Holy debates, Obatman! For
all the personal dislike for each other said to exist between these two
ordained priests of American capitalism – often misidentified as Free Market
Enterprise – Mitt Romney and Barack Obama have shown to be equally adept at
dealing with trivia and secondary issues… and equally inept at dealing with
every substantive issue.
Their polemical theatrics have
not tackled head on any of the significant issues affecting the nation’s direction
– assuming there is a charted course we’re navigating – by way of any specific
domestic or foreign policy. And that unequivocally affects the
nation’s viability in the short, medium and long term.
Perhaps substantive matters
are not meant to be debated, lest debaters be found out in either deceit or
ignorance. Montaigne said it best when he wrote, “Men only debate and
question of the branch, not of the tree.” [Essays II.xii.]
And all three debates have been about the branches and foliage… and not once
about the tree (our nation) and our need to diagnose its health, and if found
to be diseased, propose a plan of cure. But the duopoly has chosen
for us two arborists who either lack mastery in the field or, the most likely
reason, lie to the public for motives which are personally or politically
expeditious. That’s the price Americans must pay for their corrupt
two-party system.
It would have been helpful if
there had been meaningful questions asked of the candidates to the presidency
by either the moderator or a select panel of experts; or if the candidates had
exhibited vision and/or courage to bring to the debate – something totally
absent in all three debates; questions not just for the candidates to answer,
but for the voter to better understand what is at stake in this
election. Why do we maintain this political taboo that forces us not to
look at ourselves, our institutions or our imperial, undemocratic form of
government? Is it our Americentricity?
Only the idealistic among us
would expect, no, require, that transcendental issues be addressed by the
candidates. Issues such as: the unconstitutional power-ascendancy of
the Supreme Court; the obscene influence that money has on elections; the question
of universal healthcare or the sacrosanctity of social security; or why we
insist on being an empire with a quarter of the world under our
protection. However, there were other critical issues of interest to most
voters that weren’t touched, or where direct answers were not demanded from the
two candidates, such as:
If our level of consumption
continues to exceed, and by a considerable amount, our level of production,
what remedial options do we have other than to keep on borrowing ad
infinitum? But that’s a topic no politician would dare
touch. Yet, isn’t Greece really a 1/30th scale economic model of the
US? Then, why do we point the finger at Greece as a mismanaged
economy, or at the EU as a welfare model, when we should be pointing that
finger at the US with a de facto bankrupt economy?
Why do the candidates talk
about bringing back those good paying manufacturing jobs when we know for a
fact that most manufacturing jobs now being created pay only half as much… and
that the jobs which were exported during the past three decades are gone… gone…
forever gone? That globalization is a fact of capitalism totally
embraced by business and government during the last two decades, Democrats and
Republicans holding hands on this issue? Is either candidate in
favor of reverting to the economic model of protectionism (tariffs,
Can either candidate answer
why government fails to address economic problems in a timely manner, waiting
until it’s irremediable late? Such as accounting for short-funding
of state pensions (one trillion), or the eventual cataclysm in student loans
(one trillion), or the eventual rescuing of municipalities and conniving banks
(again), or the unfunded costs of taking care of our own victim-heroes of the
new expeditionary wars.
How can a fully matured
economy such as the United States afford a national debt which is likely to
exceed during the next presidential cycle the nation’s GDP by more than 25
percent? I fear that Standard and Poor’s recent credit downgrade of
the US is far too small and accommodating, tainted perhaps by misguided
And in foreign policy, for all
the talk by both candidates in addressing the problems besetting the Middle
East, they both failed miserably in identifying the key to success for the US: helping,
insisting, forcing a solution in the creation of a 2-state Palestine. The
United States will not attain credibility with the people in the Middle East
unless and until Palestinians are given a fair deal. Yet Palestinian
claims did not enter the debate, only Israel’s concern with Iran attaining
nuclear capability.
Here we are two weeks before
Election Day and we are told that the election is too close to call, that
either Obama or Romney could win the election. Well, perhaps the
winner cannot be predicted, but we know for sure who the loser will be:
Americans… all Americans except for those who are part of the Thug-elite.
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