by Charles Hugh-Smith
In 1993,
management guru Peter Drucker published a short book entitled Post-Capitalist
Society. Despite the fact that the Internet was still
in its pre-browser infancy, Drucker identified that developed-world economies
were entering a new knowledge-based era– as
opposed to the preceding industrial-based era, which represented just as big a
leap from the agrarian-based one it had superseded.
Drucker used the
term post-capitalist not to suggest the emergence of a new
“ism” beyond the free market, but to describe a new economic order that was no
longer defined by the adversarial classes of labor and the owners of capital.
Now that knowledge has trumped financial capital and labor alike, the new
classes are knowledge workers andservice workers.
As for the role of
capital, Drucker wryly points out that by Marx’s definition of socialist
paradise –that the workers owned the means of production (in the 19th century,
that meant mines, factories and tools) – America is a workers’
paradise, because a significant percentage of stocks and bonds were owned by
pension funds indirectly owned by the workers.
In the two decades
since 1993, privately owned and managed 401K retirement funds have added to the
pool of worker-owned financial capital.
Drucker’s main
point is that the role of finance and capital is not the same in a knowledge
economy as it was in a capital-intensive industrial economy that needed massive
sums of bank credit to expand production.
How much bank
financing did Apple, Oracle, Microsoft, or Google require to expand?
Investment banks reaped huge profits in taking these fast-growing knowledge
companies public, but these tech companies’ need for financial capital was met
with relatively modest venture-capital investments raised from pools of
That the dominant
knowledge-based corporations had little need for bank capital illustrates the
diminished role for finance capital in a knowledge economy. (This also
explains the explosive rise in the 1990s and 2000s of financialization; i.e.,
excessive debt, risk, leverage, and moral hazard. Commercial and
investment banks needed new profit sources to exploit, as traditional
commercial lending was no longer profitable enough.)
In a knowledge
economy, the primary asset – knowledge – is
“owned” by the worker and cannot be taken from him/her. Knowledge is a
form of mobile human capital.
In Drucker’s view,
knowledge, not industry or finance, is now the dominant basis of wealth
creation, and this transformation requires new social structures. The old
industrial-era worldview of “labor versus capital” no longer describes the key
social relations or realities of the knowledge economy.
The transition
from the industrial economy to the knowledge economy is the modern-day
equivalent of the Industrial Revolution, which transformed an agrarian social
order to an industrial one of factories, workers, and large-scale
concentrations of capital and wealth. These major transitions are
disruptive and unpredictable, as the existing social and financial orders are
replaced by new, rapidly evolving arrangements. As Drucker put it, the
person coming of age at the end of the transitional period cannot imagine the
life led by his/her grandparents – the dominant social
organizations that everyone previously took for granted have changed.
Following in the
footsteps of historian Fernand Braudel, Drucker identifies four key transitions
in the global economy: in the 1300s, from a feudal, agrarian economy to
modern capitalism and the nation-state; in the late 1700s and 1800s, the
Industrial Revolution of steam power and factories; in the 20th century,
a Productivity Revolution as management of work and processes boosted the
productivity of labor, transforming the proletariat class into the middle
class; and since the 1990s, the emergence of the Knowledge Economy.
In Drucker’s
analysis, these fast-spreading economic revolutions trigger equally profound
political and social dynamics. The dominant social structures that we take for
granted – labor and capital, and the nation-state – are
not immutable; rather, they are the modern-day equivalent of the late-1200s
feudal society that seemed permanent to those who had known nothing else but
that was already being dismantled and replaced by the Renaissance-era development
of modern capitalism.
From this
perspective, the nation-state is no longer indispensable to the knowledge
economy, and as a result, Drucker foresaw the emergence of new social
structures would arise and co-exist with the nation-state.
Drucker summed up
the difference between what many term a post-industrial economy and what he
calls a knowledge economy this way:
"That knowledge has become the resource rather than a resource is what makes our society 'post-capitalist.' This fact changes – fundamentally – the structure of society. The means of production is and will be knowledge."
Knowledge and Management
As we might expect
from an author who spent his career studying management, Drucker sees the
Management Revolution that began around 1950 as a key dynamic in the knowledge
economy. The lessons in management learned from the unprecedented
expansion of U.S. production in World War II were codified and applied to
post-war industry, most famously in Japan.
This is the third
phase of knowledge being applied to production. In the Industrial
Revolution, knowledge was applied to tools and products. In the second
phase, knowledge was applied to work flow and processes, enabling the
Productivity Revolution that greatly boosted workers’ productivity and
wages. The third phase is the application of knowledge to knowledge
itself, or what Drucker terms the Management Revolution, which has seen the
emergence and dominance of a professional managerial class, not just in the
private sector but in the non-profit and government sectors.
The nature of
knowledge has changed, in Drucker’s analysis, from a luxury that afforded the
Elite opportunities for self-development, to applied knowledge. In the
present era, the conventional liberal-arts university education produces
generalists; i.e., a class of educated people. In terms of generating
results in the world outside the person, knowledge must be effectively
organized into specialized disciplines that incorporate methodologies that can
be taught and applied across a spectrum of people and tasks.
characterizes this as the movement from knowledge (generalized)
to knowledges (applied, specialized). Organizations can
then focus this methodical knowledge on accomplishing a specific, defined task
or mission.
Though it may seem
incredulous to us, Drucker observes that the current meaning of “organization”
was not listed in the authoritative Oxford dictionary of 1950. While social
groups and organizations have existed for as long as humanity itself, Drucker
distinguishes between the traditional “conserving institutions” of family,
community, and society, and the destabilizing post-capitalist “society of
organizations” that is adapted for constant change.
require management, and in the knowledge economy, that means managing change
and helping the organization learn how to innovate. Innovation can no
longer be left to chance; it must be organized as a systematic process.
Without a
systematic process of constant innovation, organizations will become obsolete.
Drucker takes this
process of innovation one step further and concludes that this requiresdecentralization,
as this is the only means to reach decisions quickly based on performance, and
proximity to markets, technology, and the environment.
Though he doesn’t
state it directly, this means that the highly centralized sectors of the
economy, from finance to government, will be disrupted by a rapidly evolving,
decentralized “society of organizations.”
So if this is the
nature of the new economy, what type of worker will be most in demand?
Will your current
industry, job, or skill set be as relevant? Are there steps you can start
taking now to defend or increase your future market value?
In Part
II: Positioning Yourself to Prosper in the Post-Capitalist Economy, we examine what
impact these transformational forces will have on us as individuals,
households, and communities, and how we can best prepare for the fast-evolving
knowledge economy.
The global economy
has only experienced three major transformations in the past 1,000 years, and
arguably, we are living through the fourth. Those who understand the nature of
this transition and position themselves intelligently will be disproportionately
better off – a topic covered fully in my earlier report on The Future of Work.
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