By Joseph A. Harriss
JITTERS came in September when two small homemade bombs were thrown into a
crowded Jewish grocery store in suburban Paris. The attack was largely
symbolic—windows were broken, a few patrons injured—but it was yet another wake-up
call to a country still in denial about the extent of the Islamist threat.
Police tracked the bomb-thrower to Strasbourg, where he welcomed them to his
apartment with fire from a .357 Magnum before being shot. Raids in Paris, Nice,
and Cannes netted 11 others ready to kill for love of Allah, one of them
arrested as he returned home from his local mosque carrying a loaded rifle.
Along with a list of targets and jihadist literature preaching war against
France, the police found a small arsenal for that purpose: an assault rifle, a
12-gauge shotgun with 800 cartridges, and materials for making time bombs. An
investigator said it all amounted to “an operational unit that was much more
dangerous than we had thought.”
The authorities’ surprise at
the extent of Islamist determination to take down France is itself surprising.
Only a few months before, Mohamed Merah, a 23-year-old Frenchman of Algerian
descent, had shot three French soldiers in the south of France, then
slaughtered a teacher, the man’s two young sons, and an 8-year-old girl at a
Jewish school in Toulouse before gendarmes satisfied his desire for a martyr’s
death. Despite his declared goal of “bringing France to its knees,” his
proclaimed affiliation with al Qaeda, and his training trips to Afghanistan,
Egypt, Turkey, Syria, Lebanon, and Jordan, the government preferred to describe
him as a lone fanatic. “For heaven’s sake,” it said in effect, “don’t blame
terrorism on France’s peace-loving Muslim community.” The dozen jihadists
arrested in the raids knew better: They praised Mohamed Merah as their role
Like him, they typify the new
French jihadist, who no longer arrives on strike missions from the Middle East
but is home grown. (And there are plenty of potential recruits. If America’s
Muslim population were proportionate to France’s, it would number nearly 40
million.) Most come from the festering public housing projects surrounding all
major cities, the banlieues that have been turned into zones
de non-droit, lawless neighborhoods where police dare not venture for fear
of provoking violent, stone-throwing, car-burning riots. Far from the
glittering Champs Élysées and trendy Saint-Germain-des-Près, these areas are
seen by neither tourists nor the French bourgeoisie. The conservative British
writer Theodore Dalrymple aptly calls them “threatening cities of darkness”
surrounding the City of Light. They come, too, from France’s overloaded
prisons. Impressionable young convicts, disproportionately Muslim, are easily
radicalized by self-appointed imams.
But if bomb-throwing jihadists
are the cutting edge of militant Islam’s campaign to conquer France, cowing the
population and instilling a climate of fear, a more insidious danger is the
temptation to self-censorship and appeasement. Running scared, French
authorities are trying to avoid anything that might possibly offend Muslims.
The recent flap over
caricatures of Muhammad published in a French satirical weekly, Charlie
Hebdo, revealed the government’s pusillanimity in all its glory. The
cartoons, showing The Prophet in, shall we say, compromising positions in the
buff, were the paper’s way of mocking the overwrought Muslim reaction to the
amateurish online video “Innocence of Muslims.” The authorities had pleaded
with the paper’s editors not to publish the cartoons for fear of offending the
Arab population; when they went ahead in the name of press freedom, the
government cravenly rebuked them for lacking “good judgment.” In his rejoinder,
the paper’s editor, Stéphane Charbonnier, neatly summed up the poisonous double
standard in today’s France: “It’s officially okay for us to attack conservative
Catholics, but we can’t poke fun at Islamist fundamentalists,” he said. “It
shows the climate here. Everyone is driven by fear, which is exactly what this
handful of extremists wants.” Significantly, only 51 percent of French citizens
supported the paper’s position.
the writer Bat Ye’or from the Arabic noun dhimmi, meaning a non-Muslimcitizen of an Islamic state, dhimmitude describes the submissive condition of
second-class citizens subject to special taxes and other humiliations. What
they say and do must be approved by Islamic authorities. In her prescient bookEurabia,
Ye’or predicted that some European nations would adopt “a strict political
correctness that brooks no criticism of Arab governments or Muslim immigrants,
and that, in deference to Arab prejudices, promotes anti-American,
anti-Semitic, and anti-Israel attitudes.” That’s a pretty fair description of France
In the case of Charlie
Hebdo, Sunni Islam’s highest authority, Ahmed Muhammad Ahmed el-Tayeb, grand
imam of Al-Azhar and
president of al-Azhar University in Cairo, quickly slapped down the French
upstart. Said el-Tayeb (who just happens to hold a PhD in Islamic philosophy
from none other than the Sorbonne) in a communiqué, “Al-Azhar expresses its and
all Muslims’ utmost rejection of a French publication’s printing caricatures
offensive to Islam and its Prophet, the prophet of humanity.” A cyber attack
from Pakistan soon blocked the paper’s website “because of its blasphemous
contents.” In some communities, men appeared at newspaper stands early on the
morning of the issue’s publication and bought up all copies—a form of de facto
Optimists point out that
France should get some credit for banning the Muslim head scarf in schools and
other public institutions. But it would have been a more convincing act of independence
from Islamic pressure had authorities not enacted a corresponding ban on
wearing yarmulkes and large crosses, too, in an attempt to protect themselves
from Arab reaction. It didn’t work. As Christopher Caldwell reports in his
important Reflections on the Revolution in Europe, the Sunni mufti
of Egypt threatened that the anti-veil law would “destroy the social peace of
French society.” The Muslim Brotherhood bored in, calling it “interference in
the realm of Muslims’ personal and religious liberty.” In a telling display of
advanced dhimmitude, Nicolas Sarkozy, then minister of the interior, humbly
made a hajj to Egypt’s al-Azhar. To the vast relief of France’s dhimmis, he
returned with the good news that the grand imam had authorized France to ban the
veil. The government could go ahead with its project, and excuse us for
troubling you, sir.
The country’s growing dhimmi status
skews its foreign relations. As protests and demonstrations swept the Arab
world during the “Innocence” kerfuffle, it was quick to cower. Even though
France had nothing to do with the video produced by a nutcase in California,
the government found discretion decidedly the better part of valor. Without
receiving any known threats, it preemptively closed its embassies, consulates,
cultural centers, and schools in 20 countries of the Muslim persuasion. So
internalized is the country’s dhimmi attitude, it seemed
perfectly normal to close up shop and hunker down to avoid the painful
consequences of Arab displeasure.
A month later, President
François Hollande made unbidden conciliatory gestures to Algeria over an
incident that occurred half a century ago and is now remembered only by Arab
fanatics. Referring to the police actions during an October 1961 Paris riot by thousands
of Algerians demanding independence from France, Hollande officially recognized
the “bloody repression” and paid homage to the “victims.” Whether he was
responding to pressure from the Mali-based group al Qaeda in the Islamic
Maghreb (AQIM), which has designated France as its main enemy, can only be
surmised. As a French diplomat put it recently, “Its threats have become
pressing, immediate, and multifarious, a real problem of national security.”
When incipient dhimmitude
clashes with traditional French culture, guess which wins. Intellectuals and
teachers already live in fear of saying or writing the wrong thing. When a
philosophy teacher wrote a newspaper op-ed piece criticizing Muhammad as a
“master of hatred,” he received death threats and had to go into hiding under
police protection. Guy Millière, a professor of cultural history at the
Sorbonne, writes in despair, “France will become a Muslim country. French
leaders know it. They will never take a decision that could make young Muslims
angry….They have accepted too many things to go back now.”
Europe Slept: How Radical Islam Is Destroying the West from Within, Bruce Bawer cites a study by a French ministry of
education inspector that was leaked but never officially released. It’s easy to
understand why it was kept secret. After investigating 61 schools, he reported
that Muslim pupils increasingly refuse to sing, dance, participate in sports,
draw a human face, or play a musical instrument. They shun school cafeteria
food that isn’t halal, refuse to draw a right angle in math class because it
looks like part of a Christian cross, won’t swim in pools to avoid polluted
“infidels’ water.” They reject Voltaire and Rousseau (anti-religion), Cyrano de
Bergerac (too sexy), Madame Bovary (promotes women’s rights).
Other studies note that dhimmified French lycées are often
dropping whole areas of their curricula, e.g., in history and geography, for
fear of angry reactions by Muslim students or their parents.
Philosopher Alain Finkielkraut
says Islamists’ hostility toward schools and other state institutions is due
not to the frustration of feeling deprived, but to hatred for symbols of France
itself. Out of political correctness—or dhimmitude—“We translate their cries of
hatred into cries for help, and their vandalism of schools into demands for
education,” he writes. Schoolyard hatred surfaces when Muslim pupils talk about
“the French” and “us,” and sneer at their French classmates as les
Gaulois. Told by their teachers they are French, they respond, “that’s
impossible, we’re Muslim.” Despite symptoms like this, the left-leaning Le
Monde tries to put the best face on the situation. “France can make
its singularity—the fact of its having, and accepting, the role of the first
Muslim country of Europe—a peaceful weapon,” it editorializes, hoping the
country can “surpass ideological and religious confrontation.” The only way
there will be no confrontation is if it capitulates completely.
Meanwhile, the world’s most famous
museum, the Louvre, is doing its dhimmi best to confirm
France’s enviable position as Europe’s first Muslim nation. In September it
opened its new $130 million wing devoted entirely to a lavish display of
Islamic art. Virtually on bended knee, the curators have expressed the timid
hope that it will offer a suitably respectful alternative to the grossly
unflattering depictions of Muhammad in Western media that have met with such
justified Muslim displeasure. Still, one of them acknowledged ruefully that
some of Allah’s faithful could possibly be shocked by three discreet images of
The Prophet’s exposed face that somehow got included among the 18,000 artifacts
on display.
Scimitar-wielding Arabs of the
Ummah, take note: The Louvre curators might have made a mistake, but they are
good dhimmis at heart and really, really didn’t mean to offend you. So please
don’t issue a fatwa and lapidate or behead them.
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