You may have seen this video on Wealth
Inequality in America, which has gone viral. I have shown the same data for years in charts
and discussed it at great length: Made
in U.S.A.: Wealth Inequality (July 15, 2011).
The bottom 80% of American
households held a mere 7% of these financial assets, while the top 1% held
42.7%, the top 5% holds 72% and the top 10% held fully 83%.
Here is a snapshot of total assets by category:
"Other assets" include Treasury and corporate bonds, favored holdings
of pension funds and the wealthy due to their relative safety and guaranteed
Here is a snapshot of stock
No surprise there: the top 1% owns roughly 40% of all stocks, and the top 10%
own 81%.
Wealth comes from earned and
unearned (rent, dividends, etc.) income and capital appreciation, so it's no
surprise that the income of the wealthiest segment has also far outpaced the
lower 95%:
I have long held that the greatest source of wealth inequality is political: those with great wealth have captured the for-sale machinery of governance, and "persuaded" the Central State to carve out quasi-monopolies and cartels that enable artificially high premiums. They also buy subsidies, exceptions and tax breaks for their income streams.
This is the result of a
dominant Central State and an electoral process that lives and breathes cash
and lobbying.
In other words, the primary
source of wealth inequality is political corruption and an overly powerful
centralized State that can grant monopolies and enforce cartels. For example, Attorney
General Holder admits megabanks are ‘too big to jail’.
Setting aside the fact that
the financial and political Elites are two sides of the same Aristocratic coin,
we find an erosion of middle class jobs and wages.
Many observers (including
myself) have noted that robotics and networked software are replacing both
unskilled and skilled labor at a faster clip than technology is creating jobs. Some believe the rise of
robots and software pose little threat to human labor, for example: The
robot menace:
As technology improves, Mr Autor writes, a pattern emerges. Machines take over routine tasks like repeated number-crunching or the welding of car parts. Such jobs can be programmed into machines using detailed, specific instructions. Displaced human workers are then reassigned to do more improvisational or intuitive work. At airline check-in counters, say, computers are displacing employees from mundane tasks like printing boarding passes. That makes it easier for the humans to respond to unexpected problems like cancelled flights or changed itineraries. A faster pace of "jobsolescence" could create a huge number of niches like that: human workers needed to facilitate the automation taking over many routine tasks.
This sort of article never
gets around to acknowledging the obvious reality: that the number of airline employees "doing
improvisational work" is considerably lower than the total number of
employees that once did both improvisational work and the duties that have been
replaced by networked machines and software.
In the lived-in world these
analysts apparently avoid, costly human interactions in many settings are
increasingly rare, and this elimination of waiting to interact with an employee
is a great boon: print your boarding pass at home, no waiting.
In airports, the only human
interaction required in most cases is Homeland Security. In retail settings,
self-checkout eliminates the need for all but a thin slice of
"improvisational work."
Developing economies often
have a great many people available for improvisational work, but their pay is
very low, as improvisational work does not carry much of a premium when labor
is in surplus.
Few commentators dare wonder
if the entire model of distributing output via wages is broken. The implicit assumption
is that there will always be an unmet demand for labor of all skill levels.
This assumption has two ideological
1. This demand for labor only
comes alive when the price of labor is free-floating, i.e. price adjusts for
supply and demand. In other words, if I won't pay $15 an hour for someone to
mow my lawn, I might hire someone to do the work for $5 an hour. This is the
free-market perspective.
2. Education is the key, as
the higher the skills and knowledge base of workers, the more they are worth to
potential employers. This is the progressive perspective.
To the degree these are
ideological, they are unhelpful, as "believers" are blinded by their
respective convictions to any concepts outside their circle of faith.
While it is true that the
market will distribute labor and wages, a huge imbalance i.e. massive labor
surplus, opens the door to exploitation by those with scarce cash to pay for
As for education, I have often
pointed out the fallacy in this assumption: training 100,000 people to become PhDs does not
automatically create 100,000 jobs for them. Granting 100,000 advanced degrees
in chemistry does not create jobs for these 100,000 newly minted chemists. The
demand must be organic, i.e. employers see some way to generate $200,000 of
value in the marketplace from paying one of these graduates $100,000. (Recall
that the pay scales for advanced degrees are high, so the bar of value creation
is also higher.)
There are saturation points to
all high-skill labor categories. At some point, there is no need for more
physicists, attorneys, etc. because there simply isn't enough demand for their
So education is not some sort
of blanket panacea to a systemic surplus of labor.
There are many forms of labor
that have so little value or the value is diffused to the point that no one
will pay to have the work done.
Consider building a free
bikeway. Since there is no income stream generated by the bikeway, no
enterprise will pay for the bikeway. The city labor contracts require paying
workers $75,000 each (or more, once all benefits and pension costs are
included), and the diffused benefits to the city often do not justify this
major expense.
As a result, the bikeway never
gets built. The same applies to picking up litter throughout town; it isn't
cost-effective to pay people $75,000 to pick up litter, but since there is no
incomes stream, then private enterprise can't do it, either. So nobody does it,
other than prisoners (community service) or random unpaid volunteers.
In other words, there is a lot
of work that could be done or needs to get done that is not cost-effective for
either the public or private sector.
The ideal scenario in a
State-dominated consumerist economy is the complete commoditization of labor,
meaning people are wealthy enough to pay others to do everything for them. The ideal consumerist
household earns about $200,000 a year (bare minimum) and pays others to: walk
their dog, bathe their dog, clean their house, watch their kids, take their
elderly parents down to the Seniors Center, teach their kids martial arts,
piano, dancing, etc., tutor the kids when needed, maintain their house and
prepare their meals.
In this scenario, there is
always plenty of demand for a variety of skilled labor because the wage earners
make so much money doing some high-skill job that they can afford to hire a
veritable army of helpers and assistants to manage everyday living.
This is the fantasy scenario
of all State-dominated consumerist economies because the high-earning household
distributes virtually all its disposable income to downstream labor: the State
gets to tax every wage and every transaction, and everyone earning a wage has
money to spend on goods and services, keeping money velocity and tax revenues
There are two problems with
this: one, only
5% of households make enough money to support the commodification of labor on
this scale (The top 5% of households, three-quarters of whom had two income
earners, had incomes of $166,200 or more: Affluence
in the United States), and two, many Americans don't want jobs as domestics, dog-walkers, etc.
Their expectations are far higher than what the labor market has to offer.
In other words, everyone wants
to be in the top 5%, but the number of positions paying these wages is limited.
Training 50% of the populace to perform the top 5% of jobs does not mean 50% of
the populace will magically earn top 5% wages.
As a thought experiment,
suppose we trained 50% of the workforce to be doctors, attorneys and PhDs in
STEM (science, technology, engineering, math). Would the economy magically create
jobs for 75 million doctors, lawyers and PhDs? Unfortunately, no. The number of
positions requiring this level of training is limited by the demand, the money
floating around to pay for these skills and the value created.
Let's return to the starting
observation: Few commentators dare wonder if the entire model of distributing
output via wages is broken. Those few who do dare wonder if there simply won't be enough paid
work to go around have a conventional solution: the Central State should tax
the remaining wage earners (and everyone's unearned income) and pay everyone
without a job a guaranteed annual income.
In the State-dominated
consumerist economy, this is the only possible conceptual solution, because it
gives the State more power and distributes enough income to keep the
consumer-based economy well-greased.
Is there no other model? I
believe there is: an economy based on the forgotten decentralized, networked
foundation of society, the community. In my recent books Why
Things Are Falling Apart and What We Can Do About It and Resistance,
Revolution, Liberation: A Model for Positive Change, I identify the three
fundamental components of society: the State (government), the marketplace and
the community, i.e. the non-State, non-marketplace functions of family,
neighborhood, church, community group, fraternal organization, etc.
An economy in which surplus is
distributed to decentralized communities rather than being concentrated in the
Central State and its financial Elites, where the spoils are divided up
according to bought-and-paid-for political favoritism, is perhaps the most
efficient, practical, sustainable and fair distribution system possible in an
era of structural labor surplus.
Most people have difficulty
even conceptualizing this framework because they have internalized the
dominance of the State. Community has withered to the point it has lost
experiential meaning; it has ceased to exist in an economy where 50% of the
populace receives a payment from the State. Community has been reduced to a
myth that receives lip-service from politicos and others in the State's food
When the current system of
State-enforced inequality collapses, we will collectively have to re-establish
the framework and meaning of community, one piece at a time.
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