It's getting closer
By Wolf Richter
Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, with a population of just over half a million,
smaller even than the other speck in the Eurozone, the Republic of Cyprus,
ranks in the top three worldwide in per-capita GDP. In a Eurozone wealth survey, it had the highest average household
wealth – €710,100. Only Cyprus, a former off-shore banking center in the
Eurozone, came close. Yet Luxembourg is threatened with ruin.
It has
141 banks – bank companies, not ATMs. One bank per 3,808 people. Most of them
do private banking. The financial sector added 38% to GDP in 2010 and contributed 30% to the country’s tax revenues,
according to the Luxembourg Bankers’ Association (ABBL). All due to bank
secrecy and tax laws. But suddenly, after Cyprus had been massacred, Luxembourg
the big German guns, and the smaller guns from other nations, swinging in its
direction, Luxembourg agreed to participate in an international automatic
data-sharing arrangement that would send banking data of foreign clients to
their countries, starting in 2015. Prime Minister Jean-Claude Juncker, somewhat
defensively, proclaimed that lifting bank secrecy wasn’t such a big deal, that Luxembourg
didn’t live from tax evasion. For the banks, the “lights won’t go out in 2015,”
he said.
the entire Eurozone bailout debacle that he presided over until February as
President of the Eurogroup, he’d proven to be time and again an inveterate
expected that only 60 to 70 banks will survive in the coming years,” declared
Alain Steichen, a prominent Luxembourgian tax lawyer, at a conference about the
consequences of the data-sharing agreement. He should know. Per his online
profile, he
“assisted Thomson in the merger acquisition of Reuters in order to form Thomson
Reuters, with the group’s main holding location being Luxembourg.” He also
“assisted Chase Manhattan in the merger acquisition of JP Morgan in order to
form their main holding company in Luxembourg.” Yup, there are a lot of
benefits to doing business through Luxembourg.
bank secrecy with nominee corporations to get a particularly juicy cocktail. An
entire industry of “fiduciaries” has formed around the banks for that purpose.
These accounting, audit, and law firms set up and maintain tax-advantaged
nominee corporations, the infamous mailbox companies, whose directors and top
executives are principals of the fiduciary firm. The client and the source of
money remain anonymous to the outside world. A perfect setup for money
laundering. Because the bank is doing business with a Luxembourg mailbox
company, not a foreigner, and because the signatories are pillars of
Luxembourg’s society, the setup is impervious to the automatic data-sharing
arrangement. But now mailbox companies too are under attack, not only in
Europe, but also in the US
expect a serious change of the banking landscape because there will be customer
withdrawals,” Alain Steichen explained. Some banks, he said, “would lose the
critical mass needed to survive.”
private banks he was talking about managed €300 billion in assets, generated
€3.14 billion in revenues, and contributed €503 million in taxes, according to the ABBL. They employ over 10,000 people directly and indirectly. Of the assets
under management, 19% are from Luxembourg, the rest from other countries. Half
of that system would disappear; the survivors would have to shrink.
large part of the clients of the Luxembourgian banks have undeclared money,”
Steichen pointed out. They wouldn’t have a lot of options other than closing
their accounts in Luxembourg, he said. They might repatriate their funds – and
pay fees, taxes, and penalties – or transfer their funds to Singapore, Monaco,
or other murky banking centers. Either way, these assets would leave
Luxembourg. Their power to generate income, jobs, and tax revenues would
“undeclared money” has been called “black money” in the battle over Cyprus, much
of it from Russians. Northern Europe revolted against bailing out mailbox
companies and their black-money bank accounts. While they were at it, Northern
Europe, including France in this case, shut down the whole offshore machine,
crippled the Cypriot economy, smashed its largest source of income and wealth,
and demolished its business model. Encouraged by success, Northern Europe, now
including the UK, swiveled its guns in direction of Luxembourg.
was horrified. There were too many parallels between it and Cyprus – the
mailbox companies, foreign black money, a bloated financial sector, high
household wealth.... It was the era of austerity when pensions, wages, and
social services were on the chopping block in other countries. Taxes were being
jacked up, as in France, to an absurd degree. Belts were being tightened around
the poor. So, tax evasion by the rich and not so rich has become an obvious
target. Governments would crack down, not on their own tax dodgers, but more
conveniently on countries whose business it was to help them.
38% of GDP depending on the financial sector, Luxembourg could not risk a
sudden “transition” to a new business model, à la Cyprus. Some of the banks
could collapse in the process. It would cause a depression and shred the
country’s wealth. Instead, Luxembourg would cooperate, in return for a gradual
transition, some loopholes, and a little wiggle room, knowing that the good
times were over, and that on the other end of the spectrum, there’d be the
Cypriot scenario.
in Spain succeeded in trimming the bloated government sector. But instead of
picking up the slack, the private sector destroyed jobs almost four times
faster! The hope is that this fiasco will finally reverse
course, that something will click and start a virtuous cycle before the
unspeakable happens. But so far, it has relentlessly gotten worse.
Read.... The Spanish Unemployment Powder Keg
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