With the Cypriot government
still 'undecided' about what to 'take' and the European leaders very much
'decided' about what to 'give', the fact of the matter is, as JPMorgan explains
in this excellent summary of the state of affairs in Europe, that because ELA
funding facility is limited by the availability of collateral (and the haircuts
applied to those by the central bank), and cutting the Cypriot banking system
completely from ELA access is equivalent to cutting it from the Eurosystem
making an exit from the euro a matter of time. This makes it inevitable
that capital controls and a capital freeze will be imposed, in their view,
but it is not only bank deposits that are at risk. A broader retrenchment in
funding markets is possible given the confusion and inconsistency last
weekend's decision created for investors relative to previous policy decisions.
Add to this the move by Spain, which announced this week a tax or bank levy
(probably 0.2%) to be imposed on bank deposits, without details on which
deposits will be affected or timing, and the chance of sparking much
broader deposit outflows across the union are rising quickly.
By JPMorgan,
Capital Control
What was widely
viewed as an ill-conceived Cyprus deal last weekend renewed fears of a
re-escalation of the euro debt crisis. The original proposal to hit insured
depositors below €100k caused a bank run and set a new
precedent in the course of the Euro area debt crisis, with potential
negative consequences for bank deposits not only in Cyprus but also in other
peripheral countries. Once again, as it happened with the Greek crisis last
May, the Cyprus crisis exposes the fragmentation of the deposit guarantee
schemes in the Euro area and its inconsistency with a monetary union.
Even if the
original deal is eventually revised and the guarantee for depositors with less
than €100k is respected, the damage from the original proposal will be
difficult to undo, in our view.
Cypriot banks are
relying on ECB’s Emergency Liquidity Assistance (ELA) to avert a collapse once
they open next week. ELA reflects collateralized borrowing from the national
central bank rather than the ECB directly, not only at a more punitive interest
rate relative to refi rate but more importantly with much larger collateral
haircuts. The ECB is still on the hook under ELA because the national central
bank borrows these funds from the ECB, i.e. it generates a liability against
the Eurosystem. The ECB’s provision of liquidity via ELA is admittedly not a
given but it will be provided to Cypriot banks for as long as Cyprus is looking
to finalize its revised bailout plan, the so called Plan B.
Although the ECB
always states that it provides liquidity to only solvent and well-capitalized
institutions, past experience with Irish and Greek banks and even with Cypriot
banks shows that the ECB has tolerated long periods of liquidity provision to
undercapitalized institutions. Greece is the most characteristic case. Greek
banks had access to ELA even when the bank recapitalization was pending between
April and December 2012. And Greek banks had access to ELA in-between the two
Greek elections when it was not even clear whether Greece would stay in the
euro. Cutting the Cypriot banking system completely from ELA access is
equivalent to cutting it from the Eurosystem making an exit from the euro a
matter of time. This is a political decision rather than a decision
that the ECB can take alone. This would effectively cut the Central Bank of
Cyprus off from TARGET2 and force it along with the Cypriot government to
eventually issue its own money.
But even assuming
that a new deal is agreed between Cyprus and the Eurogroup and ELA continues
for the Cypriot banking system after Monday, this does not mean that this ELA
is unlimited. ELA is limited by the availability of collateral and the
haircuts that the central bank applies to this collateral. The Greek case
is the most characteristic example of how punitive haircuts on ELA collateral
can be. As of the end of January Greek banks used €122bn of collateral to
borrow €31bn via ELA, i.e. an implied haircut of 75%. In contrast, they
borrowed €76bn via normal ECB operations posting collateral of €97bn, i.e. the
implied haircut on their normal ECB borrowing was 22%. The higher haircut on
ELA collateral i.e. is mostly the result of the lower quality of this
collateral, typically credit claims, vs. that accepted in normal ECB
operations, typically securities. But it perhaps also reflects the higher
riskiness the ECB sees with its counterparty, i.e. the national central bank
and eventually the sovereign, when a country's banking system has to resort to
Because of the
recapitalization issue which has been pending since last April, post the Greek
PSI, Cypriot banks had been steadily losing access to normal ECB operations and
had been increasing their reliance on ELA steadily since then. By November 2012
Cypriot banks had access to ELA only. This ELA borrowing peaked at €10bn last
November and stood at €9bn as of the end of January.
What is the
maximum ELA borrowing for Cypriot banks? Looking at their assets, Cypriot banks
had €72bn of loans to non MFIs as of the end of January, roughly equal to total
non-MFI deposits of €68bn. Assuming that all these loans are acceptable as ELA
collateral with the same average haircut as in the case of Greek ELA, i.e. 75%,
results to only €18bn of total ELA. Given that Cypriot banks have already €9bn
via ELA, this leaves them with another €9bn of potential additional ELA.
Of course the ECB could be more lenient with its ELA haircuts with Cypriot
banks relative to Greek banks, and indeed even in the case of Greek banks, ELA
haircuts appear to have been as low as 50% at certain points of time during
2012. But we doubt that total ELA could exceed €30bn, which
represents more than 40% of the loan assets of Cypriot banks. In the case of
Greek banks ECB reliance never exceeded 40% of total loan and security assets.
So further liquidity support from the ECB seems limited, and not enough to
offset the €21bn of non-euro area deposits with Cypriot banks, largely Russian
(80%) and British (20%) and the €5bn of deposits with other euro area residents
outside Cyprus.
This makes it
inevitable that capital controls and a capital freeze will be imposed, in our view,
even if a deal is reached by the end of the week, to prevent depositors,
especially non-domestic depositors, fleeing the country. Article 63 of the
Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union prohibits “all restrictions” on
the movement of capital between Member States and between Member States and
third countries. But there would be certain exceptions for measures justified
on grounds of public policy or security, see Article 65 of the Treaty on the
Functioning of the European Union. But even if allowed in exceptional
circumstances, these capital controls and capital freezes are contagious and
appear inconsistent with a monetary union.
The obvious risk
is the impact that these capital controls will have on deposits in other
peripheral countries. Large deposits, above €100k, and uninsured
deposits are mostly at risk as these are the ones to be likely frozen
in the Cypriot case. While a modest deposit tax might be acceptable to large
depositors, a freeze of deposits for an un identifiable time period
would likely be unacceptable to most large depositors such as
corporations and institutional investors.
There are no
recent data of how big this universe of large deposits is. Data from the
European Commission suggest that in 2007 large deposits of above €100k and
uninsured deposits comprised more than half of all deposits in peripheral
countries. See Figure 1. The current shares are perhaps different from those
reported in Figure 1 for 2007, but most likely the share of large or
uninsured deposits is likely to be close to half of total deposits.
What cushions
other peripheral countries relative to Cyprus is that these large deposits are
mostly domestic. As explained in the next section, the share of non--domestic
deposits in peripheral banks is rather modest at 7% as of the end of 2012.
But it is not only
bank deposits that are at risk. A broader retrenchment in funding markets is
possible given the confusion and inconsistency last weekend's
decision created for investors relative to previous policy decisions:
1) In the case of Cypriot banks, depositors are hit while senior bond holders are spared, so seniority is not respected.
2) Deposits of foreign branches are protected while deposits of domestic branches are hit. This is the opposite of what happened to Iceland.
3) In the case if Ireland which also had a big banking system relative to the size of its economy, only sub debt holders, accounting for a very small portion of total creditors, were hit. No depositors were hit, in either domestic or foreign branches.
4) In the case of SNS sub debt holders were wiped out and reports suggest that the Dutch government came close to imposing losses on senior bond holders and was only prevented from doing so because of unsecured intergroup loans between SNS bank and Reaal insurance that would be subjected to the same losses as senior bond holders.
But beyond the
confusion and inconsistency, all these trends and the case of Cyprus in
particular, are not only showing bailout fatigue on the part
of creditor nations, especially in Netherlands where economic conditions have
been deteriorating rapidly, but they are also pointing to a shift
towards bailing in private creditors in future sovereign bailouts or
bank resolutions to avoid using taxpayers’ money.
Which funding
markets do we need to track going forward? In our view, the excess cash in the
Euro area banking system is the most important metric to track on a high
frequency, daily, basis. This metric reflects the amount euro area banks borrow
from the ECB in excess of their normal liquidity needs due to reserve
requirements or autonomous factors. A loss in deposits or a loss in funding in
wholesale markets forces banks to either access ELA or the Marginal Lending
Facility at any time or, in less urgent situations, to access the standard
weekly Main Refinancing Operation (MRO) every Tuesday. So euro area banks can
borrow from the ECB and the excess cash in the euro area banking system can
rise at any day of the week and not only with Tuesday's MRO. Any potential
increase in ELA, such as from Cypriot banks, is reflected in the excess cash in
the Euro area banking system via a decrease in autonomous factors rather than
an increase in outstanding operations. The excess cash in the euro area banking
system actually declined this week, with a decrease in outstanding operations
and an increase in autonomous factors, indicating no signs of broad contagion
In terms of the
impact on wholesale bank funding markets, we can also track peripheral bank
debt issuance directly. This week peripheral banks issued only €600m of bonds
vs. €4bn in the previous two weeks. The represents a marked slowing, suggesting
that Cyprus might be having some impact on peripheral wholesale funding
On a lower
frequency basis, we need to track the monthly Target2 balances for peripheral
countries, which typically become available during the first two weeks of the
following month, and the ECB data on MFI balance sheets which are published at
the end of thee following month.
In what we view as
another ill-conceived and ill-timed move, the Spanish Minister of Finance &
Public Administration announced this week a tax or bank levy (probably 0.2%) to
be imposed on bank deposits, without details on which deposits will be affected
or timing.
This is adding to
the Cypriot crisis in sparking deposit outflow risks.
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