Cut Benefits, Not Immigration
misleading Heritage Foundation report by economists Robert Rector and Jason
Richwine concludes that legalizing undocumented workers will cost America $6.3
trillion over the immigrants' lifetimes.
report is deceptive because it assumes, contrary to empirical evidence, no
increased economic efficiency from immigration and no economic mobility. It
doesn't discuss numerous benefits to national security from legalizing and
making it easier to track America's11 million undocumented workers.
Yes, as
the authors point out, America has a welfare problem. Over 47 million people,
the vast majority native-born Americans, are on food stamps almost four years
after the beginning of the economic recovery. Means tested benefits, healthcare
under the Affordable Care Act, and retiree benefits are increasingly expensive,
and these costs need to be brought under control for everyone.
that's not the same as an immigration problem. If we're concerned that benefits
are keeping people in poverty and impeding upward mobility, we should cut
benefits, not immigrants.
timing of the report is not coincidental. The Heritage Foundation, under the
leadership of its new president, former South Carolina Republican senator Jim
DeMint, released the document with its eye-popping $6.3 trillion price tag in
order to attempt to derail the Senate bipartisan immigration bill. The bill's
sponsors include Republicans Marco Rubio of Florida and Lindsay Graham of South
Carolina, and Democrats Charles Schumer of New York and Dick Durbin of Illinois.
the Border Security, Economic Opportunity, and Immigration Modernization Act,
the immigration bill would improve border security and grant provisional work
status to undocumented workers. Upon payment of fines and penalties, immigrants
would be able to get to the back of the line to receive green cards.
report refers to the legalization process as "amnesty," deliberately
overlooking the penalties required to be paid by undocumented workers in order
to receive legal status. The term "amnesty" is a misreading of the
immigration bill, inserted to prevent the bill from becoming law.
report assumes all will choose naturalization and all will be on welfare.
Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas economist Pia Orrenius told me on Monday,
"Less than half of currently eligible Mexicans have naturalized. Overall,
only about two-thirds of eligible immigrants have naturalized." Many
return home, having paid Social Security taxes without collecting any benefits.
Table 7
of the report shows that in the "interim phase," after immigrants
have received legal status but before they qualify for welfare benefits, the
fiscal deficit per household declines by $2,000 per year. After the interim
phase, which could take 5 to 15 years, the deficit rises by $15,000 annually
from current levels, primarily due to increased spending on healthcare and
means-tested benefits. One solution: cut benefits.
University of Chicago professor Casey Mulligan documented in his new
book, The Redistribution Recession: How Labor Market Distortions
Contracted the Economy (Oxford University Press, 2012), benefits are a
major reason why the proportion of working-age Americans who have jobs or who
are looking for them has been falling, even though employment has been
expanding, albeit fitfully and at a sluggish pace. Eligibility has increased,
and the programs have become more generous.
report assumes that immigrants stay poor, contrary to data on income mobility
from the U.S. Department of the Treasury.
In an
analysis of individuals' tax return data, Treasury economists Gerald Auten and
Geoffrey Gee found considerable mobility between income groups during the
periods 1987 to 1996, and 1996 to 2005. Over 50 percent of taxpayers moved to a
different fifth of the income distribution, and over 50 percent of those who
started in the bottom fifth moved to another fifth. One reason for moving to
another quintile was marriage.
Treasury data show a clear picture of high income mobility for the vast
majority of workers. Using a sample of individuals aged between 25 and 64,
Auten and Gee found that 56 percent of those in the lowest fifth had moved to a
higher fifth 10 years later. Almost 30 percent went to the second fifth, and 27
percent moved up two or more fifths. The Heritage report doesn't mention the
Treasury study.
the Heritage report neglects multiple ways that immigration benefits U.S.
economic growth and native-born Americans. Here are examples.
Raise Wages of Native-Born Americans. Immigrants complement the skills of
native-born Americans because there are proportionately more adults without
high school diplomas, and more adults with PhDs in math and science. Hence,
immigrants increase economic efficiency and raise Americans' wages by reducing
labor shortages in low- and high-skilled markets. Their educational backgrounds
fill holes in the native-born labor market.
immigration would expand the American work-force, and encourage more business
start-ups. Businesses ranging from Apple, Inc. to apple growers would be able
to find additional workers in America. University of California economist
Giovanni Peri has calculated that immigration raised wages of native-born
Americans by six tenths of a percent during the period from 1990 to 2006.
Needs More High-Skill Workers. One way to understand the benefits of
immigration for America is to examine the role of foreigners in start-ups.
Start-ups lead to economic growth, and immigrants found new companies in
America at greater rates than do the native-born. Google, Intel, Yahoo, eBay,
and PayPal had immigrant founders. None were mentioned in the Heritage report.
Needs More Low-Skill Workers. Few Americans want careers cleaning hotel
rooms or picking fruit, but low-skill immigrants want these jobs. Farms provide
income to Americans employed not only in farming, but also in trucking and
distribution. If farmers cannot find workers to pick fruit, as was the case in
Washington State for the 2012 apple crop, products will be imported from
countries with low-skill labor. It makes little sense for agricultural
production to become uneconomic to avoid employing immigrants.
Generate GDP and Tax Revenue. Technology Policy Institute fellow Arlene
Holen has estimated that if no green card or H-1B visa constraints had existed
in the period 2003 to 2007, an additional 182,000 foreign graduates in science
and technology fields would have remained in America. Their contribution to GDP
would have been $14 billion in 2008, including $2.7 billion to $3.6 billion in
tax payments. Three hundred thousand H-1B visa holders would also have remained
in the U.S. labor force, earning $23 billion in 2008 and generating $34 to $47
billion in tax revenue over the next decade.
Improves America's Demographics. Declining fertility rates mean that a
shrinking pool of workers is responsible for an expanding group of retirees.
America's fertility rate is declining, and between 2005 and 2010 it was 2.07
children per woman, barely above replacement rate. Immigrants have higher
fertility rates than native-born Americans, and can keep the workforce growing.
Sam Could Sell Visas and Work Permits. Recently several economists, such
as Orrenius and University of Chicago Nobel prize winner Gary Becker, have
proposed auctioning off work permits to employers or visas to individuals. Such
funds could be used to reduce the deficit, or distributed to those parts of the
country, such as California and Arizona, to offset costs of security and
educating immigrants' children. Orrenius suggests initial minimum prices for
permits, fluctuating according to demand, of $10,000 for a high-skill permit,
$6,000 for a low-skill permit, and $2,000 for a seasonal permit. Becker would
price the visas higher, at $50,000. The Heritage report doesn't mention the
possibility of auctioning off visas to raise revenue.
is losing talented potential immigrants to other nations, resulting in
declining competitiveness. By neglecting benefits of legal immigration, the
Heritage report presents a misleading view of reform legislation under
discussion in Congres
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