The Next Golden Age will blossom
without the burden of the Savior State and its Elites and fiefdoms
By Charles Smith
I recently
received this insightful challenge to address the positive future that
potentially lies beyond devolution and collapse:
Good morning sir, I love your writing I read it everyday. You focus so much on the coming collapse and not at all the inevitable rebirth and the beginning of the next 80-year cycle. Would you spend some time speculating about the new golden age beginning in 2021 or so? Your glass half empty pessimism is sometime overwhelming. Thank you,
- Sgt C., U.S. Marines
Thank you, Sgt
C., for suggesting the challenge of imagining not just collapse (all too easy)
but a positive rebirth from the ashes of the present unsustainable status quo.
In a way, I've
already tried to address this with my books, but with the
focus on individual, household and community actions. What I will attempt in
this occasional series is to describe future large-scale changes: financial,
cultural and material.
1. The reduction
of complexity and the end of marginal return. The chief
characteristic of the U.S. economy and society is marginal return: ever-larger
sums of money, energy, human effort, etc. are dumped into a "problem"
while the return on that prodigious investment diminishes to less than zero.
The reasons are
not complex: one is complexity itself, fed by entrenched fiefdoms protecting
their payrolls and perquisites, the pernicious effects of the entitlement
mentality and an organizational bureaucratic sclerosis which can be defined as
a focus on process over results.
In the
post-collapse-of-the-status-quo future, all the wasted motion will be lost. It
will no longer be affordable, so it will go away.
Results will
matter, process won't--the reverse of today's cultural worldview. Nowadays, by
following procedure you CYA--protect yourself from criticism--and also evade
responsibility for the outcome.
My favorite
illustration of this may be apocryphal. Someone goes to Thomas Edison's
laboratory and asks about the enterprise's regulations.
"Regulations?" Edison is said to have retorted. "We're trying to
get something done here." Precisely.
The ultimate
luxury and waste is a CYA focus on procedure to avoid responsibility for poor
results (or negative results). That luxury will be gone.
Let me
illustrate the reduction in complexity and process with one example we can all
relate to: going to the doctor. In the New Golden Age, everyone will pay for
healthcare with cash. There may well be some limited forms of catastrophic
coverage, but the entire mindset of entitlement ("healthcare is a
right," etc.) will be gone.
You choose the
doctor, and he/she agrees to offer care for a sum (just like in the "old
Golden Era" of the 1950s). You receive the care/treatment, and then pay
the doctor in cash or equivalent.
Currently, it is
estimated 40% of the $1 trillion we spend on Medicare/Medicaid is squandered on
shuffling paperwork/electronic files and fraud. Another 40% does not actually
help the patient or is needless (defensive medicine, tests given for profit
only, etc.). The opportunities for fraud in the sprawling bureaucracy are
Now compare it
to the Next Golden Age. Where is the opportunity for fraud when care is paid
for in cash? A "bad check" slipped in lieu of real money? Perhaps,
but in general the staggering waste and fraud of the current system vanishes.
How much of this
transaction is "overhead," paper-shuffling, filing of insurance
claims, arguing over who pays for what, etc.? Very little. If the doctor
overcharges (i.e. charges more than other equivalent services) then his/her
business will decline.
What about poor
people who can't pay for care? In at least some cases, "poverty" is
at root mismanagement, carelessness and perhaps a self-destructive worldview.
These people will either learn to manage their money better or they will have
to wait for whatever care is offered by charity.
In today's
environment of Savior State entitlement, that sounds harsh. But the reality is
the Savior State will implode or devolve to irrelevancy, regardless of whether
your like it or not (see below for the inescapable reasons why).
Charity was and
continues to be a vibrant, important part of American society. To belittle it
as unequal to the task is to misunderstand the reality that the Savior State is
unsustainable. The material wealth of the nation--the actual output--will be
declining, and the Savior State, which only knows how to grow and wrest an ever
larger share of the national income, will implode.
In the New
Golden Age, our rights will be simple: life, liberty and the pursuit of
happiness. The Savior State will have dissolved in insolvency or shrunk down to
irrelevancy. There may be all sorts of entitlements offered and promised, but
no one will be offering those services for free.
This reality
will be familiar to those who have declared bankruptcy. Bankruptcy eliminates
all the wasted motion in an organization; all the support staff, the layers of
management, the meetings--all that disappears because there is no longer any
money to sustain that wasted motion. In a household, the unsustainable
mortgage, fancy car payments, etc. are all gone, and debt-serfdom has been
thrown off.
The enterprise
which emerges is stripped down to its productive core. If it isn't, then it
will wither and go extinct. No group, enterprise or State can live beyond its
real output for long. The U.S. has been using the artifice of its currency, the
hegemony of the U.S. dollar, and its soaring borrowing, to paper over the
yawning gap between what the nation produces and what it spends. Eventually,
reality intrudes and spending declines to match output.
There is a great
freedom of movement, purpose and innovation in a stripped-down enterprise. The
bankruptcy blows off all the dead weight and sclerosis, the obsession with
process/procedure and keeping up appearances. After a household, enterprise or
nation loses its useless complexity, it can be energized by the freedom of no
longer supporting the impossible burdens.
Indeed, the
argument presented in the excellent book The
Upside of Down: Catastrophe, Creativity, and the Renewal of Civilization is that
productive people simply grow tired of supporting an economy suffering from
terminal marginal return. Empires don't collapse as much as they are abandoned
by the productive citizenry who must shoulder the rising burdens. At some point
the "benefits" of Empire no longer outweigh the Empire's costs and
2. The end of
the entitlement mentality. Being entitled is taken as a wonderful thing in
today's crumbling status quo, but upon examination we find that entitlement is
intrinsically bound up with resentment and passivity/complicity. The act of
feeling entitled brings with it a latent resentment: against others who may be
getting more, and against the authorities who now wield power over the
If the Empire
stripmines productive citizens and other lands, the entitled don't care; they
are focused on "getting what's mine" and whatever evils and costs are
perpetrated to obtain the swag that flows to the entitled are ignored,
marginalized or dismissed as irrelevant.
Everyone wants
something for free, but few seem to notice that whatever is given free is
squandered, unappreciated, and endless demands for more soon follow.
The entitlement
mentality is a prison of resentment, self-absorption and complicity in the
"project" of enlarging the Central State and its Power Elites' share
of the resources, output, wealth and income of the nation and the world.
One of the key
benefits of the disappearance of the entitlement prison is that people will
start realizing the benefits of believing they have something positive to
contribute to their community and nation. That is a powerful self-affirming
idea. People will begin to feel better about themselves.
Why will the
Savior State implode/shrink to irrelevancy? Here are five inherent reasons
which cannot be "solved" or massaged away:
A. The accident
of favorable demographics goes away as the citizenry age. Endless entitlement
paid by "somebody else" or future generations seemed plausible when
there were 10 workers for every retiree. At two workers for every retiree, it
is revealed as impossible. You cannot support 100 million retirees on the backs
of 100 million workers, as well as a global Empire and various vast fiefdoms
such as the National Security State-within-a-state, a parasitic shadow banking
sector, etc.
B. Exponential
growth cannot be sustained. The Savior State must grow by 3-5% annually while
the economy will fluctuate around zero growth or even decline. Please go toChris
Martenson's site and view The Crash Course for
the end result of exponential growth.
C. The hegemony
of the U.S. dollar is not permanent. In the current status quo, the U.S. issues
endless trillons of government bonds denominated in dollars, and the rest of
the world is more or less beholden to accepting this phantom promise in
exchange for real goods. Once the forward value of the promise is eroded, then
this prop under America spending more than it makes will crumble.
D. The underlying
economy produces goods and services worth a certain amount in dollars, gold,
quatloos, oil or whatever measure you choose. The status quo requires that the
nation spend trillions of dollars more than the nation's output to support the
Savior State, its Elites/fiefdoms and its global Empire. At some point gravity
will take precedence over fantasy and the nation will have to live within its
means. The Savior State already requires 11-12% of the GDP be borrowed every
year to maintain the flow of swag/redistribution of the nation's income to
favored hands. That percentage will rise as the underlying economy devolves and
"the end of work" shrinks the taxpaying workforce.
E. The entire
project of the Savior State was dependent on cheap, abundant energy. When that
goes away, so does the Savior State.
What replaces
the Savior State? Nothing. There may well be a Central State devoted to
smaller, less complex projects such as national defense (as opposed to global
Empire), but the Savior State which sends checks to 100 million citizens and
supports vast complex systems like Medicare will no longer function.
Most people seem
to feel the implosion of the Savior State is something to dread, yet the nation
survived quite well without a Savior State or global Empire circa 1781-1941.
The Savior State only arose because of three specific circumstances: favorable
demographics, World War II and the vast supply of oil which happened to exist
within the national borders. Its passing cannot be stopped so why mourn it?
In losing the
false god of the Savior State, we will turn once again to community for
security, to productive focus on results rather than procedure, and on
resilience rather than exploitation.
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