The band will play on as the ship of state descends into the abyss
A confluence of
events last week has me reminiscing about the days gone by and apprehensive
about the future. I’ve spent a substantial portion of my adulthood rushing to
baseball fields, hockey rinks, gymnasiums, and school auditoriums after a long
day at work. I’d be lying if I said I enjoyed every moment. Watching eight year
olds trying to throw a strike for two hours can become excruciatingly
mind-numbing. But, the years of baseball, hockey, basketball, and band taught
my boys life lessons about teamwork, sportsmanship, winning, losing, hard work,
and having fun. There were championship teams, awful teams and of course
trophies for finishing in 7th place. As my boys have gotten
older and no longer participate in organized sports, the time commitment has dropped
considerably. Last week was one of those few occasions where I had to rush home
from work, wolf down a slice of pizza and head out to a school function. It was the annual 8th grade
Spring concert.
My youngest son
was one of a hundred kids in the 8th grade choir. I think it
was mandatory, since none of my kids like to sing. As my wife and I found a
seat in the back of the auditorium where we could make a quick escape at the
conclusion of the show, neither of us were enthused with the prospect of
spending the next ninety minutes listening to off-key music and lame songs.
I’ve been jaded by sitting through these ordeals since pre-school. But a funny
thing happened during my 30thband concert. I began to feel
sentimental about the past and sorrowful about the future for these
The Millennial
generation was born between 1982 and 2004. Therefore, they range in age from 9
years old to 31 years old. There are approximately 87 million of them, or 27.5%
of the U.S. population. In comparison, the much ballyhooed Boomer generation
only has 65 million cohorts remaining on this earth. The Millennials will have
a much greater influence on the direction of this country over the next fifteen
years than the currently in control Boomers. There has been abundant scorn
heaped upon this young generation by their elders. In a fit of irrationality
befit the arrogant, hubristic, delusional elder generations, they somehow blame
a cohort in which 54 million of them are still younger than 21 years old for
many of the ills afflicting our society. This disgusting display of hubris is
par for the course among these delusional elders.
Are Millennials
addicted to their iGadgets, cell phones and Facebook pages? Probably. Do they
spend too much time on the internet and playing PS3 & Xbox? Certainly. Have
they been indoctrinated in social engineering gibberish like diversity and
planet worship by government run public school bureaucrats? Absolutely. Are
they young, foolish, immature, irrational and not respectful towards their
elders? You betcha. Teenagers have acted like this forever. You acted like that.
The ongoing crisis in this country and our unsustainable economic system are in
no way the result of anything perpetrated by the Millennial generation.
Can the Millennial
generation be blamed for the $17 trillion national debt, $222 trillion of
unfunded un-payable social obligations promised by corrupt politicians, $1
trillion of annual deficits, undeclared wars being waged across the globe on
behalf of the military industrial complex arms dealer mega-corporations,
economic policies that have resulted in 48 million people dependent on food
stamps, tax policies that enrich those who write the code, trade policies that
benefit corporations who gutted the industrial base and shipped jobs overseas
to slave labor factories, or monetary policies that have destroyed 96% of the
dollar’s purchasing power? They had no say in the creation of our untenable
welfare/warfare state.
There are no
Millennials among the 535 corrupt bought off politicians slithering down the
halls of Congress. There are no Millennials running the Too Big To Control Wall
Street banks. There are no Millennials in charge of the mega-corporations that
buy and sell our politicians. There are no Millennials at the upper echelon of
the Military Industrial Complex or in the upper ranks of the U.S. Military.
But, and this is a big but, they have done most of the dying in the Middle East
over the last ten years in our multiple undeclared preemptive wars of
aggression. They have died under the false pretenses of a War on Terror, when
they are truly dying on behalf of the crony capitalists who profit from never
ending war. They have been fighting and dying to protect “our oil” that happens
to be under “their sand”. If the energy independence storyline was true, why is
our military perpetually at war in the Middle East?
The Millennials
will also be required to do the heavy lifting over the next fifteen years of
this Fourth Turning Crisis. The Silent Generation is dying off rapidly. The
Boomer generation has done some hard living and some hefty eating and with the
oldest of their cohort hitting 70 years old, their supremacy will begin to
diminish over the coming fifteen years. At 87 million strong, and millions yet
to reach voting age, the Millennials will become more influential by the day
regarding the future course of this nation. The question is what will be left
of this country by the time they assume control. They are saddled with $1
trillion of student loan debt, peddled to them by the government and Wall
Street with the false promise of good paying jobs and the opportunity for a
better life than their parents lived. They have obediently followed the path
laid out by their elders, but they have been badly misled. This American dream
has been shattered upon an iceberg of debt, delusion, deception and denial. The
unsinkable American empire’s hubris and arrogance are leading to its demise.
The Millennials are coming of age during a Crisis that will reach momentous
magnitudes over the next fifteen years, and they had nothing to do with
creating the circumstances which will propel the chaos and anarchy that ensues.
But, they will bear the brunt of the dreadful consequences.
“The Boomers’ old age will loom, exposing the thinness in private savings and the unsustainability of public promises. The 13ers will reach their make or break peak earning years, realizing at last that they can’t all be lucky exceptions to their stagnating average income. Millennials will come of age facing debts, tax burdens, and two tier wage structures that older generations will now declare intolerable.” – Strauss & Howe - The Fourth Turning
The kids on the
stage at the 8th grade Spring concert were all around 14 years
old. They are unaware they are in the midst of a twenty year period of Crisis.
The boys are at that gawky looking stage with pimply faces and gawky limbs. The
girls mature quicker than the boys at that age. These youngsters have barely
begun their lives. I was amazed at their proficiency with a wide variety of
musical instruments. They displayed poise and talent. The soloists exhibited
composure well beyond their years. The performers were all musically endowed
and proved that hard work and practice pays off. They were clearly enjoying
themselves. They were all dressed in their Sunday best. I found myself enjoying
the show despite my jaded attitude upon entering the auditorium. Even my son,
wearing one of my ties, actually appeared to be singing during the choir
performance. What I saw were hundreds of bright eyed Millennials with their
hopes and dreams for a bright future intact. They have no idea what trials and
tribulations await them.
I reached a
milestone on the age chart last week that had me ruminating about yesteryear
and contemplating the future. I reached the half century mark. Birthdays
generally do not faze me, but the intersection of the 8th grade
concert and my landmark birthday had me pondering my purpose for inhabiting
this world. I’ve likely realized two-thirds of my life. The final third of my
life will be spent trying to maneuver through the minefields of this Fourth
Turning. I’m a father to three Millennial boys. I consider it my duty to defend
and support them during this Crisis. Strauss & Howe wrote their book in
1997 and predicted a Great Devaluation in the financial markets around the time
Millennials were entering their twenties. This Crisis began in September 2008
with the worldwide financial collapse created by Wall Street “Greed is Good”
Boomers, as the oldest Millennials entered their twenties. It continues to
worsen as more Millennials approach their twenties. We’ve reached a point in
history when the elder generations need to sacrifice in order to insure younger
generations have a chance at some form of the American dream.
I believe each
generation has an obligation to future generations. We are bridge between
preceding generations and future generations. We have a civic obligation to
manage the resources of the country in a prudent manner. It’s our duty to leave
the country in a financially viable condition so younger generations have an
opportunity to live a better life than their parents. Every generation that
preceded the Millennials has achieved the goal of having a better standard of
living than their parents. I don’t believe my boys will enjoy a better life
than I’ve lived. We’ve lived well beyond our means for decades. Government,
Wall Street banks, corporations and individuals have run up a $56 trillion tab
and are sticking the Millennials with the bill.
The $17 trillion
national debt accumulated by elder generations to benefit themselves and $222
trillion of unfunded entitlements promised to themselves is nothing but
generational theft. It’s immoral and possibly the most selfish act in human
history. I’m ashamed that my generation and older generations have committed
this criminal act of theft. Deficit spending today with no intention of
repaying that debt is a tax on future generations. This egotistical abuse of
power by the current and past regimes must be reversed voluntarily or it will
be done by force. I’m 50 years old and will dedicating my remaining time on
this earth fighting to create a sustainable future for my kids and their kids.
The lucky among us get eighty years on this planet to make a difference. When
did the definition of success become dying with the most toys and spending your
life screwing your fellow man by accumulating obscene levels of wealth at their
expense? If Boomers and Generation X have any sense of guilt about what they
have done, they would be willingly offering to sacrifice their ill-gotten
Not only are those
currently in power not proposing to scale back their spending, debt
accumulation, or entitlement transfers, but they have accelerated the pace of
each in the last five years. An already unsustainable corrupted economic
structure is being driven towards collapse by psychopathic central bankers and
cowardly captured politicians. These are acts of treason against the youth of
this country and larceny on a grand scale. It will lead to generational warfare
and these crooks will pay for their transgressions. Strauss & Howe
suspected in 1997 the elders might cling to their illicit profits acquired at
the expense of the Millennials:
“When young adults encounter leaders who cling to the old regime (and who keep propping up senior benefit programs that will by then be busting the budget), they will not tune out, 13er – style. Instead, they will get busy working to defeat or overcome their adversaries. Their success will lead some older critics to perceive real danger in a rising generation perceived as capable but naïve.” – Strauss & Howe - The Fourth Turning
The elders who
represent the status quo do perceive real danger in the rising Millennial
generation. The initial skirmishes occurred in the midst of the Occupy
protests. The young protestors initially focused on the true culprits in the
crashing of the financial system and vaporizing of the net worth of millions –
Wall Street bankers and their sugar daddy at the Federal Reserve. In a display
of status quo bipartisanship you had liberal Democrat mayors in cities across
the country call out their armed thugs to beat the millennial protestors into
submission while being cheered on by Fox News and the neo-cons.
The existing
status quo regime provides the illusion of choice, but both political parties
are interchangeable in their desire to control our lives, flex our military
might around the globe, indebt future generations and write laws to favor their
corporate and banking masters. The establishment is showing contempt for the
futures of our youth. Their solutions to the criminally created financial
crisis have been to reward reckless debtors and bankers at the expense of
future generations. Their doling out of hundreds of billions in student loan
debt and artificial propping up of home prices has effectively made it
impossible for millions of young people to get their lives started. Boomers
have done such a poor job saving for their retirements they are unable to leave
the workforce. Since January 2009, despite adding $400 billion of student loan
debt, Millennials have a net loss in jobs, while the Boomers have taken 4
million jobs.
Strauss & Howe
anticipated that older people would be anguished to see good kids suffer for
the mistakes they had made. They thought the elders couldn’t possibly be
shallow enough, selfish enough, or immoral enough to deny the Millennial
generation a chance at the American Dream. They were wrong. The old regime has
no plans to step aside or sacrifice on behalf of younger generations. The
implications of this resistance will be dire.
“The youthful hunger for social discipline and centralized authority could lead Millennial youth brigades to lend mass to dangerous demagogues. The risk of class warfare will be especially grave if the 20% of Millennials who were poor as children (50% in inner cities) come of age seeing their peer-bonded paths to generational progress blocked by elder inertia.” – Strauss & Howe - The Fourth Turning
The social mood in
this country continues to deteriorate as the sociopathic financial elite
accelerate their pillaging of the working middle class, steal money from senior
citizens through zero interest rate inflationary policies, and enslave our
youth in the chains of crushing debt and promise of dead end jobs. When the
next leg down in this ongoing depression strikes like an F5 tornado, the
simmering anger in this country will explode in a chaotic frenzy of violence
and retribution. The chances of class and generational warfare have increased
exponentially due to the actions of the elderly regime over the last five
“You got your whole life ahead of you, but for me, I finish things.” – Walt Kowalski – Gran Torino
A couple days
after the Spring concert I was flipping through the 650 channels on my TV with
nothing worth watching when I stumbled across the 2008 Clint Eastwood movie Gran Torino. This was the
third episode within the week that had me thinking about the future of my kids.
It was his highest grossing film in history. Eastwood played a bigoted tough
guy Korean War veteran whose Detroit suburban neighborhood had deteriorated
into a dangerous gang infested Asian war zone. The movie did not follow the
standard Eastwood plot where he kills dozens of bad guys. He grudgingly
befriends two young Millennial teenage Laos refugees who live next door. He had
lost his wife of 50 years. He was in his 70s and dying from some undiagnosed
illness. I viewed the movie as an allegory for the generational sacrifice that
should be taking place now.
character, Walt Kowlaski, decided to finish things his way. He realized the two
Millennials would never find peace or have a chance at a better life until the
criminal gang running the show in the neighborhood were confronted and
defeated. He knew he was too old to kill six gang members singlehandedly, so he
made a choice to sacrifice himself and be gunned down in cold blood in front of
multiple witnesses so the perpetrators would go to jail and allow his
Millennial companions to have a chance at a better life. He sacrificed his life
for the good of young people who weren’t even related to him. This
message has not connected with the elder generations who control the purse
strings and political system in this country. The media propaganda machine
supporting the existing regime continues to peddle a storyline that debt
doesn’t matter, consumption is good, saving is for suckers, and passing the
bill for unfunded entitlements to future generations is not immoral and
cowardly. Walt Kowalski displayed courage, bravery, and valor that is sorely
lacking in the elderly generations today.
At the age of 50 I
have a choice with my remaining 20 or 30 years. I can choose to keep
accumulating material goods with debt, voting for politicians who promise never
to cut my entitlements, believing deficits growing to infinity are beneficial
to the economic health of the nation, supporting the military industrial
complex as they wage undeclared wars across the world, applauding the Orwellian
fascist surveillance measures instituted to give the illusion of safety while
sacrificing freedoms and liberties and selfishly looking out for my best
interests. Or I can stand up to the corporate fascist old boy regime and lure
them into a violent response that will ultimately lead to their downfall. I’m
willing to sacrifice what is supposedly “owed” to me on behalf of my kids and
all Millennials. They don’t deserve to start life in a $200 trillion hole
created by their parents and grandparents. It is disconcerting to me that more
Boomer and Generation X parents are unprepared, unwilling or too willfully
ignorant to forfeit entitlements awarded them under false pretenses in order to
preserve a decent standard of living for their children and grandchildren. The
Bernaysian propaganda programmed into their brains over decades by the
sociopathic central planning status quo has created this inertia.
The inertia will
be replaced by frenzied activity when this unsustainable system ultimately
fails. Time seems to be standing still. People have been lulled into a false
sense of security even though history is about to fling us into a chaotic
transformational period in history. How do I know this is going to happen?
Because it happens every eighty years like clockwork. The best laid plans of
the men running the show will be swept away in a whirl of pandemonium,
violence, war and reckoning for sins committed against humanity. There will be
no escape.
“Don’t think you can escape the Fourth Turning the way you might today distance yourself from news, national politics, or even taxes you don’t feel like paying. History warns that a Crisis will reshape the basic social and economic environment that you now take for granted. The Fourth Turning necessitates the death and rebirth of the social order. It is the ultimate rite of passage for an entire people, requiring a luminal state of sheer chaos whose nature and duration no one can predict in advance. The risk of catastrophe will be very high. The nation could erupt into insurrection or civil violence, crack up geographically, or succumb to authoritarian rule. If there is a war, it is likely to be one of maximum risk and effort – in other words, a total war. Every Fourth Turning has registered an upward ratchet in the technology of destruction, and in mankind’s willingness to use it.” – Strauss & Howe - The Fourth Turning
Our country has
entered a period of Crisis.
We may or may not
successfully navigate our way through the visible icebergs and more dangerous
icebergs just below the surface. The similarities between the course
of our country and the maiden voyage of the Titanic are eerily allegorical.
The owners of the
ship (Wall Street, Washington politicians, crony capitalists) are arrogant and
reckless. They declare the ship unsinkable, while only providing half the
lifeboats needed to save all the passengers in case of disaster in order to
maximize their profits. The captain (Ben Bernanke) has been tendered the
greatest cruise liner (United States) in history. The initial voyage across the
Atlantic Ocean has drawn the financial elite ruling class (financers &
bankers) onboard, occupying the luxurious state rooms on the upper decks. But,
the lower decks are filled with young poor peasants (Millennials) who are sneered
at and ridiculed by those in the upper decks. A maiden voyage should always be
approached cautiously. A prudent captain would not take undue risks.
Our captain (Ben
Bernanke) wants to make his mark on history. He considers
himself an expert in navigating dangerous waters (Great Depression) because he
studied dangerous waters at his Ivy League school. It doesn’t matter that he
never actually captained a ship in the real world. He declares full steam
ahead (reducing interest rates to 0% and throwing vast amounts of fiat currency
into the engine room boilers). Midway through the voyage, the captain is handed
a telegram warning of icebergs (potential financial catastrophe) ahead. If he
slows down the vessel, he will not set the speed record and receive the
accolades of an adoring public. He ignores the warning and steams on to his
rendezvous (eternal disgrace) with destiny.
In the middle of
the night, the lookouts (Ron Paul, John Hussman, Zero Hedge) cry
iceberg!! But, it is too late. The great ship (United States) has struck an
enormous iceberg (debt & currency crisis). At first, it seems like
everything will be OK. The captain and crew assure the passengers that
everything is under control and their evasive action has saved the ship. But
below the waterline, the great ship (United States) is taking on water (toxic
levels of debt, un-payable entitlement promises, trillion dollar deficits,
political & financial corruption). The engine room (Federal Reserve) works
frantically to alleviate the damage (QE to infinity). The captain is sure the
compartmentalization of the ship will save it. One of the designers of the ship
(David Stockman) sadly declares that the ship will surely sink. The captain
orders the band (CNBC, Fox, MSNBC, CNN) on deck to distract the passengers from
their impending fate with soothing music. The owners of the ship (Wall Street,
Washington politicians, crony capitalists) aren’t worried. They collected their
fees upfront and over-insured the vessel. They anticipate a windfall when the
ship sinks. It worked last time.
To avoid mass
panic, the crew (government apparatchiks) has locked the youthful poor
peasants (Millennials) below deck. The captain and his crew are content
to let them go down with the ship. They’ve decided the women, children, and
senior citizens (Middle Class) can also be sacrificed. The financial elite
ruling class (financers and bankers) are piling into the boats with the ship’s
jewels, escaping the fate of the peasants. The captain (Ben Bernanke) has no
intention of going down with the ship. In a cowardly act, he leaps onto the 1st
lifeboat to be launched. We are on a voyage of the damned. The great cruise
liner (United States) has a fatal wound and is headed for a watery grave. Are
we going to let the owners, captain and crew dictate who will be saved in the
few lifeboats or will we rise up and throw these guilty parties overboard?
It comes down to
the abuse of power by a few evil men and their henchmen as they have
centralized their control over our financial, political, economic and social
institutions. The existing social order is an ancient, rotting, fetid swamp of
parasites that will be drained during this Fourth Turning. The Millennials are
rising and will be the spearhead of the coming revolution. As each day passes
they will become a more powerful force and the power of the existing regime
will wane. Meanwhile, the band will play on as the ship of state
descends into the abyss.
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