Last week the mainstream media
hailed QE3 as the "quick
fix" that the U.S. economy desperately needs, but the truth is that the
policies that the Federal Reserve is pursuing are going to be absolutely
devastating for our senior citizens. By keeping interest rates at exceptionally
low levels, the Federal Reserve is absolutely crushing savers and is
systematically destroying Social Security.
the inflation that QE3 will cause is going to be absolutely crippling for the
millions upon millions of retired Americans that are on a fixed income. Sadly,
most elderly Americans have no idea what the Federal Reserve is doing to their
financial futures. Most Americans that are approaching retirement age have not
adequately saved for retirement, and the Social Security system that they are
depending on is going to completely and totally collapse in the coming
now, approximately 56 million Americans are collecting Social Security
benefits. By 2035, that number is projected to grow to a whopping 91 million. By law, the Social
Security trust fund must be invested in U.S. government securities. But
thanks to the low interest rate policies of the Federal Reserve, the average
interest rate on those securities just keeps dropping and dropping.
trustees of the Social Security system had projected that the Social Security
trust fund would be completely gone by 2033, but because of the Fed policy of
keeping interest rates exceptionally low for the foreseeable future it is now
being projected by some analysts that Social Security will be bankrupt by 2023. Overall, the Social
Security system is facing a 134 trillion dollar shortfall over the next 75
years. Yes, you read that correctly. The collapse of Social Security is
inevitable, and the foolish policies of the Federal Reserve are going to make
that collapse happen much more rapidly.
only way that the Social Security system is going to be able to stay solvent is
for the Social Security trust fund to earn a healthy level of interest.
law, all money deposited in the Social Security trust fund must be invested in
U.S. government securities. The following is from the
official website of the Social Security Administration....
By law, income to the trust funds must be invested, on a daily basis, in securities guaranteed as to both principal and interest by the Federal government. All securities held by the trust funds are "special issues" of the United States Treasury. Such securities are available only to the trust funds.
In the past, the trust funds have held marketable Treasury securities, which are available to the general public. Unlike marketable securities, special issues can be redeemed at any time at face value. Marketable securities are subject to the forces of the open market and may suffer a loss, or enjoy a gain, if sold before maturity. Investment in special issues gives the trust funds the same flexibility as holding cash.
in order for the Social Security Ponzi scheme to work, those investments in
government securities need to produce healthy returns.
the ultra-low interest rate policy of the Federal Reserve is making this
average rate of interest earned by the Social Security trust fund has declined
from 6.1 percent in January 2003 to 3.9 percent today, and it is going to
continue to go even lower as long as the Fed continues to keep interest rates
super low.
recent article by Bruce
Krasting detailed how this works. Just check out the
following example....
$135 billion of old bonds matured this year. This money was rolled over into new bonds with a yield of only 1.375%. The average yield on the maturing securities was 5.64%. The drop in yield on the new securities lowers SSA’s income by $5.7B annually. Over the fifteen year term of the investments, that comes to a lumpy $86 billion.
what happens when the Social Security trust fund runs dry?
Bruce Krasting also noted, all Social Security payments
would immediately be cut by 25 percent.....
Anyone who is 55 or older should be worried about this. Based on current law, all SS benefit payments must be cut by (approximately) 25% when the TF is exhausted. This will affect 72 million people. The economic consequences will be severe.
other words, it would be a complete and total nightmare.
the truth is that the Social Security trust fund might not even make it into
the next decade. Most Social Security trust fund projections assume that
there will be no recessions and that there will be a very healthy rate of
growth for the U.S. economy over the next decade.
what happens if we have another major recession or worse?
most Americans know that something is up with Social Security. According
to a Gallup survey, 67 percent of all Americans believe
that there will be a Social Security crisis within 10 years.
of the problem is that there are way too many people retiring and not nearly
enough workers to support them.
in 1950, each retiree's Social Security benefit was paid for by 16 U.S. workers.
But now things are much different. According to new data from the U.S.
Bureau of Labor Statistics, there are now only 1.75 full-time private sector workers for each person that is
receiving Social Security benefits in the United States.
remember, the number of Americans drawing on Social Security will increase by
another 35 million by the year 2035.
factor that is rapidly becoming a major problem is the growth of the Social
Security disability program.
2008, 3.6 million more Americans have been
added to the rolls of the Social Security disability insurance program.
more than 8.7 million Americans are collecting Social Security disability
how does this compare to the past?
in August 1967, there were approximately 65 workers for each
American that was collecting Social Security disability payments.
there are only 16.2 workers for each
American that is collecting Social Security disability payments.
Social Security Ponzi scheme is rapidly approaching a crisis point.
the Federal Reserve has made it incredibly difficult to save for your own
upon millions of Baby Boomers that diligently saved money for retirement are
finding that their savings accounts are paying out next to nothing thanks to
the ultra-low interest rate policies of the Federal Reserve.
following is one example of how the low interest
rate policies of the Fed have completely devastated the retirement plans of
many elderly Americans....
You can understand the impact of the invisible tax on the elderly by watching the decline of interest income from $50,000 invested in a five-year Treasury obligation. As recently as 2000, this would have yielded about 6.15 percent and an interest income of $3,075 a year. Now the same obligation is yielding 0.7 percent and an interest income of $350 a year. This is the lowest yield on this maturity of Treasury debt since the Federal Reserve started keeping an index of the yields in 1953.
But it's more than a low interest rate. It's an income decline of nearly 89 percent in just 12 years.
after you account for inflation, those that put money into savings accounts
today are actually losing money.
course most Americans have not saved up much money for retirement anyway.
According to the Employee Benefit Research Institute, 46 percent of all American workers
have less than $10,000 saved for retirement, and 29 percent of all American workers
have less than $1,000 saved for retirement.
a study conducted by Boston College's Center for Retirement Research discovered
that American workers are $6.6
trillion short of what they need to retire comfortably.
needless to say, we have a major problem.
Boomers are just starting to retire and the Social Security system is still
solvent at the moment, and yet the number of elderly Americans that are
experiencing financial problems is already soaring.
example, between 1991 and 2007 the number of Americans between the ages of 65
and 74 that filed for bankruptcy rose by a staggering 178 percent.
at this point one
out of every six elderly Americans is already living below the
federal poverty line.
how bad are things going to be when Social Security collapses?
is frightening to think about.
the short-term, millions upon millions of retired Americans that are living on
fixed incomes are going to be absolutely crushed by the inflation that QE3 is
going to cause.
like we saw with QE1 and QE2, a lot of the money from QE3 is going to end up in
agricultural commodities and oil. That means that retirees (and all the
rest of us) are going to end up paying more for food at the supermarket and
gasoline at the pump.
those on fixed incomes are not going to see a corresponding increase in their
incomes. That means that their standards of living will go down.
are tough for retirees right now, but they are going to get a lot tougher.
now, there are somewhere around 40 million senior citizens. By 2050 that
number is projected to increase to 89 million.
how will our society cope with more than twice as many senior citizens?
we will likely never get to find out.
truth is that our system is almost certainly going to totally collapse long
before then.
are rapidly approaching a financial crisis unlike anything we have ever seen
before in U.S. history, and the foolish policies of the Federal Reserve just
keep making things even worse.
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