doubling their
income in a decade. That is why they are no longer in the same bracket.
That is also why the share of income going
to the bottom 20 percent bracket can be going down, as the Census Bureau data
show, while the income going to the people who began the decade in that bracket
is going up by large amounts.
Unfortunately, most income statistics,
including those from the Census Bureau, do not follow individuals over time.
The Internal Revenue Service does that and so does a study at the University of
Michigan, but they are the exceptions rather than the rule.
Following trends among income brackets
over the years creates the illusion of following people over time. But the only
way to follow people is to follow people.
Another wild card in income statistics is
that many such statistics are about households or families -- whose sizes vary
over time, vary between one racial or ethnic group and another, and vary
between one income bracket and another.
That is why household or family income can
remain virtually unchanged for decades while per capita income is going up by
very large amounts. The number of people per household and per family is
Differences in the number of people per
household from one ethnic group to another is why Hispanics have higher
household incomes than blacks, while blacks have higher individual incomes than
Considering the millions of dollars being
paid to each of the anchors who broadcast network news, surely these networks
can afford to hire a few statisticians to check the statistics being thrown
around, before these numbers are broadcast across the land as facts on which we
are supposed to base policies and elect presidents.
Now that the Internal Revenue data show
the opposite of what the media and the politicians have been saying for years,
should we expect either to change? Not bloody likely.
The University of Michigan study, which
has been going on for decades, shows patterns very similar to those of the IRS
data. Those patterns have been ignored for decades.
Too many in the media and in politics
choose whatever statistics fit their preconconceptions
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