Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Monetarism and Keynesianism

Identical Sides of the Same Adolescent Coin
By John Tamny
About the U.S. not being an impregnable economic island, monetarists should take note as their theory similarly presumes Fortress U.S.A.  They believe dollar credit is controlled by the Fed through the banks it regulates, as opposed to credit for dollars being a rather broad concept such that any Fed ‘tightness’ has historically been made up for by inflows of dollars (think the eurodollar market among countless others)  from around the world.
Monetarists correctly argued that inflation is always a monetary phenomenon, but the newly revived theory that was long ago dismissed even by Friedman is merely a variation of the much discredited Phillips Curve. To put it plainly, monetarism is a parallel version of Keynesian demand management.
Whereas Keynesians naively believe that government spending is a source of economic growth, monetarists in a similarly naïve way believe that money creation for the sake of it boosts the economy. Much as Keynesian demand through government spending allegedly increases growth and the price level, so does monetarist money creation per the other School’s theory. One School thinks government boosts growth, the other thinks money creation does, and both come to the same conclusion that inflation can be the end result of their central planning that allegedly leads to prosperity first. Comically, both sides believe that if they can manage the spending and money creation, that their expertise ensures a lack of what they presume inflation to be.
So while monetarism is associated with Friedman, and as such is viewed by some as ‘free market,’ make no mistake about what it really is. Monetarism, like its Keynesian twin, is central planning. Keynesians once again believe that growth is as simple as Washington taxing or borrowing away resources from the private sector so that it can be spent from the Commanding Heights. The juvenile logic underlying this school of thought is that when “aggregate demand” is down, governments must take funds from the private sector and spend without regard to the economic value of the spending.
Monetarists similarly focus on “aggregate demand,” but in their case they think it can be achieved through the printing press. As a recent article promoting the theory explained, more vibrant economic growth can be had with a “new monetary-policy regime that moves nominal spending back toward its pre-crisis trend and keeps its future growth stable.” Considering income, monetarists believe that, as opposed to investors, CEOs and market forces dictating what we earn, that the supposedly wise minds at the Fed can do a better job.  As two writers from this School put it last July, “During the Great Moderation, central banks followed no explicit rule to stabilize nominal income. They nevertheless stabilized it better than they had done in the decades prior or have done during the recent economic crisis and weak recovery.”  The authors go on to write that “central banks should adopt an explicit policy of stabilizing nominal income.”  To a man modern monetarists deny that they’re central planners, so it’s up to readers to decide if they doth protest too much.  What’s funny, and also sad about all this is with both thought processes very similar, it’s not surprising that both sides ignore the reality that no act of saving ever detracts from demand.
Both sides decry saving during troubled economic times, but lost on their leading lights is that everything we have today – from cars, to cellphones, to the computer you’re on right now – speaks to the genius of saving. If we consumed all that we earned we would not only be poor, but there would also be no capital for entrepreneurs to access. To put it very plainly, there are no entrepreneurs without capital.
That’s why saving is so important during economic downturns, yet the very act of doing so runs contrary to Keynesian and Monetarist dogma. Not only does saving bolster the individual, but the very word “recession” signals the failure of past economic ideas that free markets are trying to correct, and with that failure, capital destruction. Saving is what rebuilds the capital base so that new ideas with the potential to boost the economy can be matched with credit.
Back to saving not detracting from demand, Keynesians advocate spending of the funds of others by politicians so that the economy can pick up, while monetarists are more subtle, and in being more subtle, are more dishonest. They seek mass money creation at a time when production is low such that demand for money is low – meaning they explicitly call for devaluation – that creates the incentive among those with savings to spend it before it loses value. Both sides desire capital consumption over the very saving that provides credit to the businesses that would otherwise move the economy forward.
Considering the price of credit, which, if left alone matches the needs of savers with those desirous of savings, both central planning Schools seek artificially low costs of credit. They try to get it through the central bank. On its face, even a fourth grader understands that if central planners decree that Ferraris and Manhattan penthouses will soon cost $10,000 each that there will be neither Ferraris nor Manhattan penthouses for anyone to buy. But when it comes to credit, both religions act as though money can be had for the asking, savers be damned.
To quote a well known monetarist thinker, “But most Americans depend on wages and salaries for their livelihood, not on interest income, and higher interest rates would hurt the job market, which is still weak, with unemployment near eight percent and wages barely rising. Also, most Americans have more debt than savings, which means that they benefit directly from lower interest rates.” Naturally missed by this doubtless well-intentioned commentator is that an artificially low price of anything means shortages of same. As opposed to slowing down the job market, a perhaps higher market rate of interest would lure savers back into the marketplace, including the wealthiest whose capital would boost growth the most; their savings to varying degrees lent to businesses eager to expand.
Considering lower income Americans, assuming they too could get a market return on monies saved, they, if they chose to save, would be made better off for consuming less and saving more. The irony here is that Keynesians and monetarists to a man and woman say they love jobs, but their confused ideology which says money can be had at rates set by governmental planners blinds them to the reality that if you love jobs, you must love the very savers whose capital makes employment opportunities more plentiful.  Market rates of interest are how you lure savers into the marketplace.
Of course even if there were no entrepreneurs seeking loans or financing necessary to grow, the thinking of both Schools would still be very similar, and as such, very flawed. Indeed, explicit in their worship of demand above everything else is that money saved will lie dormant. That’s why one seeks government spending and the other devaluation.
The problem with the theorizing of both sides is that banks and other warehouses for savings don’t pay interest on funds deposited so that they can sit on the money. Instead, recipients of savings take on liabilities precisely because they have customers with near-term needs for consumption that they want to fulfill. In short, and once again, no act of saving ever detracts from demand – as monetarists and Keynesians presume – simply because financial institutions can’t accept liabilities (deposits) without turning those liabilities into assets in the form of loans and investments to consumers and entrepreneurs.
Going back to the entrepreneurial concepts and existing businesses so often in need of credit, the irony of the Keynesian view that governments must spend us out of recession is that as governments have no resources, their spending naturally subtracts from the available pool of capital that would otherwise migrate toward businesses, and in reaching businesses, boost employee pay. The latter painfully reveals itself in two ways: More available capital means more investment, and there are no jobs and no pay without investment first. And then it’s also the case that more capital means more investment in productivity enhancements that make each unit of labor more valuable, and thus easier to give raises to. To put it very simply, government spending not only pushes down private wages, but it also deprives businesses of productivity enhancements that would normally make pay raises inevitable.
Monetarist thinking in this regard is similarly obtuse. Seeking the creation of money for the sake of it whereby economic growth can laughably be fostered in a laboratory of central planners in possession of a money printing press, their economic plan is one where money is devalued, and with the devaluation, consumption once again grows. Tragically for workers who suffer such childlike thinking, the effects are similar to those wrought by government spending.
Indeed, with it being a certainty that the very investors whose investments create jobs are buying future dollar income streams when they commit capital to new ideas, the Monetarist (or ‘market monetarist’ in modern parlance) School seeks to devalue those very income streams that would normally serve as a lure to investors. The negative impact is the same as heavy government spending. Businesses need investment to offer up wages to workers, and just the same they need investment to pay for the productivity enhancements that make each worker more valuable, and thus easier to give raises to, but the devaluation of money that results from printing it for the sake of it discourages investors from committing capital to begin with. Instead, they seek hedges against the very devaluation sought by monetarists which is most often investment in the wealth of yesterday: think land, commodities, rare stamps, art, etc.
Arguably the biggest irony, one lost on these all-too-similar Schools of thought, is that their naïve hearts are in the right place. They want people to work and have more, so that they can consume more. The problem for proponents of both is that they clearly slept through their college lectures on Say’s Law, the latter a tautology that says production is the source of demand.
To paraphrase John Stuart Mill, we trade products for products, the surplus of our labor for the surplus of others. Because this is true, the only way to expand consumption is to boost production. If so, then the only way out is for the political class to dismiss both Schools of economic thought. Government spending once again pulls down wages, and similarly pulls down productivity enhancements that lead to the very production that drives up demand. Monetary debasement sought by the Monetarist School achieves the same bad outcome for discouraging investors and businesses from committing capital to growth concepts that would increase production, and with it demand. Monetarists and Keynesians, twins in their desire for growth in aggregate demand, promote the very ideas that drive it downward.
Ironic also is that these twin ideologies both put the cart before the horse.  Keynesians believe government spending is the path to economic growth, as opposed to an effect of same.  The U.S. isn’t a rich country today because our federal government spends gargantuan sums, rather the federal government can spend horrifying sums precisely because the U.S. is rich.
Monetarists believe growth of money in circulation is the path to nirvana, but since their ideology perverts money’s sole purpose as a stable measure of value, money in circulation never reaches pre-set ‘targets’ when this failed idea gains traction mainly because unstable money is an investor repellent, and consequently lays a wet blanket on the very production that drives the supply of money upward.  The notion that the creation of paper is what would make us rich or boost the economy is the stuff of youthful fantasy, but for adults who believe that the Fed can create more Intels and IBMs through excessive purchase of Treasuries and mortgage securities, Monetarism presently seeks converts.  Back to reality,  stable money in terms of value is credible, and because it’s credible it’s widely demanded and circulated.  Monetarists desire unstable money that floats in value, meaning money that lacks credibility and that isn’t highly demanded.  In short, monetarism is its own worst enemy.
What’s perhaps most comical about these two Schools, and it speaks to just how similar they are, is that both sides think a lack of their economic poison is at the heart of our malaise. Readers are surely familiar with Paul Krugman’s frequent Keynesian droolings about how the U.S. economy suffers because the federal government hasn’t spent enough of our money. Monetarists claim much the same; their view that the economy hasn’t recovered because our central bank hasn’t printed enough of our money. How these two Schools are enemies is one of life’s major mysteries given how they both put demand on a pedestal above all else, and both are convinced economic rebirth is only a trillion dollars of spending or many more trillions of dollar printing away.
The sad truth is that the U.S. economy struggles today thanks to the imposition of both pathetic ideologies. Government spending has risen to nosebleed levels alongside dollar creation in a similarly grotesque way. The economy sags as a result. Both sides should walk away from the discussion with the visible failures of their ideas well in mind. Only then, as in only when these adolescent twins cease poisoning the U.S. economy, will it resume the growth path that prevailed in the ‘80s and ‘90s.

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