Jobless rates
haven't borne out the Krugman's fears, but he still knows he's right
Even the casual reader of Nobel laureate and New York Times blogger
Paul Krugman knows that he has been screaming bloody murder about the
foolishness of “austerity”—his term for even modest cuts in the growth of
government spending, plus tax increases, to rein in budget deficits. The casual
reader will also know that Krugman has been patting himself on the back many,
many times (here’s one example from April 2013) since the crisis struck, saying that his
Keynesian models have performed very well, while events in Europe and the US
have clearly exploded the worldviews of his pro-austerity opponents. In this
article, I want to explain exactly how Krugman keeps score on such matters, and
why he always (apparently) comes out on top in the prediction game. To give you
a hint, the game is heavily tilted in his favor.
In June 2010, for example, Krugman warned that “[m]any
economists, myself included, regard this turn to austerity as a huge mistake.
It raises memories of 1937, when F.D.R.’s premature attempt to balance the
budget helped plunge a recovering economy back into severe recession.”
However, Krugman was smart enough to cover himself, after raising the 1937
analogy, by ending with: “How bad will it be? Will it really be 1937 all over
again? I don’t know. What I do know is that economic policy around the world
has taken a major wrong turn, and that the odds of a prolonged slump are rising
by the day.” So this is one part of his excellent defense: In terms of this
column, the only way to falsify Krugman’s “prediction” is if all the European
and US economies suddenly had robust recoveries in 2011. Who the heck was
predicting that? Certainly none of the free-market economists going
nuts over the awful policies in these regions.
when several countries across the Atlantic slid back into recession, Krugman
was quick to say he told us so. In particular, he ridiculed British Prime Minister David Cameron
who had argued that UK “austerity”—which is a ridiculous term, in my opinion,
since Veronique de Rugy documents how hardly “savage” this austerity
was—would reassure investors in the integrity of British debt and the pound.
Krugman argued that the UK’s double dip speaks for itself, and mocked Cameron
and former ECB head Jean-Claude Trichet for their belief in “the confidence
fairy,” just to make sure we all realize just how silly the whole idea was.
Now not
only was Krugman arguing that fiscal austerity in a depressed economy was bad
policy because it would hurt the unemployed, he even went so far as to say it
was counterproductive on its own terms. Krugman made this argument in
numerous articles over the years; let me just give a flavor:
In July 2010, in a post titled “Self-defeating
Austerity,” Krugman spelled out the logic quite clearly:
There’s a quite good case to be made that austerity in the face of a depressed economy is, literally, a false economy — that it actually makes long-run budget problems worse.
Suppose you slash spending equal to 1 percent of GDP. That looks like a
budget saving, right? But if you do it in the face of an economy up against the
zero bound…it’s going to shrink the economy…
Now, a weaker economy means less revenue…[Further,] the government has
to borrow those funds [that otherwise would have been spent]; let’s say the
real interest rate is 3 percent…Then the long run impact of the austerity on
the fiscal position is to reduce real interest payments by 0.0195 percent of
But wait: what if there are long-run negative effects of a deeper slump
on the economy? [Krugman then lists a bunch.—RPM] And so on. And here’s the
thing: if the economy is weaker in the long run, this means less revenue, which
offsets any savings from the initial austerity. …
In short, there’s a very good case to be made that austerity now
isn’t just a bad idea because of its impact on the economy and the unemployed;
it may well fail even at the task of helping the budget balance. [Bold
In March 2013, after the results of (alleged) European
austerity were in, Krugman reminded us that the pro-austerity folks didn’t even
manage to help their budget situations, while they wrecked poor people’s lives:
Suppose that a government imposes fiscal austerity in a realistic fashion, with spending cuts getting steadily deeper relative to baseline over a period of several years. If the negative impact of these cuts is fairly large—which all the evidence coming in suggests is the case under current liquidity-trap conditions—and if the country starts from a fairly high level of debt…something alarming is likely to happen. Instead of falling, the ratio of debt to GDP is likely to rise for years. [Bold added.]
then makes up a hypothetical country called “Osbornia”—an obvious reference to
pro-austerity British Chancellor of the Exchequer George Osborne—and showed how
this country would actually push up its debt/GDP ratio if it
foolishly tried to rein in deficits, and after a handful of years would finally
claw its way back to the same debt position it would have had, had the country
engaged in no austerity whatsoever. Krugman ended the article with, “Sound like
someone you know?” reminding his readers that this outrageous outcome is
exactly what was unfolding in the UK.
Just to
make sure American readers didn’t think the problem of destructive austerity
was contained to Europe, in April 2013 Krugman warned that “the truth is
that [US] federal stimulus is years behind us, while state and local
governments have cut back, so the overall story is one of fiscal contraction
that’s smaller than in Europe, but not by that much.” Krugman then comes
up with a metric (involving total government spending as a share of “potential
GDP”) according to which government spending in 2013 is “significantly lower
than it was under Reagan.” Krugman naturally says this is “very bad policy”
given our current slump.
I’ve spent a lot of time documenting Krugman’s strong views just to make sure
the reader trusts me when I say the following: Following the “sequester of
fools” (Krugman’s term in February 2013 for the recent US budget cuts)—which
Krugman warned would “probably cost…700,000 jobs”—been followed by a severe
slowdown in the economy, and this bleak change led to a stunning pessimistic adjustment
in the US budget situation, it is crystal clear that Krugman would have gotten
dizzy from running victory laps. He would have said that this is exactly what
happened in Europe, just like Krugman had been clearly warning since at least
2010: Not only is cutting spending in the face of a depressed economy bad for
employment and GDP growth, it doesn’t even help your debt situation.
So what
happened instead? Well, the data so far suggest the exact opposite.
Rather than the big job losses from the US sequester, Reuters is reporting that US job market gains are making
the Fed consider ending QE3 early. The official unemployment ratecontinues to fall steadily; you thus far don’t see any spike upward,
as happened in Europe after its alleged austerity disaster. The BEA’s advance estimate for first-quarter GDP growth in 2013
is 2.5 percent, which is as high as it’s been in six of the last eight
quarters. Finally, the CBO just came out with its May budget outlook, and guess what? Compared to its February outlook (i.e. just a few months earlier),
the CBO’s estimate for the deficit for this year has been
revised down by more than $200 billion. In FY2018—five years after this recent
sequester “foolishness” has been implemented—the CBO now projects a debt/GDP
ratio that is more than two percentage points lower (70.8% versus 73.1%),
compared to its forecast from just a few months ago.
short, the exact opposite of what Krugman’s writings would have
suggested, has thus far occurred. So how could Krugman handle this? If he
were a true gent, he might say, “Huh, that new CBO forecast, coupled with the
better than expected jobs reports, is causing me to rethink just how bad US
austerity is. Let’s try to figure out why it was so awful in Europe but not
Krugman could have said, “Well, let’s just give it another six months. I betcha
the CBO suddenly realizes it made a horrible mistake, that austerity is indeed
self-defeating, and we’ll see unemployment spike as the sequester destroys
700,000 jobs, at least.”
Krugman could plausibly have said, “Even though I always used to rely on
official government numbers, like the unemployment from the BLS and GDP growth
from the BEA, now I see why the conspiracy theorists always pooh pooh them. I
can’t believe the government was able to slash its short-term debt so much,
without wrecking the economy; something is fishy with these numbers.”
it would have been okay if Krugman just kept his mouth shut, and hope nobody
brought up the fact that the US situation (at least thus far) is the exact
opposite of how he framed the outcome of “austerity” in Europe.
none of the above happened, of course. Even though the pro-austerity folks have
a prima facie victory—according to the very criteria that Krugman has been
using for the last several years—Krugman handled the recent CBO announcement by
saying it yet again proved him right. Specifically, Krugman wrote
on May 15: “The new CBO numbers are out,
and they scream ‘debt crisis? What debt crisis?’” He goes on to clam:
[O]ur policy discourse has been dominated for years by what turns out to
be a false alarm. To the millions of Americans who are out of work and may
never get another job thanks to premature fiscal austerity, the VSPs would like
to say, “oopsies!”
there you have it folks: When European “austerity” leads to a rising
unemployment, a double dip in GDP, and a collapsing budget situation, Krugman
says he told us so; austerity is stupid. And when US “austerity” leads to
falling unemployment, relatively strong GDP growth, and a vastly improved
budget situation, Krugman says he told us so; austerity is stupid.
No wonder Krugman
is so good with predictions.
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