Ever since the 2008 crisis, there has been an intensifying attack on
so-called tax havens. We recall that one of the instigators of this debate was
former UK prime minister Gordon Brown. Brown is a socialist who has often been
conspicuous for his inimical stance toward gold. Not only did he sell the bulk
of the UK's gold at the very bottom of a 20 year bear market, he later urged
the IMF several times to sell its gold as well. Nothing seemed to qualify him
for this self-appointment to the role of international gold reserves adviser,
but there it was anyway. His reasoning was denounced by the very countries he
was ostensibly trying to help. Officially, the IMF was supposed to sell gold so
it could forgive loans made to poor countries by means of the profits that it
was going to book (due to the difference between the valuation of gold on its
balance sheet and its market price). Unfortunately most of the countries
concerned are major gold producers and are therefore not at all interested in
any activities that might pressure the gold price. And yet, even knowing that,
Brown carried on and on, which suggests that there were ulterior motives. We
were not at all surprised when Brown of all politicians was at the forefront of
those vehemently denouncing tax havens after 2008 – which happened out of the
blue, and apropos of nothing (what do tax havens have to do with 'crisis
prevention'? Nothing at all). The connection between Brown's hostility toward
gold and toward tax havens can however be easily established by considering the
closing paragraph of Alan Greenspan's late 1960's essay entitled 'Gold and Economic Freedom':
“This is the shabby secret of the welfare statists' tirades against gold. Deficit spending is simply a scheme for the confiscation of wealth. Gold stands in the way of this insidious process. It stands as a protector of property rights. If one grasps this, one has no difficulty in understanding the statists' antagonism toward the gold standard.”
So what does the term 'tax haven' actually mean? It simply means a country
the government of which has decided to leave its citizens largely alone in
deciding their affairs. Instead of taxing and regulating anything that moves to
death, people are left to their own devices and allowed to employ their wealth
as they see fit. A radical concept, we know. A government that decides not act
like a highway robber is considered a striking anomaly nowadays.
Naturally such 'tax havens' represent competition for high tax nations.
Their existence forces high tax nations to be more careful with how far they go
in squeezing their subjects – as those subjects always have the option of
removing all or part of their wealth to a 'tax haven'. In other words, from an
economic point of view, the existence of tax havens is highly
beneficial. It is of course not beneficial to the governments of
high tax countries, but it is beneficial to their civil societies.
It is important to make that distinction: government and civil society are
not 'the same thing'. They are polar opposites. The former makes its living by
obtaining resources by political means, this is to say by coercion and force. The
latter obtains its wealth by economic means – peaceful production and voluntary
exchange. These two institutions are not only not the same, they are sharply at
odds with each other – they are predator and prey.
And yet, even governments should be aware – and some undoubtedly are – that
it is not beneficial to install what one might term 'unlimited government'. To
paraphrase Bob Hoye on this topic: “Unlimited government requires unlimited
funding”. Any government going down this path will soon find out that when the
parasite sickens its host beyond a certain threshold, the parasite itself will
soon be in danger of expiring.
Demonizing Tax Havens
However, a great many apologists and supporters of unfettered Statism
believe that there is a better solution to the competition provided by low tax
jurisdictions than reining in their own rapaciousness. Instead they have
decided it would be best to simply kill the competition. After all, most low
tax countries are fairly small and therefore powerless. They are not backed up
by giant military forces. They exist at the sufferance of the more powerful
nations. These nations in turn however try to be 'civilized' about it, and so
there is a concerted campaign underway to demonize low tax jurisdictions as
money laundering centers, supporters of organized crime, and sanctuaries of tax
cheats who refuse to surrender their 'fair share' to the coffers of the
bureaucracies in high tax countries. At the same time – and probably not by
coincidence – there is a concerted campaign underway to demonize the 'rich'
more generally (as an aside, there actually have been a few instances when
military attacks against tax havens have indeed been proposed!).
With regard to 'tax cheats' it should be rather obvious that the main
reason for their prevalence are the unreasonably high taxes many countries
impose. Countries that have low or medium high tax rates, such as Switzerland,
have almost no problems whatsoever with tax evasion. People are in fact
prepared to surrender what they deem a 'fair' share of their income in return
for certain functions government fulfills. It is only when fairness is no
longer perceived that they are tempted to react.
Readers may recall that we have often mentioned that within the EU, the
'centralizers' and 'harmonizers' are striving to force the low tax
jurisdictions in the EU to hike their taxes in order to lower tax and
regulatory competition. This betrays not only their authoritarian tendencies,
it also proves without a doubt that they are economically ignorant. This is
because low tax jurisdictions actually improve prosperity in high tax
nations as well (see the videos further below why that is so).
Of course, so-called 'progressives' and socialists don't really believe in
even the most basic economic laws. In their minds economies are static zero sum
games, in which one man's gain is automatically another man's loss. They are
not really interested in a progressing economy. It has been this way since
Marx, whose ideas are based on this very misconception. Socialism and central
planning always fail, inter alia precisely because the
economy is not static and never will be. However, there is
good reason to believe that the most strongly committed socialists actually want a
static economy. They long for the 'end of history', for a fixed pie of wealth
that is to be distributed according to their preferences. In other
words, it may not only be economic ignorance, but also malicious intent that is
motivating their actions.
What the EU's high tax nations are pining for is the erection of a kind of
'Tax Cartel' – so to speak an OPEC of high tax countries that will be able to
impose oppressive tax rates all over the world. This is a declaration of war
against civil society everywhere.
Tax Havens Benefit the Global Economy
If one more closely examines the arguments brought forward against low tax
jurisdictions and the financial privacy they offer, it turns out that these
arguments have actually no merit whatsoever. Why this is so, is excellently
explained in a three part video series by the Cato Institute's Dan Mitchell,
who looks at the economic and moral case in favor of tax havens, as well as the
myths informing the anti-tax haven demagoguery of their detractors. These
videos are eye openers.
1. The Economic Case:
“Statist politicians and
international bureaucracies such as the OECD and UN routinely attack tax
havens, claiming that they lead to "harmful tax competition." Yet at
no point do critics bother to provide any evidence for this claim. This mini-documentary from the Center for Freedom and Prosperity looks at
the empirical data and scholarly research and reports that tax havens actually
have a very positive impact on the global economy.”
(emphasis added)
Tax havens promote good policy around the world by forcing high tax nations
to lower their taxes; tax havens boost living standards; tax havens improve
governance; and lastly, tax havens actually
increase prosperity in high tax nations as well
2. The Moral Case
Here Mitchell explains why there is in fact a strong moral case
for preserving tax havens as well.
“This Center for Freedom
and Prosperity Foundation video demonstrates that low-tax jurisdictions offer
millions of people around the world a safe haven from tyrannical and oppressive
government. For this, and many other reasons, there is a powerful
moral case for preserving and promoting tax havens. In addition to showing how tax
havens promote human rights and individual liberty, the video exposes
the hypocritical anti-tax competition efforts of statist international
bureaucracies such as the Organization for Economic Cooperation and
(emphasis added)
Tax havens provide members of politically unpopular groups valuable
protection against tyrannical governments
3. Myths About Tax
In this video Mitchell explains why the demagoguery against tax havens is
based on myths that have no basis in reality. In fact, the fault is not with
low tax jurisdictions, but with the nations imposing oppressive tax rates. Some
of the arguments forwarded by the statists are downright absurd and not
surprisingly, zero evidence is offered to buttress them (this is because such
evidence doesn't exist). In fact, as a rule tax havens have the most stringent
regulations against money laundering, as they are very concerned about risks to
their reputation. Thus one of the most often dragged up arguments against tax
havens is simply a malicious invention of the statists.
“This final video in the
three-part series addresses some of the most common myths put forth by
politicians from high-tax nations. Using academic research and data from
international organizations, the video shows that the most common attacks made
against low-tax jurisdictions are empty demagoguery.”
The attacks on tax havens are based on myths that have no basis in reality
and cannot be supported by evidence.
The 'Scoop'
Recently the attack on low tax jurisdictions has gone into high gear. Der
Spiegel breathlessly reports “Global Resistance Against Tax Havens
Grows”, regurgitating the anti-low tax jurisdictions propaganda put
out by high tax nations as though it were indisputable holy writ that brooks no
dissent whatsoever.
The trigger for this recent flurry of propaganda was an alleged
'journalistic scoop'. Previously it was reported that:
“An international
network of journalists has obtained some 2.5 million records from tax havens
detailing shell companies, offshore accounts and dubious financial deals. The
unprecedented leaks include the names of 130,000 people who at one time or
other moved their money offshore”
In their eagerness to get their faux moral outrage against tax havens out
of the door as quickly as possible, it turns out that many 'journalists' in the
mainstream media failed to hew to the most basic journalistic standards. They
failed to ask a single question, but there are actually a great many questions
that need to be asked.
Obviously, no 'network of journalists' has actually 'unearthed' the
information in question in the course of mundane journalistic work. Instead,
persons unknown dumped a 260 GB hard disk full of allegedly incriminating data
on the doorstep of an organization they full well knew would present it as a
'scoop' to a world eagerly awaiting the next titillation.
Let us list the questions that should have been asked, but
weren't (we have to thank the Austrian newspaper 'Der Standard' for the
formulation of some of them. An independent editorial published there finally
resolved to actually ask them, but they are only questions so far. The answers
remain elusive):
1. Where did the information actually come from? Who
has access to such a treasure trove of data?
2. Flowing
logically from the first question: Cui bono? Who profits from
the publication of this information? It is certainly not we average citizens.
3. How
did 86 journalists from 46 countries work' on these data for 15 months without
a single leak? How were they selected, and why were no journalists of the major
mainstream media included (including, as it were, Der Spiegel, which was kept
in the dark together with the New York Times, El Pais, and other papers known
for engaging in just this type of investigative journalism)?
4. Why
were only certain tax havens included, but not others? Why were only certain
names included, but not others? What caused the odd paucity of names of
prominent people from all walks of life, especially Western politicians?
Obviously, to get all these data into one place is no easy task. They were
distributed on hundreds of servers all over the world, and were undoubtedly
heavily encrypted. We can actually rule out an aggrieved employee or a lone
data thief trying to make a mint. The only organizations that one can imagine
to have had access to such data are States, respectively their secret services.
As to the 'cui bono' question, it was immediately answered by the
reaction of politicians from predominantly high tax nations to the 'scoop'. It
is an opportunity they have been waiting for: now financial privacy can be
attacked full blast wherever it is still practiced to some degree.
Some of the intended victims are already meekly surrendering:
“In an interview published
Sunday in the Frankfurter Allegemeine Sonntagszeitung, Luxembourg Finance
Minister Luc Frieden said his country was considering easing its banking
secrecy rules. "We want an intensified cooperation with foreign tax
authorities," he said, noting that there is a clear trend towards the
automatic exchange of information. "In contrast to the past, we no longer
strictly reject this," he added. Until now, the country has blocked any
strict EU directive on taxation of foreign-held savings that would require such
automatic exchange of data, ensuring favorable advantages for investors in the
On Friday, German Finance
Minister Wolfgang Schäuble said there are two EU countries that "make use
of special rules for themselves," a clear reference to Austria and
Luxembourg. "I assume that will now change, also through such
The above are just a handful of examples, readers can easily confirm for
themselves that many politicians from the countries with the highest tax rates are
almost beside themselves with glee at the moment.
Most people probably think: 'So what? I have no account or company
registered in a tax haven, and will probably never have one. It will only hit
the rich and their evil bankers anyway'. What they don't realize is that all members
of civil society profit greatly from the existence of tax havens and the tax
competition they create (as Dan Mitchell's videos above hopefully make
abundantly clear).
They also forget that when governments force their citizens to give up all
financial privacy (for instance, in Mr. Schäuble's Germany, it has simply
ceased to exist entirely; the government can snoop in its citizens bank
accounts to its heart's content without needing to obtain a warrant), a
decisive step toward the imposition of tyranny is taken. It is not relevant, as
the statists insist, whether one feels one has anything to 'hide'. After all,
no-one really wants faceless bureaucrats to know everything about their private
activities. To give an example: what if someone orders a dildo by mail and pays
for it by bank wire? In Germany he must expect that people from the government
are in a position to learn about it at any time and he wouldn't even know that
they have done so. In many other countries where this is not yet possible, it
probably soon will be if recent trends are any indication.
Governments all over the developed world are teetering on the brink of
bankruptcy, as they have for decades callously spent money they didn't
have in order to bribe voters. These very same governments now seemingly
intend to make their citizens pay for their mistakes. The attack on tax havens
and financial privacy, as well as the recent decision to make the confiscation
of deposits easier in the event of bank failures, all point in the same
direction: they probably know, or at least suspect, that an even bigger crisis
is coming than the one in 2008 or the euro debt crisis to date. They are
therefore preparing the ground for dealing with this emergency by cutting off
all the avenues that remain for their citizens to protect themselves from the
coming predations. So-called 'financial repression' is slowly but surely moving
from covert to overt methods. A multi-pronged attack of the State against civil
society appears to be underway. Everyone in favor of peace and
civilization should reject and resist these developments.
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