America is becoming a major energy
producer. Will this be a boon or a bane to our country?
by Kori Schake
“Rise early, work hard, and strike oil”
was Rockefeller’s advice to young people looking to become successful. Today,
the formula for success is quite different: academia advises to avoid striking
oil, for it will doom a country’s economy to lower growth, and its society to
bad governance. This advice results from studies in economics and political
science purporting to show that countries that rely on extractive industries
like oil tend not to develop as robustly and be as well-governed as those
without the benefit of natural resources. This is called the “resource curse.”
The subject is of more than academic
interest. As the United States becomes a major energy producer, will it become
subject to the resource curse? Probably not. If the phenomenon really does
exist, it flourishes in countries that lack strong institutions, governmental
accountability, and already diverse economies. There is no reason to believe
the political cultures of established democracies like the United States would
be subject to the curse.
Discoveries of new gas fields along with
innovations in recovery of shale, coal seam, and tight gas will turn the United
States, Israel, Canada, Australia, and potentially other nations into major
energy-producing countries. Production and estimates of reserves have grown
steadily as technological innovations expand drilling and generation of power
from gas.
These developments will have
far-reaching effects, both economically and politically. Trade balances will be
significantly altered as oil imports are reduced and gas becomes a major
export. The United States is the world’s largest petroleum consumer,
importing 45 percent of our needs; eliminating that will dramatically change
our balance of trade. Gas will probably still trail oil and coal as an energy
source for decades (the International Energy Agency predicts oil’s dominance
until at least 2035, and coal only provisionally overtaken then). But our
reduced dependence will have beneficial consequences even in the near term.
What Will
Happen to Oil-Producing Nations?
The changing nature of energy markets
will alter the political importance of oil- producing countries. As oil
declines as a percentage of U.S. energy consumption, we will have greater
latitude in whether and how we engage countries that are oil producers. If oil
eventually becomes substitutable with other energy sources, or exports from
Canada and Mexico displace those from the Middle East, the United States would
likely have less need to be involved in that region. Oil markets are global, of
course, and American interests are engaged not only in our own supplies but
also those of allies and interlocked economies.
Still, diversification of energy markets
will mean that producers have less influence and likely less power to set
prices. Russia, for example, needs a market price of $129 per barrel of oil to
sustain its government spending program; the further oil prices drop as other
fuels become available and substitutable, the more difficult it becomes for
Russia to sustain a petro-economy. Yet Russia has so far proved incapable of
diversifying its economy beyond energy production. Where other industries have
developed, they are associated with corruption and political favoritism on a
repugnant scale.
Russia is not alone among
energy-producing countries in its inability to build a vibrant economy
alongside the oil production that is its mainstay. In fact, most oil-producing
countries cannot, or at least have not, diversified. Most countries that
develop extractive industries—whether oil, diamonds, or minerals mining—do not
create the balanced economies that characterize countries without their natural
resource cornucopia.
In economics, the phenomenon is
described as the Paradox of Plenty: Countries with natural resources tend to
have lower rates of economic growth than those without, and tend also not to
develop diversified economies.
In political science, the phenomenon is
explored in terms of its effects on governance and on violence both within and
between societies. It is labeled the resource curse: countries with economies
built around extractive industries are more prone to domestic conflict, tend
toward authoritarianism, and have significantly higher levels of corruption.
Extractive industries such as oil or
diamonds tend to be fixed. They don’t expand the economic pies. Certainly,
countries can affect the amount they extract, and often the prices they can
charge, by improvements in production, transportation, and other policy
variables. But the revenue streams are usually pretty reliably known, and
political debate centers on distribution of income within a society. This holds
true whether resource-producing countries are generally wealthy (the Gulf
states) or poor (Nigeria): The paradox of plenty is insensitive to level of
Countries reliant on extractive
industries also tend to tax companies rather than citizens, and such taxes are
their main revenue sources. This causes the state to be less accountable to its
citizens and gives it greater incentives to use repressive means against its
population to serve the interests of companies and elites that benefit from
government policies.
Curse or Development Curse?
A World Bank study concluded that
primary commodity exports correlate strongly with the likelihood of conflict:
Countries in which commodity exports account for 25 percent of GDP have a 33
percent likelihood of conflict, whereas a similar country that only exported 5
percent would have only a 6 percent likelihood of conflict. This would seem to
give significant support to the theory of the resource curse. But these data
include not solely natural resources, but commodities more broadly, like
agricultural products. Countries for which farm exports are trade mainstays
would not prove the resource curse; it speaks to a country’s level of
development, not the sectorial distribution.
Conflating the level of development with
extractive industry, as this study does, causes serious analytic problems.
Countries with lower levels of development have, in much greater incidence, the
problems of governance and societal violence the resource curse claims to
prove. For the resource curse to be persuasive, it must pertain across levels
of development and regime type. But it does not.
Moreover, the resource curse seems less
and less to correlate across development levels as the new energy resources are
discovered in countries with diverse economies and stable governance. Norway is
not becoming Nigeria because it is a major oil producer; it retains the ability
to govern itself well and use its oil revenues in ways that foster other
sectors of the economy. Australia seems unlikely to fall under authoritarian
rule despite the prevalence of mining in its economy.
It could, of course, be that the anemic
effects of extractive industries take considerable time to be felt across a
society that has a high level of economic diversity, institutionalized
governance, and habits of accountability. Norway could creep slowly away from
the rectitude that has made its government a model of transparency and
responsiveness to its citizens; in Australia, collusion between Big Business
and politicians could grow beyond the ability of its citizens to control it.
Causation or Correlation?
The resource curse falsely attributes
causation to a country’s reliance on extractive industries when, in fact, the
relationship is merely correlative. That is, Nigeria is not badly governed and
underdeveloped because it struck oil; it is just badly governed and
underdeveloped. There are historical, political, and cultural reasons for its
difficulties that matter at least as much as the economic fact of its natural
resources. Making Nigeria a better country for its people does not involve
reducing its reliance on oil so much as improving its governance.
Countries that have accountable
governments tend to be more prosperous than those without. Countries that have
the rule of law tend to be more prosperous than those without. Governance is a
better indicator of potential prosperity than the industries that drive the
economy. This was the logic behind the shift in development assistance ushered
in by the Bush Administration, known as the Millennium Challenge approach,
which works with poor countries to improve governance, advance economic
freedom, and establish patterns of societal investment that set the country up
for greater prosperity. It has been a huge success, showing that countries
willing to address problems of governance can get themselves out of the traps
of underdevelopment and bad governance.
Possessing natural resources is not a
danger sign for a country; it is a potential asset that, when paired with good
governance, serves its people well. Academics have rightly identified the
correlation of extractive industries and bad governance in underdeveloped
countries. But the deficiencies of governance look to be more important than
the existence of extractive industries in determining whether a country
develops a diverse economy with high growth rates.
Despite the intellectual popularity of
the resource curse, it does not appear to hold much explanatory power in the
case of current energy producers. It will hold much less as countries with
established democratic institutions and habits become more prevalent among
energy exporters.
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