Now that the billion-dollar theatrics
between various vested interests have finally concluded, it's time to ask if
there is an end-game to Imperial over-reach and corporatocracy.
The Status Quo
won--no surprise there, as there was no other choice offered.
The Imperial Presidency won, too, of course; anyone anywhere can
still be assassinated by order of the Imperial President, regardless of their
citizenship. Anyone can be labeled "an enemy of the State" and either
liquidated (high fives all around!) or crushed by the Espionage Act
(transparency is a crime), Patriot Act (dissent is also criminal), the NDAA, or
maybe another Executive Order.
The neofeudal
Aristocracy also won, as vested interests were free to buy "free
speech" in unlimited quantities.
Everyone at the
trough of the Central State won, as the welfare state--personal transfers and
corporate welfare, there's something for everyone--has created its own Id
Monster, the tyranny of the majority: Tyranny of the Majority, Corporate Welfare and Complicity (April
9, 2010).
This pursuit of
self-interest guarantees that the Savior State will lurch off the fiscal cliff
at some point, much to the dismay of everyone feeding off it; it was supposed
to be permanent, right? Alas, as the Buddha taught, permanence is illusory,
even for global Empires.
for the Status Quo, this is the apogee of "extend and pretend." When the wheels finally come off the global economy in 2013, the Status
Quo will not be able to "save the day" by lowering interest rates to
zero--interest rates have already been zero for four years.
The Powers That Be
will not be able to "save the day" by borrowing and blowing $1.3
trillion a year in "free money," because we've already been borrowing
and blowing $1+ trillion every year for four years.
The Federal Reserve
won't be able to "save the day" by buying $80 billion in Treasuries
and mortgages every month--the infamous QE--it's already buying $80 billion a
month, and has been doing so for four years.
means the bag of tricks to "save us from recession" is finally empty. The next recession will sink its teeth
into the Savior State and all the protected fiefdoms and cartels with a
vengeance built up by four years of "extend and pretend."
failure of "extend and pretend" and the Status Quo that sold it as
the "fix" opens up the possibility that crisis will lead to real
reform, the kind that requires a Constitutional Convention.
The Constitution
allows for Constitutional Conventions, though one has never been called. In
effect, every major 80-year crisis (the Civil War and World War II) was
resolved with borrowed money, abundant cheap energy and an expansion of
presidential powers.
Now that we're in a
debt hole that deepens every day, and the Imperial Presidency already has
virtually unlimited power, these are no longer solutions, they have become the
Constitutional Convention might focus on the four primary threats to democracy:
1. The corruption
of elections. Perhaps corporations should not be considered people, regardless
of what our intellectually bankrupt Supreme Court thinks. Perhaps publicly
funded elections that cannot be corrupted with unlimited cash are an essential
feature of authentic democracy.
2. The unlimited
ability to borrow and monetize. No doubt the nation needs the flexibility to
borrow money in times of crisis and war, but it is wise to enable unlimited
borrowing and monetization via the Federal Reserve? The ability to borrow is a
form of self-destruction which we will experience soon enough. Perhaps the
Federal Reserve and the State's ability to borrow should be eliminated and we
should start over with a system that isn't based on artifice and perception
3. The Imperial
Presidency was not what the Founding Fathers had in mind--it was precisely what
they feared. Perhaps it is time to revisit limitations on Presidential powers.
4. Post-Imperial
America. Empire is affordable as long as the Empire can scoop up enough wealth
via expansion to fund its ever-higher overhead. Once the inflow of wealth falls
behind the rising costs of Empire, the Empire collapses. The Constitution
doesn't preclude global Empire, but perhaps it should. Is Empire and the
Imperial Presidency what America is about, or should be about?
sounds like a decent year for crisis that cannot be wished away with perception
management and "extend and pretend" financial slight-of-hand. That which is unsustainable will go away, and the Status Quo is
unsustainable on multiple levels.
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