The coming giant black hole of credit destruction
By Nicole Foss
Japan is not a good example of
how deflation typically plays out. As Ilargi points out, they were an exporting
powerhouse exporting into the biggest consumption boom the world has ever seen.
They also had a very large pile of money to burn through building their four
lane highways from nowhere to nowhere, since they were the world's largest
creditor when their bubble burst in 1989. This is clearly not our situation.
No one will be exporting their
way out of a global economic depression. In contrast, exporters are going to
feel the pain big time as their markets dry up. We can expect trade wars and
protectionism to abound. Take note Germany, Scandinavia, Australia, New Zealand
etc etc.
We have had the inflation,
only instead of a currency hyperinflation, we experienced a 30 year credit
hyper-expansion. Either one amounts to an expansion of money plus credit
compared to available goods and services, and is therefore inflation. Credit is
equivalent to money on the way up, but not on the way down. Credit loses
'moneyness' and credit instruments are massively devalued in a great
deleveraging. This is deflation by definition and it is already underway. Debt
monetization is nothing in comparison with the scale of the excess claims to
underlying real wealth that stand to be eliminated.
I agree that the currency of a
deflating nation strengthens. This is exactly why we have been writing about
the value of the US dollar increasing, which it has done. The bottom came in a
long time ago, and despite the set backs that are an integral part of a fractal
market, the trend is up, and will be for some time. That's not to say it will
be for the long term - far from it in fact - but for now that is the case. We
have made it clear that cash is a short term bet (of the order of a few years),
and that the longer term strategy is to move into hard goods at the point when
one can reasonably afford to do so with no debt.
Some could do so now, while
others would have to wait for prices to fall, as they inevitably do in a
deflation, but not immediately. Price movements follow changes in the money
supply. We have been in a counter-trend reflation since 2009, and prices have risen
as a result. They may continue to do so for a while after the reflation is
clearly over, but then the trend will reverse.
Prices will fall, but
purchasing power will fall faster, meaning that prices will rise in real terms
for most people. Those who have preserved capital as liquidity will find their
purchasing power enormously increased, but most others will lose purchasing
power because they will have no access to credit, highly unfavourable
employment circumstances, rising property taxes and very little actual money.
The fiat currency regime will
eventually descend into chaos as beggar-thy-neighbour devaluations become the
norm, but not everyone can devalue at will or at once. The market will decide
relative values for the next while.
Money will go from where the
fear is to where the fear is not. It will be leaving the European periphery,
and increasingly the entire eurozone, and flooding into currencies like the
USD, the Swiss franc, the Swedish krona, and temporarily the British pound. It
doesn't matter if the US is downgraded. Market participants will ignore the
ratings agencies and vote with their feet on a kneejerk flight to safety.
You might think that the US
indicators are much closer to the hyperinflation set-up than to deflation. I
would disagree of course, for reasons Ilargi has explained (plummeting velocity of
money for instance). I would also point out that people extrapolate the trend
of the last three years forward, but fail to anticipate trend changes. We are
in one. Many markets have topped already (gold, silver, commodities, oil etc),
and the rolling top of the last year or so is about to claim the American stock
market as well.
The rollover in the markets
will drag the real economy down with it, with a time lag, since the time
constant for changes in the real economy is much longer than for the financial
world where value is virtual. We are headed into the teeth of the Greatest
Depression, or at least the most significant one since the fourteenth century.
Hyperinflation is simply not
on the cards any time soon. The depression will proceed for many years before
that becomes a serious risk, unless you live in the European periphery that is,
where currency reissue is a very real risk in the relatively short term.
In those currencies, loss of
faith in New Drachmas, New Pesetas or New Lira is very likely, and the
periphery countries will be cut off from international debt financing, with
hyperinflationary results. That is not the situation in the US at all, and
won't be for quite a long time. Eventually, when international debt financing
is dead and buried, then printing will be a risk and a loss of faith in the
erstwhile reserve currency could be expected.
In the meantime, debts
defaults are going to skyrocket, each one doing its bit to destroy the value of
credit instruments, and subtract from the effective money supply. This is
already underway, and the great asset grab has begun as a result. Witness the asset
stripping of Greece for instance.
In Europe, endless bailouts of
sovereigns and the well-connected are doing nothing to increase the money
supply or the velocity of money. In contrast, the ineffectuality of governments
is doing nothing more than feeding the cycle of fear by demonstrating their
impotence time after time. They are trying to overcome contraction, but are
fighting an irresistible headwind. It is not going to work. Europe is already
in contraction, and as fear will be increasingly in the ascendancy, that will
only get worse.
Government obligations will be
shed right, left and centre (by governments of the right, left and centre)
because they will have no choice. Yes, this will lead to anarchical unrest, and
yes, this will be met with a heavy-handed repressive response. Social
polarization is very much on the cards - governments vs people, haves vs
have-nots, natives vs immigrants, employers vs workers, unionized vs
non-unionized, Us vs Them in general terms. This will not be pretty, to say the
least. Just because it is a bad thing does not mean that it cannot happen, or
that government, by their actions, can make any difference to the outcome.
Bailouts are never for the
little guy. The creditors hold the political power and write the rules. They
will not allow debtors off the hook. Instead of repayment in money, they will
take people's freedom instead, making debt slavery much more real than it is
today. Debts will not be forgiven, but sold on to more aggressive debt
collectors. This is already happening in the US, where debt collection is
becoming increasingly unconscionable.
Debts will only be effectively
forgiven when people have nothing useful to repay, not even their labour. By
then the middle classes will probably be living in latter day Hoovervilles,
like the Villas Miserias populated by the formerly middle class Argentines.
Savers will have all the
buying power, IF they have managed to get their savings away from dependence on
the solvency of middle men. Otherwise they will likely disappear in a giant
black hole of credit destruction, as yet more excess claims to underlying real
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