With the U.S. presidential election right around the
corner, Americans are
getting themselves all in a tizzy to go to the voting booth and remind the
holders of public office who they work for. Because it’s
a presidential election, the stakes are looked to as even higher as the media
paints the contest between Barack Obama and Mitt Romney as a conflict with
extreme consequence. The statist tramps known as mainstream journalists
are championing the race as a great ideological battle. The fact that the
candidates differ little on
policy and vision is purposefully avoided. To the political and
intellectual establishment, the show must go on. Their way of life
depends on it.
in both the Republican National Convention and Democratic National Convention
the party elites
took the opportunity to trample on the democratic virtue of dissent.
On the Republican side, Ron Paul supporters were effectively told to get lost
as party leaders rammed through a rule
change to make it next to impossible
to nominate a pure grassroots candidate. The Democrats, per usual, were
no better. When it came time to vote on whether the party platform should
contain language on God and ensuring Jerusalem remains the capital of Israel,
the voice vote was disregarded and the language was kept. And as a Fox
News showed, the decision was
predetermined by the teleprompter. In one fell swoop, both of America’s major
political parties demonstrated that their own members can’t be trusted.
The irony is that this practice of top-down dictation is wholly reflective of
the reality of governance.
matter how hard boobus Americanus is kicked in the teeth with his own inability
to have an effect on government, he still feverishly casts his ballot with
faith locked into the system. This intellectual denseness doesn’t hold
for just the U.S. either. Democracy is still looked to favorably all
around the world. Above the rhetoric of listening to the voice of the
people, technocrats removed from the voting process run major world
governments. One look at Europe and it becomes obvious the
politically-connected elites are running the show. The banking system is
being saved at the public’s expense. Some are keen to realize this and
are setting about to instill leaders of integrity. Many remain enraptured
with the idea of a government for and by the people. These people aren’t
just blind to the evils of the state; they take enormous pride in their
is a sham. In its purest form, it is mob rule by childish
emotion. In its representative form, elections are a reoccurring fiction
to convince the people they aren’t servants to masters who have become all too
acquainted with power.
ballot box is the last refuge of the half-witted fully convinced of his utter
inability to dismember his umbilical cord from the state and take
responsibility for his destiny. It is the chance to press a boot on the
neck of your fellow man without the shame of doing so directly.
is a much believed fairytale that the intentions of government are good but
misguided. But from time immemorial, the state has been a conspiracy
levied against the many by the few. Through the bailouts, printing
press rescues, and socialized takeovers, the objective is obvious. The
losers of government throw money at their fellow losers in business to maintain
an establishment class of total inferiority.
job of the political class is to make it so that crises are constantly haunting
the electorate. Herds are easier to tame when frightened and
looking for a savior. The West has become a great pity where suicidal
lemmings run toward a cliff disguised as a voting booth. Every aspiring
dictator they wish to put in office is a drug that numbs the senses and brings
them one step closer to being fully shackled and on their knees ready and
willing to serve.
Gary North puts it, “democracy is window dressing for elite control.” The people are told they
have a voice. They become teary-eyed at the prospect of casting a vote
for a marionette. The news media bludgeons voters over the head
constantly with phrases like “doing your duty” and “participating in
kick-backs, and corporate cronyism are wrapped up in a shiny box with a bow and
sold to the people every election. The stealing away of
all that is important in a functioning society by unaccountable schemers goes
largely unnoticed. The money supply is controlled by a few central
bankers. Law is given the final word by appointed judges.
Regulations are written by bureaucrats. Wars are waged by generals and military
complex administrators. Lawmakers are there for Kabuki Theater.
can’t and won’t be tamed through the ballot box. Reasoning with the state
is like reasoning with a lunatic armed with a machine gun. His two modes
of thought are firing cheerfully into an unarmed crowd or keeping a finger
itching to pull the trigger once more.
quote the great author and civil disobedient Henry David Thoreau
heartedly accept the motto, — “That government is best which governs least”;
and I should like to see it acted up to more rapidly and systematically.
Carried out, it finally amounts to this, which also I believe, — “That
government is best which governs not at all”; and when men are prepared for it,
that will be the kind of government which they will have.
sad truth is that the majority of men are infatuated with nationalist creeds
and looting the pockets of their neighbors. The absence of such a
religion would pit them into the great unknown of actually having to behave
like civilized beings. There would be no liars to look up to who promise
a land of milk and honey for votes. There would be no invaders to honor
who are paid to break down the doors of foreign dwellings in the middle of the
night and leave pools of blood and piles of bullet shells for children to find
their parents lying in. There would be no leader of the people surrounded
by guards armed with militarized weaponry to salute.
cycle of scaremongering with false threats followed by the reactionary heroism
of public officials finding the courage to crush already withered freedoms into
dust would come to an abrupt end. Schoolchildren would no longer learn that
government saves them from poking themselves in the eye every second of every
day. Independent critical thinking would make a roaring comeback.
In the end, men would have to make an honest living; which is perhaps the
greatest fear of any state bureaucrat.
Mencken accurately described what the state of American politics would become
almost a century ago when he wrote:
As democracy is perfected, the office of president represents, more and more closely, the inner soul of the people. We move toward a lofty ideal. On some great and glorious day the plain folks of the land will reach their heart’s desire at last and the White House will be adorned by a downright moron.
wasn’t just the average U.S. voter Mencken referred to- it was voters around
the globe who still see government as their friend and not an avenue for the
slime of society to carry out their violent fantasies. Unless there is a radical change of thinking, mankind’s intellect
will finally begin to resemble that of a dog who after being beaten
unmercifully, happily returns to his master’s side ready once more for another
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