Helmut Kohl, the former German chancellor, used to say that his landmark
European project — economic and monetary union (EMU) — was a matter of war and
peace. It would make European conflict impossible. Kohl got it partly right,
partly wrong, for different reasons than those he anticipated.
Europe is
enduring a long-running but profoundly unsettling ceasefire between debtors and
creditors. Neither war nor peace is breaking out. As long as doubt persists on
whether the euro truce will hold, so will the uncertainty overhanging the world
economy. That encapsulates the mood of many participants at the annual meetings
of the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank that ended at the weekend
in Tokyo.
As one Asian
central banker put it: “We will not have a disaster, but we will not have a
solution.” A large fault line in EMU runs through Germany, which the IMF openly
blames for not having alleviated far earlier the running sore and vicious
circle of low EMU growth and persistent imbalances.
The European
Central Bank, on the other hand, emerged from the meetings with reputation and
credibility intact. An important point underlined by ECB President Mario
Draghi, and backed up by key governing council members such as Austria central
bank governor Ewald Nowotny, is that the ECB has to remain distant from the “will
they, won’t they?” kerfuffle over whether the Spanish government will apply to
European governments (and the IMF) for a new bailout program.
is necessary so that errant-but-reforming states “do not take the money and
run”, according to central banking insiders. But before the ECB can decide
whether countries such as Spain can tap its so-far-unused OMT facility to buy
allegedly unlimited quantities of state bonds, the conditionality has to be
applied by lending governments, not the ECB.
In two important
aspects, decision-makers from both emerging market and developed economies are
in agreement.
euro-member states have made important strides in enacting fiscal and
structural reforms and achieving productivity gains, as well as putting into
place mutual-assistance credit mechanisms and laying the groundwork for better
economic governance and financial surveillance. A senior Japanese policy-maker
gives Europe “nine out of 10 for effort” in trying to rectify the mistakes of
the first 10 euro years.
Mario Draghi,
president of the European Central Bank
Second, and less
optimistic: positive economic changes have been achieved largely at the cost of
sharp increases in unemployment and a reduction in social welfare in the
most-affected peripheral countries. This has damaged political and social
cohesion and throws into doubt whether the edifice will remain sustainable.
One sign of a
reduction in stress in Europe, highlighted by key euro officials in Tokyo, has
been a fall in the Bundesbank’s claims on the ECB under the Target-2 interbank
payments system. However, the 7.5% fall in September to just under 700 billion
euro still leaves Germany’s Target balance 50% higher than at the start of 2012
— demonstrating how much the Bundesbank’s balance sheet is potentially at risk
from euro area strains.
This is why it
is vital for the euro’s future that recent
signs of a reflow of capital into countries like Spain are maintained.
Asian central
banks, major state funds, and other large institutional investors are still
holding back from large-scale euro commitments, leaving short-term speculators
as well as (potentially) official European creditors to shoulder the burden. As
a leading Japanese investor puts it: “Once confidence [in the euro] is lost,
it’s difficult to recover.”
Investors’ lack
of euro enthusiasm increases the probability that in future further debt
restructurings (at least for Greece), public-sector creditors will have to pay.
That’s a time bomb ticking under already weakening public acceptance of the
euro in Germany.
The magnitude of
the European crisis has at least made everyone agree on EMU’s deep-seated
flaws. In particular these concern the failure to implement convincing
coordination of European states’ fiscal policies to accompany union in the
monetary sphere, and the lack of adequate Europeanization of banking
supervision and regulation.
In a new,
compelling book on the origins of EMU, Professor Harold James of Princeton
University, a member of the Official Monetary and Financial Institutions Forum
Advisory Board, chronicles with scholarly precision how EMU’s founding fathers
were aware of the need to embed monetary union into the right framework to
correct the excesses that in fact have arisen — and how the edifice was only
James titles his
work “Making the European Monetary Union” (rather than using the official
phrase “economic and monetary union”) to denote how the job was unfinished.
Using previously secret documentation made available from central banking
archives, as well as his own colossal historical insights and experience, James
provides a masterful overview of the process of building a common money. There
is no doubt that, on the technical side, the experts were well aware of the
design errors.
A near-constant
atmosphere of living on a cliff-edge, and the global expectation that Europe
should take steps to clear up its own now- tragically evident shortcomings, can
spur progress. Yet achieving a form of political union in Europe that was
impossible in much more benign circumstances before EMU started requires
overcoming both already existing hurdles as well as new ones that have risen in
the meantime.
In particular, a
fundamental rebalancing is required between creditors and debtors, with both
sides expressing indignation and antagonism at what they both see as
unjustified sacrifices. This rebalancing is much more difficult to carry out
when the cash sums involved have reached astronomical proportions.
So Europe fears
war, hopes for peace, and gets neither. Not quite what Kohl had in mind.
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