My early twenties
are often hazy, but I remember one evening pretty well. A woman friend came
over, and we watched the 1975 UN debate on the notorious Zionism=Racism
resolution on TV. I felt the Arab charges against Israel were completely
outrageous, an inversion of truth quite literally Orwellian in magnitude. U.S.
Ambassador Daniel Moynihan was eloquent in rebutting them, reading a speech (I
later learned) partially drafted by Norman Podhoretz. Next year when Moynihan
ran for Senate, I remember pulling the lever for him (in the Democratic
primary, v. Bella Abzug) with more conviction than I’ve mustered in a voting
booth before or since.
Moynihan and Norman Podhoretz eventually drifted
apart, but I’m sure the senator never regretted the words he spoke on that
night. Once, many years later, when he came to the NY
Post editorial page
offices, he told a story–I don’t recall the subject–in which he described
a politician as “the most enthusiastic Zionist you could imagine, you’ve never
seen such a Zionist” in tones which may, or may not, have exuded a whiff of
mockery, you couldn’t be sure. In any case, in those days the idea that
Zionism, the national liberation movement of the Jewish people, a phrase
central to the speech, could be defined racist was about as absurd, and obscene,
a thought as one could possibly imagine. At least so we thought.
I recalled that night while watching on streaming web
TV yesterday’s vote to recognize Palestine as an observer state, which passed
138-9, over the votes of the U.S. and Canada and a handful of small island
countries. Unlike the 1975 vote, this wasn’t close: then Israel had on its side
the entire Western world, the Third World was split, only the Communist bloc
and Arab countries and much of Africa was in favor; despite its passage with 70
votes, there was no question that the free and economically productive part of
the world was on Israel’s side.
Yesterday’s vote on Palestine was a different matter:
it certainly didn’t disavow Zionism or Israel the way the 1975 vote did. Every
speaker I saw explicitly recognized Israel and wished for its well being, free
and secure with a Palestinian state alongside it, a phrase repeated ad nauseam
during the debate.
But of course, 37 years later, Israel is different.
The very day of the vote, one reads debate about a new bus line on the West
Bank, for Palestinians, because the Israeli settlers (whom Israel has illegally
settled on Palestinian land) can’t bear to see Palestinians riding on the same
buses they do. One reads recently of Israeli laws expressing a national angst
that a small population of Arabs remained in 1948–so there are rabbinic admonitions to
landlords proscribing renting to Arabs. Recently Israeli youth have gone on
violent rampages in Jerusalem, targeting Palestinians or random immigrants.
Videos of young Americans imbibing the atmosphere in
Israel reveal a mindset evocative of Mississippi in the early 1960s.
Rather eerily, it seems almost as if the notorious Zionism=Racism canard
anticipated what Israel would become, once it had the freedom and security to
grow into its true self.
And yet Israel has won. There is no state in the world
unwilling to recognize it, provided it makes peace with the Palestinians.
If you compared the international atmosphere now with that of 40 years ago, you
would have to conclude the Israelis had achieved everything they wanted: a
durable peace with Egypt; no hostile superpower to arm its enemies; an
oft-repeated readiness in the Arab world to recognize it, trade ambassadors,
give it a place in the region. It has an international legitimacy that its
founders–and the Israeli diplomats of 1975–would have delighted in.
But of course Israel doesn’t feel that way at all.
Like some sort of compulsive eater, it has been unable to keep itself
from gobbling up and settling Arab territory, especially East Jerusalem and the
West Bank. As a result, it now finds itself losing the votes not only of the
Arab world, but of France and Spain and Norway and Sweden and Denmark, and no
longer has the support of Britain and Germany. This isolation Israel has chosen
freely for itself–as a democracy, Israelis can’t even blame their rulers. Of
course, Israel has enough influence over the U.S. Congress to generate
resolutions in the Senate about protecting “our ally”; it actually seems
possible that body may soon vote to exclude the United States from the United
Nations in order to preserve Israel’s control over “Judea” and “Samaria.”
One can’t compare last night’s vote with the one in
1975 without feeling sadness and an enormous sense of missed opportunity.
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