One of my sources in Japan was told about a yearend
Bonenkai party where an official from the Ministry of Finance, the most
powerful ministry at the core of Japan Inc., had let slip some things, perhaps
after one too many drinks. He confirmed the view propagated by the Liberal
Democratic Party, the victor in Sunday’s election, that the Bank of Japan
wasn’t doing its job, that it was just giving away money to the banks which
then bought Japanese government bonds instead of channeling it into the real
“That’s why the Ministry of Finance is trying to gain
control over the Bank of Japan,” he said. “The Ministry of Finance has pride in
its ability and is much more qualified to run things than the Bank of Japan.”
Turf war. For him and his ilk, independence of the
central bank is a non-sequitur. And elected politicians, when they try to bring
the powerful bureaucracy under democratic control, are a nuisance. Prime
Minister Yoshihiko Noda and his Democratic Party of Japan had attempted to do
that. Now they’re out.
So a new government is being formed by the party that
ran the show for fifty years after World War II and is responsible for building
the very institutions and structures that got Japan to where it is today. With
a new prime minister, Shinzo Abe—who’d already been through the annually
revolving prime-ministerial door in 2006/2007. This “new” government is going
to fix whatever ails Japan by spending even more money and by wrestling control
over the printing press away from the Bank of Japan.
Alas, Japan engaged in “quantitative easing” on a
massive scale long before the term had been invented. It has followed the most
profligate Keynesian stimulus policies for two decades. Well over half of its
current budget is paid for with borrowed money. The country is drowning in
liquidity. Interest rates have been at zero or near zero for over a decade. And
by the end of this fiscal year, gross national debt will hit 240% of GDP, the
highest in the world [for how the MoF plans to deal with that debt, read.... Japanese Ministry of
Finance To Bondholders: You’re Screwed!].
But the economy, unlike Greece’s, is not in shambles,
though it’s not exactly humming either. Unemployment is 4.2%, the low for the year, and down from the all-time high of 5.6% set in 2009.
Youth unemployment, while causing all sorts of hand-wringing, has been
improving. One measure: 61% of the high school students to graduate in March
(end of school year) have already accepted job offers, up from 58.6% last year.
In the US, we don’t even track that.
The overwhelming problem Japan has is of fiscal
nature: debt and deficits can no longer be brought under control. Interest
rates have to remain at near zero because the state can no
longer afford to pay anything beyond that. Public and private pension funds are
unable to earn a yield on much of their holdings but must pay out ballooning
benefits to ever more retirees while the number of workers who are paying into
these funds is shrinking.
Young people have grown up with this scenario, see it
every day, know there is no longer a good exit from the debacle. It’s too late.
The pile of debt is too big. Promises about job security and retirement are
illusory. They work longer hours for less pay than their predecessors, don’t
have enough money to move out from home, and consume practically everything
they make [ The Pauperization
Of Japan].
Their plight has kept Japan competitive—”thanks” to
the labor market reforms by Junichiro Koizumi, Prime Minister from 2001 to
2006. More such reforms are on the way. Consumption tax increases have already
been passed. If the new government has its way, there will be inflation—final
straw for the young, whose wages won’t keep up with it. These are some of the
consequences of a deficit-funded joyride by Japan Inc., the current generation
of retirees and near-retirees, and other interest groups.
But they’re leaving their mark on young people in
unexpected ways. Gender inequality, for example. A legendary issue in Japan. In
1992, when the government first surveyed its citizens on it, 60% agreed with
the statement: “Husbands should work outside, while wives stay at home.” The survey was repeated sporadically; each time, the
percentage dropped. By 2009, only 41.3% agreed with it—modern times after all.
The next survey results were released today: those who thought wives should
stay at home jumped 10.3 percentage points to 51.6%. The
highest since 1997. A surprising reversal.
Surprising because of its origin. It wasn’t the older
generation, but the young: 55.7% of the men in their 20s thought so, up from
34.3%; and a flabbergasting 43.7% of the women in their 20s agreed with it, up
from 27.8%. These are not rounding errors or statistical aberrations but
enormous shifts in attitudes.
“I suspect young people today are deeply concerned
about their future,” explained Prof. Kakuko Miyata of Meiji Gakuin University,
an expert on social psychology. She fingered the economic malaise young people
are stuck in and added that “they may wish for the home to be a source of
emotional support.” Well, instead of starting businesses to getting things
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