How Europe's Crisis Countries Hide their Wealth
fair is the effort to save the euro if the people living in the countries that
receive aid are wealthier than the citizens of donor countries like Germany? A
debate over a redistribution of the burdens is long overdue.
images we see from the capitals of Europe's crisis-ridden countries are
confusing to say the least. In the Cypriot capital Nicosia, for example,
thousands protested against the levy on bank deposits, carrying images of
Hitler and anti-Merkel signs, one of which read: "Merkel, your Nazi money
is bloodier than any laundered money."
Chancellor Angela Merkel was greeted by a similar scene when she visited Athens
in October 2012. An older man with a carefully trimmed moustache and pressed
trousers stood in Syntagma Square. The words on the sign he was carrying
sharply contrasted with his amiable appearance: "Get out of our country,
these abuses, the protesters and all of Merkel's other critics in Rome, Madrid,
Nicosia and Athens agree on one thing: Germany should pay for the euro bailout,
as much as possible and certainly more than it has paid so far.
argue that Germany is a rich country that has benefited more than all others
from the introduction of the euro, and that it has flooded other European
countries with its exports, becoming more prosperous at their expense.
Own Less than Those Asking for Money
there is also a second image of Germany, one that's based on numbers, not
emotions. The figures were obtained by the European Central Bank (ECB) and
released last week. This image depicts a country whose households own less on
average than those that are asking for its money.
In this
ranking of assets, Cyprus is in second place Europe-wide, while Germany ranks
much lower, even lower than two other crisis-ridden countries, Spain and Italy.
this Cyprus, with its affluent households, is now supposed to receive €10
billion ($13.1 billion) from the European Stability Mechanism (ESM), the Euro
Group's permanent bailout fund, and the International Monetary Fund (IMF), at
least according to the decisions reached after dramatic negotiations, which the
German parliament, the Bundestag, is expected to approve this week. But a new
question is arising: Why exactly are we doing this? Isn't Cyprus rich enough to
help itself?
light of the new ECB study, a new discussion of the Euro Group's bailout
strategy is indeed necessary. So far taxpayers have born the risks of this
strategy, by guaranteeing all loans the ESM has paid out to needy countries.
Greece, Ireland, Portugal and Spain are already part of this group, and now
Cyprus has been added to the mix.
is already guaranteeing about €100 billion in loans. If even more countries
request aid and can then no longer serve as donors, the amount of money
guaranteed by the Germans could rise to €509 billion, according to an estimate
by the German Taxpayers' Association. This figure doesn't even include the
latent risks in the balance sheet of the European Central Bank (ECB).
addition, interest rates are very low, because the ECB is flooding the euro
zone with money to stabilize the system. People who save their money are
currently getting the short end of the stick, as they are stealthily being dispossessed. On the other hand, those with enough
money to invest in stocks and real estate are benefiting from the boom
triggered by the flood of funds coming from the ECB. In other words, taxpayers
and ordinary savers are paying for the euro rescue efforts, which are primarily
benefiting the rich in Europe's most troubled economies. Their assets remain
largely untouched, while the assets of their rescuers are melting away.
In the
past, the affluent have only been expected to participate in the rescue twice.
In the case of Greece, owners of government bonds had to relinquish a portion
of their claims, and in the case of Cyprus, bank deposits of more than €100,000
were either partially or fully lost.
Both cases
mark a turning point, indicating that government donors are no longer willing
to bear all the risks without the private beneficiaries of the euro rescue
paying part of the bill.
this could be only the beginning. The current strategy is not only unfair,
because it distributes the burden one-sidedly. It is also economically
dangerous, because it could put too much of a burden on the donor countries.
And if they began to falter, the monetary union would inevitably break apart.
the aid programs to date have only replaced old loans with new ones, so that
the borrower countries will never shed their heavy debt burdens. On the
contrary, the necessary austerity measures are stifling and shrinking the
economy in Greece and other Southern European countries.
Countries Should Seize Assets
would be more sensible -- and fairer -- for the crisis-ridden countries to
exercise their own power to reduce their debts, namely by reaching for the
assets of their citizens more than they have so far. As the most recent ECB
study shows, there is certainly enough money available to do this.
numbers are potentially explosive. For instance, the average German household
has assets of €195,000, almost €100,000 less than the average Spanish
household. The average net wealth of households in Cyprus is €671,000, more
than three times the German value. Italian and French households are also
significantly wealthier than their German counterparts.
differences are even more pronounced when it comes to median net wealth, which
is the level that the lower half of the population just reaches and the upper
half exceeds. On this measure, Germany, at €51,400, is actually in last place
in the euro zone. The corresponding value for Cyprus is five times as high.
Median net wealth is even higher in crisis-rattled Portugal than in Germany.
conclusions of the ECB study had hardly been published before various efforts
to relativize and whitewash the figures began. The results were apparently
embarrassing to the ECB itself, but also to the German government.
Downplays Report's Significance
politicians with the center-right Christian Democratic Union (CDU) and its
Bavarian sister party, the Christian Social Union (CSU), perused the confusing
figures at a breakfast meeting last Wednesday and turned to the finance
minister with a questioning look in their eyes, Wolfgang Schäuble responded by
shrugging his shoulders.
was unwilling to offer a clear interpretation. He eventually commented that the
figures were not as clear as they appeared, and there were no further questions.
had reached his objective, given his fears that the material would be welcome
ammunition for critics of the current rescue policy. Even the ECB, apparently
feeling uneasy about its own numbers, came up with all kinds of footnotes to
downplay the statistics' significance.
noted, for instance, that the average Cypriot household consists of three
individuals, while the average German household has only two members. This is
true, and yet a difference of 50 percent in household size cannot explain a
difference of 200 percent in average wealth.
convincing was the note that the differences in wealth were mainly attributable
to property ownership habits in the various countries. Whereas just over 80
percent of households own their own homes in Spain (83 percent) and Slovenia
(81.6), and even 90 percent in Slovakia, this is true of only 44 percent of
following comparison shows what a significant role property ownership plays in
wealth statistics: While the median wealth of a German household that owns its
own house or condominium is €216,000, it's only €10,300 for renters.
It is
also clear that homeowners in Spain and Cyprus are not nearly as wealthy as the
ECB study suggests. The data for most EU countries are from 2010, while some of
the information for Spain is even from 2008. In both countries, the value of
many houses and condominiums has declined sharply. Spain alone has seen a
decline of 36 percent in the meantime.
World Wars and a Partition
some attempts to downplay differences in wealth within the euro zone are
reminiscent of card tricks. One argument holds that the Germans are portrayed
as being too poor, because their figures do not account for their claims
against the government pension system. In other countries, people provide for
their retirement by buying property, which Germans don't have to do because
they have government pension insurance.
this is a spurious argument. Claims against a government pension fund do not
constitute the asset accumulation in the classic sense, but rather a promise
that could quite possibly not be kept. The current working generation pays for
the pensions of retirees, which is precisely why pension claims cannot be
reflected in the wealth calculation. They are offset by the younger
generation's obligation, which is essentially a liability to vouch for the
are in fact understandable reasons why the Germans even lag behind such
crisis-ridden countries as Greece, Cyprus and France when it comes to asset
accumulation. In the last 100 years, Germans have been the victims of several
events with the traits of expropriation. The hyperinflation of the 1920s, a
consequence of World War I, destroyed the wealth of a middle class that had
seen its fortunes consistently improve during the German Empire.
monetary reform of 1948 eliminated the Reichsmark, which had become worthless
after Germany's defeat in World War II, and wiped out the savings of an entire
nation. In East Germany, 40 years of socialism destroyed the last vestiges of
wealth and property. In the less than 23 years since German reunification,
residents of the former East German states have not yet managed to attain the
same levels of affluence as their fellow Germans in the west.
countries in the euro zone were spared such disasters. Either they emerged
victorious from the two world wars, like France, or they remained neutral, like
Spain. Either way, their citizens were able to build wealth over generations.
It is
also not surprising that the Germans, despite high incomes, accumulate much
less wealth than their fellow Europeans. Wealth consists of savings from the
past. But German citizens tend to spend their money on consumption. They have
no objection to renting expensive city apartments. They also like to go on
vacation two or three times a year. In other words, those who spend their money
lack funds to accumulate assets.
Devastatingly Shoddy Piece of Work'
news that they are supposedly so much more affluent than the Germans was the
source of astonishment -- and, in some places, outrage -- in Europe's
debt-ridden countries.
Trimikliniotis is sitting in his garden in a modest suburb of Nicosia. The
44-year-old has a stack of documents spread out in front of him: academic
studies, newspaper articles and notes. Trimikliniotis, a professor of law and
sociology, is one of the leftist academics in Cyprus whose opinion carries some
weight. In his opinion, the ECB study on the wealth of private households in
the euro zone is "a devastatingly shoddy piece of work," and
"completely misleading and dangerous."
the Cypriots are at the top of the ECB table in terms of their assets,
"these are average values," says Trimikliniotis, "and they are
from 2009 and 2010. And why aren't the different standards of living, the
different social insurance systems and infrastructure in our countries compared
at the same time? Why does the study fail to mention that social services like
childcare are not subsidized in our country?"
He has
other figures on hand, figures that do not appear in the ECB statistics.
"They show that one in four Cypriots is threatened with the poverty of old
age," he says. "One in two Cypriot retirees already lives on a
pension of less than €4,000 -- a year. And now, with the austerity measures and
sharp decline of the gross domestic product, old-age poverty will only get
the European press has addressed the ECB study at all in the southern
countries, it has tried to downplay the numbers, citing the usual arguments,
like property ownership, which has also declined sharply in value, and
household size. Most of all, the press has warned against drawing the wrong
conclusions from the statistics.
Swimming in Poverty, not Money
numbers, Italy's leading business newspaper Il Sole 24 Ore wrote,
seem to suggest that "la Bundesbank" were trying to say to us:
"You're the rich ones, and if you have problems, kindly solve them on your
isn't swimming "in money, but in poverty," the paper argued, noting
that 16.5 percent of Italians are considered poor while only 13.4 percent of
Germans fall below the poverty line. The Italian central bank prepared its own
report, which emphasized that Italy has more poverty and a lower average
income, but also more wealth and less private debt.
isn't this supposed wealth but growing poverty that has Italians upset these
days. And it isn't the lives of the rich that shape the headlines, but the
fates of people like Anna Maria Sopranzi, 68, and Romeo Dionisi, 62. Dionisi
was a self-employed craftsman from Civitanova Marche in central Italy.
and Dionisi hung themselves from a heating pipe in their basement. A farewell
note was stuck to the windshield of their neighbor's car. "Forgive
us," they had written. Deeply in debt and impoverished, they had had no
income for months but plenty of delinquent customers. Right up until the end,
they hadn't shown any signs of despair or asked for help, neither from
relatives nor the church.
died of shame, and of the burden of the demands imposed by Equitalia, a
government-owned company that collects taxes for the tax authorities.
commit suicide every day in Italy. This was also the case before the crisis,
but the deaths of Sopranzi and Dionisi were suicides committed out of despair,
a warning sign that shook the entire country. The newly elected president of
the parliament, Laura Boldrini, a former spokeswoman for the United Nations
High Commissioner for Refugees, attended the funeral. "This is government
murder," people said in the church. "To you we are just
numbers." The archbishop appealed to politicians, saying: "It must
become clear to you that we can no longer manage."
into Poverty
crisis has plunged many people into poverty in Southern Europe, people who no
longer know how they will make ends meet. Unemployment has risen to record
level, and there are no new jobs in sight.
Spain, a third of residents have taken out mortgages on their homes. With more
than 4 million people losing their jobs in the years of crisis since 2007, many
have been unable to continue servicing their loans with banks and savings banks.
were 30,000 foreclosures last year alone, and most of them were primary
residences. In most cases, the downgraded price paid at auction isn't
sufficient to cover the entire outstanding debt, so that the mortgage holder is
forced to continue paying high penalty interest and pay off the remaining debt
in installments.
foreclosure victims have formed self-help groups in recent months, and they
have collected signatures to achieve a change in mortgage laws the European
Court of Justice has ruled illegal and make personal bankruptcies possible.
response to the government's neglect of the plight of thousands of families,
protesters marched a week ago Tuesday in front of the offices of the governing
party, Partido Popular (PP), in Barcelona and many other cities. They blew
whistles and waved cardboard signs with the words "Stop desahucios!"
("Stop the evictions").
Culture of Shrinking Taxes
even people who are considered affluent by the numbers do not consider
themselves rich. They too feel that they are victims of the crisis, and they
are worse off today than in the past. But does this mean they cannot be
expected to bear a greater burden to save their country?
for example, Dimitris, a resident of Crete (not his real name). He's a post
office employee, his wife works in university administration, and both have
been public servants for decades, which gives them secure incomes and small
pension claims, although those benefits have been cut substantially since the
debt crisis hit Greece.
his wife Maria and their two teenage sons live in a condominium in the
administrative capital Heraklion. They also own a building in the southern part
of the island with a small owner's apartment and 12 guest rooms that are rented
out, a small but clean building with a view of the water, directly on the
beach. The mother lives in a small house that she owns in the nearby village. The
road to the village passes Dimitris's olive groves and fields of orange trees.
that he is close to retirement, Dimitris devotes most of his time -- including
his working hours -- to the trees, which he grows organically. Dimitris and
Maria are not doing well, subjectively at least. "Our costs are too
high," he complains, after maneuvering one of his three cars into a
parking space at the beach. "Just imagine. Now we have to pay taxes on all
three properties and the cars."
world doesn't make sense to Dimitris anymore. "Twenty-five percent,"
he says. He now loses a quarter of his earnings to taxes. "I don't know
how I'll manage it."
In the
past, life for Greek civil servants was often a different one. Their income
taxes were taken directly out of their wages, but the tax authorities could
traditionally be easily circumvented when it came to side earnings from things
like olive oil sales or renting rooms to tourists.
Labrianidis, a 59-year-old economist and professor at the University of
Macedonia in the northern Greek city of Thessaloniki, attributes the lack of
acceptance of tax payments and a tax liability to a sort of north-south
gradient in the general consciousness, as well as an absence of public spirit.
"We lack the parameters," he says. He is referring, for example, to
the recognition that paying taxes to the government also enhance a citizen's
personal social security and provisions for old age.
Europe's Shadow Economies
Europeans in a number of countries have traditionally paid no taxes on a good
share of their income, which is one reason households with far smaller incomes
have been able to accumulate substantially larger assets than German households.
by Friedrich Schneider, an economist in the Austrian city of Linz, reveal how
horrifying the scope of the shadow economy is in the crisis-ridden countries of
the euro zone. Among all the countries in the Organization for Economic
Cooperation and Development (OECD), Greece, Italy, Portugal and Spain occupy
the first four positions in the applicable negative ranking.
On the
Iberian Peninsula and in Italy, the hidden economy makes up 20 percent of GDP,
compared with almost 25 percent in Greece. By comparison, it only constitutes
about 13 percent in Germany, and significantly less than 10 percent in other
euro countries, like Austria and the Netherlands.
greater the importance of moonlighting, the lower the tax revenues. The shadow
economy deprives Spain, Italy and other countries of dozens of billions of
euros in tax revenue each year, and has been doing so for decades.
figures also show that in Greece, Spain and Portugal, the shadow economy plays
an even greater role today than it did in the late 1980s. The scope of the
shadow economy has declined in Italy, but only slightly. In other words, if
attitudes toward taxation in Southern Europe were just as good as they are in
the north, the debt-ridden countries would have solved their budget problems
long ago.
problems aside, Lars Feld, a member of the German Council of Economic Experts,
also sees the ECB figures as good news. "They show that Germany, with its
tough conditions for the euro bailout funds, is in the right."
all, the debt-ridden countries are only eligible for the billions from bailout
funds if they satisfy certain conditions in return. In addition to spending
cuts and tax increases, they generally include the obligation to actually
collect taxes. If tax laws not only appear on paper, but are also enforced,
then "even Greece will be able to set aside doubts concerning the
sustainability of its debts," says Feld.
More Prosperous than Previously Thought
the drawbacks and qualifications of the ECB's wealth figures, one realization
remains: The countries of the south are far more prosperous than previously
these countries' governments and the politicians in the partner countries
dealing with bailouts, this can only lead to one conclusion: There is still
plenty to be had. Cash-strapped countries that have already taken advantage of
aid from the bailout funds should be required to increase their own
contribution even further.
fact, the ailing economies have already begun increasing taxes on their
citizens, in some cases substantially. In this context, many governments are
also taking aim at assets.
year, for example, Spain reintroduced a wealth tax that had been abolished five
years earlier. It doesn't generate much in revenues, in fact, less than €1
billion. This is because of generous exemptions that can reach €1 million on
properties used as primary residences.
Socialist government in France introduced a special tax on assets last year,
which generated €2.3 billion in revenues. The Greek government plans to tax the
rich to an even greater extent. After the government drastically increased revenue
goals for the wealth tax last year, it now expects revenues to increase from
€1.2 billion to €2.7 billion.
Fight against Tax Evaders
Labrianidis also favors requiring the wealthy to play a stronger role in
repaying the government debt. "The biggest problem is tax evasion and tax
flight. And I'm not talking about the kiosk owner who doesn't give you a
receipt for a pack of cigarettes," says the professor. He is referring to
"the very rich," and he is calling for political will and a "wealth
registry." Still, Labrianidis sees "no steps being taken in this
direction. There is no political will to chase capital."
average wealth of Greek households may seem high, but the country ranks near
the bottom in Europe in terms of tax revenues. In 2011, tax revenues, including
social security contributions, amounted to 35 percent of GDP, compared with an
EU average of 40 percent.
authorities are also making very little headway in their fight against tax
evasion. Lists exist of delinquent doctors, wealthy people unwilling to pay
their taxes and tax fugitives in Switzerland. There are also lists of
undeclared swimming pools (which are subject to a tax) and proud owners of
luxury yachts whose incomes are barely large enough to pay taxes. But the tax
collectors continue to come up short. Last year, tax authorities were expected
to drum up €2 billion in back taxes to help pay off the country's debt, at
least under the conditions imposed by the troika consisting of the
International Monetary Fund (IMF), the ECB and the European Commission. The
actual figure was barely €1.1 billion.
Great Sacrifice'
In all
southern European countries, the rich show little inclination to help pay for
the consequences of the crisis. One exception is Diego Della Valle, 59, the
inventor of the driving shoe and the president and CEO of Italian leather goods
company Tod's. He proposes that companies like his, which are doing well
despite the crisis, invest 1 percent of their profits to help the weakest
members of society: the local elderly and unemployed youth.
In the
case of Tod's, that would amount to €1.5 million, and if other profitable,
publicly traded companies follow suit, he hopes to raise €150 million. Della
Valle, who plans to launch his voluntary welfare contribution campaign this
week, notes that this is something he can afford, and that for him it is
"no great sacrifice, nor is it populism."
As nice
as that may sound, keeping the government's hands away from private assets is a
very popular pastime in Italy. It's an approach embodied by Silvio Berlusconi.
More than anyone else, the self-made billionaire and longstanding former prime
minister personifies the notion of circumventing the law and living according
to the motto: Taking is more sacred than giving.
Italy has a high income tax rate of up to 43 percent, the government loses an
estimated €120 billion a year to tax evasion and tax flight. There have long
been discussions of tax increases and capital levies, but as is so often the
case, little has ever been implemented.
ideas that have been discussed are the reintroduction of the land tax, an
increase in the value-added tax and a wealth tax. The IMU, a tax on real estate
ownership, including primary residences, was finally introduced under former
Prime Minister Mario Monti. His predecessor Berlusconi had pledged, if
re-elected, to reimburse around €4 billion in money that had been paid under
the IMU tax. There was also a levy on yachts 10 meters or longer.
is in a similar position. Tax revenues have decreased instead of going up in
the crisis. The self-employed alone reportedly owe the government up to €30
billion, a study by American researchers found.
regular tax on real estate planned by the Greek government is also not going to
materialize for the time being. Instead, the special tax on real estate will
continue to be collected through electricity bills. The Finance Ministry knows
this is the only halfway reliable method for the government to get its money.
Starting this year, Greeks who own property, which is almost everyone, are
required to provide the number of their electricity meter on their tax return.
At the same time, some 30,000 customers a month are having their power cut off.
The state-owned electric utility, DEI, reports that 80 percent of electric
bills are paid very late or not at all.
is a little further along in this respect. The conservative government of Prime
Minister Mariano Rajoy, which came into office in December 2011, felt compelled
to increase the maximum income tax rate from 45 to 52 percent. Rajoy also
limited the possibility of reducing corporate income tax with write-offs.
Before, on average, companies paid a de facto rate of only 10 percent to the
government, says Josep Oliver i Alonso, a professor of applied economics at the
Autonomous University of Barcelona.
also reinstated the inheritance tax abolished by the Socialists, which will now
apply to medium-sized and large estates. But because the crisis-torn population
is already suffering under the increased value-added tax of 21 percent, as well
as prescription fees and increases in taxes on alcohol and tobacco, Spaniards
are growing less tolerant of the rich who try to avoid paying taxes on their
money. New scandals are uncovered almost daily.
former treasurer with the governing party, the conservative People's Party, hid
€38 million in Swiss bank accounts, while a son of the former head of the
Catalan government reportedly moved €32 million to tax havens. Even the
son-in-law of the Spanish king allegedly siphoned ill-gotten public funds
Little, Too Late?
But the
measures introduced to date by governments in the debt-ridden countries, their
tax increases and their attempts to improve the tax administration will not be
enough to come to grips with the massive debt in the long term. "Without
cutting spending and introducing new taxes, most of the crisis-ridden countries
will not be able to turn things around," says Guntram Wolff of the
Brussels think tank Bruegel.
In his
view, the ECB statistics at least point the way to how governments should
address the problems. Italy is a case in point, with government debt comprising
a gigantic 130 percent of GDP, compared with 80 percent in Germany. But at €173,500,
median household wealth is almost three times as high as it is in Germany.
Bofinger, a member of the German Council of Economic Experts, which advises the
federal government, also believes that the crisis-ridden countries should ask
the wealthy to make a substantially larger contribution. To clean up government
finances, he is even calling for a capital levy. "The rich would then, for
example, be required to relinquish a portion of their assets within 10 years."
A model
of this sort of capital levy is the so-called Equalization of Burdens program
implemented in Germany after World War II. At the time, the wealthy were
compelled to pay a special tax for a period of 30 years.
is convinced that a wealth tax would be far more appropriate than imposing a
levy on savers, as was recently the case in Cyprus. "Resourceful wealthy
people from Southern Europe will simply move their money to banks in Northern
Europe, thereby evading the levy."
Brussels economist Wolff, the ECB statistics provide more than just an answer
to the question of who should pay the bill for the crisis in Southern Europe.
"It becomes clear, once again, how unfair wealth is distributed, in
Germany and elsewhere."
What he
means is that wealthy Germans should also be expected to cover the costs of the
crisis. "The effort to rescue the euro would be completely absurd if, in
the end, the relatively poor average German household helped the super-rich in
Greece avoid paying higher taxes."
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