Corruption of Capitalism in America
David Stockman
FDR Got the Gold
The long-lasting imprint from FDR’s famous
“Hundred Days” did not stem from the bank holiday, national industrial recovery
act, the farm adjustment act, the Tennessee Valley Authority, or the public
works administration.
Instead, it is lodged in the footnotes of
standard histories; namely, FDR’s April 1933 order confiscating every ounce of
gold held by private citizens and businesses throughout the United States.
Shortly thereafter he also embraced the Thomas Amendment, giving him open-ended
authority to drastically reduce the gold content of the dollar; that is, to
trash the nation’s currency.
These actions did not constitute merely a
belated burial of the “barbarous relic.” In the larger scheme of monetary
history, they marked a crucial tipping point. They initiated a process of
monetary deformation that led straight to Nixon’s abomination at Camp David,
Greenspan’s panic at the time of the 1998 Long-Term Capital Management crisis,
and the final destruction of monetary integrity and financial discipline during
the BlackBerry Panic of 2008.
The radical nature of this break with the
past is underscored by a singular fact virtually unknown in the present era of
inflationary central bank money; namely, that the dollar’s gold content had
been set at $20.67 per ounce in 1832 and had never been altered. There had been
zero net domestic inflation for a century and the dollar’s gold value in
international commerce had never varied except during war.
The Thomas Amendment nullified this
rock-solid monetary foundation and instead permitted the president on his own
whim to cut the dollar’s gold content by up to 50 percent. So doing, it
signaled that money would no longer exist fixed, immutable, and outside the
machinations of the state, but would now be an artifact of its whims and
It was a shocking deviation from FDR’s own
repeated campaign pledges to preserve “sound money at all hazards” and
contradicted the pro–gold standard views of even his own party’s mainstream.
Likewise, the removal of gold from circulation entirely had never before been
seriously proposed, not even by William Jennings Bryan, the populist Democrat
presidential candidate best known for his “Cross of Gold” speech.
Self-evidently, bank notes and checkbook
money had long been a more convenient means of payment than gold coins, but the
function of gold was financial discipline, not hand-to-hand circulation.
Redeemability of bank notes and deposits gave the people an ultimate check on
the monetary depredations of the state and its central banking branch. Indeed,
the public’s freedom to dump its everyday money in favor of gold coins and
bullion was what kept official currency and bank money honest.
At the time, however, the shell-shocked
nation—even the conservative opposition—scarcely understood that the Rubicon
had been crossed. The most notable clarion call, in fact, came from Lewis
Douglas, FDR’s own budget director and key economic advisor. Hearing on April
18, 1933, of the president’s intention to endorse the Thomas Amendment, Douglas
famously declared, “This is the end of western civilization.”
Douglas was at least eighty years
premature with respect to timing but his sense of the implication was
profoundly correct. In one fell swoop, FDR’s capricious actions launched the
Democrats down the road to a government-manufactured currency and a purely
national form of money.
It thereby repudiated the internationalist
hard-money stand of the 1932 Democratic platform, the pro–gold standard
candidacies of Al Smith in 1928, John Davis in 1924, and the James Cox—Franklin
Roosevelt ticket of 1920. It also nullified the pro-gold principles of Carter
Glass and the Democratic majority that had instituted the Federal Reserve Act
in 1913 and the Cleveland, Jackson, and Jefferson Democrats who had gone before.
In short, amid the atmosphere of public
fear and alarm from his self-inflicted banking crisis, and owing to his willful
insouciance in single-handedly scrapping the nation’s deep and bipartisan gold
standard tradition, FDR essentially parted the waters of monetary history.
Until June 1933, virtually everyone believed that gold-redeemable money was the
foundation of capitalism, yet within months such convictions had gone
stone-cold dormant.
It would, of course, take time for the
resulting monetary vacuum to be filled by an aggrandizing central bank and a
credit-money-based financial system cut loose from the discipline of gold. In
the interim, the Great Depression quashed inflationary expectations and
speculative instincts for decades to come, and produced a generation of
conservative commercial and central bankers who earnestly attempted to
replicate its discipline.
Nevertheless, it was only a matter of
circumstances before the policy vacuum was filled by less wholesome
propensities. Eventually, Nixonian cynicism and Professor Milton Friedman’s
alluring but dangerously naïve doctrines of floating exchange rates and the
quantity theory of money picked up where FDR left off. Notwithstanding
Friedman’s aura of intellectual respectability, Nixon’s crass political
maneuvers amounted to a primitive economic nationalism that harkened back to
the worst of the disaster that FDR had first sown in the 1930s.
London Conference Bombshell: The End of the Liberal International Order
After Roosevelt effectively suspended
convertibility in the bastion of the world gold standard, money was essentially
nationalized. Most of the world’s major economies, including the United
States’s, retreated into separate silos of autarky and stagnation, which in
turn bred ultra-nationalism, rearmament, and finally world war. But this
outcome was not inevitable.
To be sure, the survival of a liberal
international economic order had been in doubt throughout the 1920s, as the
world struggled to repair the inflationary mayhem of the Great War and resume
convertibility of national currencies. Between 1925 and 1928, huge strides
toward normalization of exchange rates, capital markets, and trade were
accomplished as England, Belgium, Sweden, and even Japan (1930) restored gold
standard money.
But all of this tenuous progress had been
seriously jeopardized by England’s abandonment in September 1931 of the very
gold exchange standard it had spent a decade promoting under the auspices of
the League of Nations. So prospects for resumption of the fabulously stable and
prosperous pre-1914 liberal international order were hanging by a thread. In
this context, historians are agreed that it was FDR who personally delivered
the coup de grâce with his famous “bombshell” message to the
London Economic Conference in July 1933.
FDR capriciously defied all of his
advisors, to the very last man, including the then-chief of his brain trust,
Raymond Moley. Flying by the seat of his own pants, he airily dismissed the
warnings of his budget director, the brilliant industrialist and financial
scholar Lewis Douglas. He also disregarded the firm pro-gold viewpoint of James
Warburg, his most senior financial advisor with Wall Street and international
finance experience. Moreover, FDR had failed to even solicit the opinion of
Senator Carter Glass. Under the circumstances, that was not merely a telling
omission; it was damning.
For the better part of three decades, the
legendary Virginia senator, also former secretary of the treasury under Woodrow
Wilson and principal author of the Federal Reserve Act, had been the Democratic
Party’s paragon of authority on matters of money and banking. Glass had been an
unwavering proponent of the gold standard and had personally written the 1932
Democratic platform in such a manner as to leave no doubt that the Democrats
would not resort to easy money and inflationist expedients.
For several weeks before his March 4
inauguration, Roosevelt pleaded with Glass to become his secretary of the
treasury. Yet hardly sixty days after Glass finally refused the job, FDR did
not even bother to consult him when launching what were epochal monetary policy
actions. In essence, FDR’s April 1933 gold machinations repudiated the life’s
work of the very financial statesman he first picked for the single most
important job in his government.
Roosevelt’s flip-flopping on Glass and
gold was a defining moment. It showed that on the raging economic crisis of the
hour, Roosevelt’s insouciance knew no boundaries; he could believe almost any
contradiction that came his way.
It thus happened that after the Hundred
Days of emergency actions was completed in late June, FDR headed off to
vacation on Vincent Astor’s yacht. He sent Moley as his personal emissary to
the London conference, which by then had come to be viewed as literally the
last hope for retaining an open international trading and monetary order.
The conference had the good fortune that
its presiding officer was Secretary of State Cordell Hull. A former Democratic
senator from Tennessee and a splendid statesman, Hull had been a staunch
advocate of free trade, the gold standard, and an open international economy.
Most of the assembled financial officials,
including Hull, recognized that restoration of some semblance of exchange-rate
stability was the key to the rest of the conference agenda, especially to
rolling back the protectionist trade barriers which were rapidly choking off
world trade. The latter had sprung up everywhere after Smoot-Hawley and were
being compounded by beggar-thy-neighbor currency manipulation after the
sterling-based gold exchange system broke down.
After long and arduous negotiations, the
framework for such a monetary stabilization agreement was reached soon after
Moley arrived in London. The US delegation, Great Britain, and the French-led
gold bloc nations had all managed to find common ground. While Moley had been a
strident voice of nationalistic autarky in the Roosevelt inner circle, even he
was persuaded by Hull and the British to endorse the tentative internationalist
The heart of the plan was repegging the
dollar to pound exchange rate in a narrow band about 20 percent below the old
parity (i.e., at about $4.00 versus $4.86 per pound sterling). From that pivot
point, the French franc and other major currencies would be fixed to the dollar.
The significance of this breakthrough
cannot be gainsaid. All sides recognized that floating currencies would poison
the international trading system, encourage destructive currency speculation,
and fuel violent movements of “hot money” among financial centers. The latter
would continuously destabilize both national money markets and confidence in
the international trading system as a whole.
In one of the great misfortunes of
history, however, FDR was literally incommunicado during the hours when a
global consensus to reboot the international financial system briefly
flickered. Alone on Astor’s luxurious yacht, the Nourmahal, the
president had the advice of only his wealthy dilettante chum Vincent Astor and Louis
Howe, his butler and glorified White House “secretary.”
When Moley finally found a navy ship to
track down the Nourmahal and deliver a radio message outlining
the nascent London agreement, Roosevelt, Howe, Astor, and perhaps also the
yacht’s captain, as it were, gathered around a kerosene lamp on the deck. There
they scribbled out a handwritten response and turned it over to the navy for
radio dispatch back to London.
Roosevelt’s message was undoubtedly among
the most intemperate, incoherent, and bombastic communiqués ever publicly
issued by a US president. It not only stunned the assembled world leaders
gathered in London and killed the monetary stabilization agreement on the spot,
but it also locked in a destructive worldwide régime of economic nationalism
that eventually led to war.
High tariffs and trade subsidies,
state-dominated recovery and rearmament programs, and manipulated fiat
currencies became universal after the London conference failed. In the months
which followed, Sweden, Holland, and France were driven off the gold standard,
leaving international financial markets demoralized and chaotic.
At the end of the day, it was only the
outbreak of war in 1939–1940 which pulled the world out of the rut of economic
nationalism and stagnation to which FDR’s quixotic action had condemned it. It
also meant that the domestic economy had now been cut off from its vital export
markets, condemning the nation to a halting recovery and to continuous and
mostly ineffectual New Deal doctoring that succeeded primarily in planting the
seeds of welfare state expansion and crony capitalism.
Roosevelt’s deplorable action from the
deck of theNourmahal tends to be dismissed by historians as a
forgivable bad hair day early in the reign of the economic-savior president. In
fact, it was the very opposite: FDR’s single-handed sabotage of the London
conference was one bookend of a thirty-eight-year epoch. The other end was
bounded by Richard Nixon’s equally impudent destruction of Bretton Woods in
August 1971.
In each case the modus operandi was
the same. Both Roosevelt and Nixon were aggressive politicians who lacked any
enduring convictions about economic policy. Neither had any compunction at all,
however, about using the taxing, spending, regulatory, and money-printing powers
of the state to achieve their domestic political and electoral objectives. In
the great scheme of modern financial history FDR and Tricky Dick were peas in a
statist pod.
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