The Fed has
directly created a neo-feudal rentier economy and society
charles smith
Reserve Chairman Bernanke is a Reverse Robin Hood, robbing from the lower 95%
and giving to the financier class. The Real Reverse Robin Hood: Ben Bernanke and his Merry Band of Thieves (August 31, 2012).
worth understanding the mechanisms of this wealth transfer: in essence, the Fed
extends low-cost credit (i.e. "free money") to the financier class
which then uses this free money to buy rentier assets, that is,
assets that generate economic rents for the owners, who add no
value and create no wealth.
This is
of course the neofeudal model: the financial aristocracy in the manor
house own the rentier assets and the debt-serfs toil away to pay the rents and
taxes. The financier class (i.e. those that benefit from the financialization
of the economy) are as unproductive as feudal lords; they skim the profits
generated by the debt-serfs while adding no productive value to the economy.
separate the bottom 95% from the top 4.5% and the .5% financier class for
several reasons: 1) most of the stocks and bonds are owned by the top 5%; 2)
the top 4.5% is shedding debt while the bottom 95% are adding debt; 3) the
income of the top 4.5% is rising while household income of the bottom 95% is
declining, and 4)the top 4.5% have access to lower-cost credit than the bottom
95%, but they do not have access to billions of dollars in nearly-free credit
from the Fed or the shadow banking system like the financier class.)
Let's take rental housing as an example of this Fed-driven rentier economy. The financiers borrow $1 billion in nearly-free money and use these funds to buy thousands of houses for cash. Since they can offer cash, they beat out households with approved mortgage applications.
This is
the story one hears anecdotally: potential home buyers have a mortgage
application approved, all they need is to have their offer for a house
accepted. But the house is sold to an investor with cash.
while the Federal housing agencies are offering low-interest, low-down payment
mortgages to marginally qualified (or flat-out unqualified) buyers, the Fed is
enabling the financier class to outbid conventional homebuyers.
the key dynamic: cash earns no return, thanks to the Fed's zero-interest rate
policy (ZIRP). This
means the interest rate paid by the financier class is also near-zero. So the
trick is to take all those billions of nearly-free dollars and use them to buy
assets returning 3+% annually.
include rental housing, stocks that pay hefty dividends (for example utility
companies), municipal bonds, long-term Treasuries, dividends based on patents
and royalties, and everyone's favorite low-risk investment, state-sanctioned
monopolies and cartels. (no wonder Big Pharma stocks have skyrocketed.)
interest rates rob from the bottom 95% who do not have equal access to low-cost
credit and transfer that wealth to the rentier-financier class. The bottom 95% provide the capital
(pension funds, 401K accounts, checking and savings accounts, etc.) for zero
return, but their access to near-zero cost credit is restricted.
financier class then borrows money from the Fed (or the "shadow
banking" non-bank credit system that is ultimately backstopped by the Fed)
at near-zero rates, which it then uses to buy rentier assets that yield 3+%.
The financier class then skims the rents from the debt-serfs, who have been
effectively robbed of trillions of dollars in lost interest by the Federal
The Fed
has directly created a neofeudal rentier economy and society. Giving the financier class unlimited
access to free credit with which to buy rentier assets serves two purposes: 1)
it drives the valuations of rentier assets ever higher, creating the useful (in
terms of propaganda and perception management) illusion of economic vitality,
and 2) it greatly enriches the financier class at the expense of the bottom 95%.
would approve of the Fed's masterful propaganda campaign: rob the bottom 95% to
benefit the financier class, all the while piously proclaiming that its
policies were aimed at increasing employment for the bottom 95%.
terms of propagandistic chutzpah, it doesn't get any better than this.
Congratulations, Bernanke, Yellen, et al.
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