The next
asset class to experience a bubble could be fiat money itself
By John Browne
Currently, central banks around the world are walking in lock step down a
dangerous path of money creation. Led by
the Federal Reserve and the Bank of Japan, economic policy is driven by the
idea that printed money can be the true basis of growth. The result is an
unprecedented global orgy of currency creation. The only holdout to this open
ended commitment has been the hard money bias of the German-dominated European
Central Bank (ECB). However, growing political pressure from around the world,
and growing dissatisfaction among domestic voters have shaken, and perhaps
cracked, the German resolve. While German capitulations in the past have been
welcome occurrences, in this instance the world would be better served if the Germans could stick to their
Last week the statement issued by the
Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) put to rest any expectations that Quantitative Easing in the United
States would be coming to an end anytime soon. With an ambiguous, but decidedly
dovish statement, the stage appears to be set for an expansion of the $85
billion per month program. The statement further obscured the criteria
that the Fed is supposed to rely on to begin a winding down of the program,
leaving market participants increasingly uncertain.
Trying to outdo the Fed itself, the new leaders of the Bank of Japan have
thrown all monetary prudence to the wind. Also,
in just a few months Canadian Mark Carney, a dyed-in-the-wool Keynesian, is set
to take the helm at the Bank of England. Taken together, these intentions
would suggest that the world is set to take monetary expansion to a new level.
The odd man out has been the ECB, which had long been dominated by the Germans.
Over the past few years, the ECB has elicited the ire of Keynesian economists
by offering to deliver fresh liquidity only in exchange for promises of fiscal
restraint by the troubled Eurozone members. However, the massive pressure
currently being placed on Germany appears to be overwhelming its resistance.
Within the seventeen member nations of the
Eurozone, there are now some nineteen million unemployed, or 12.1
percent. In Greece, the unemployment rate
is 27.2 percent; in Spain 26.7 percent; and in Portugal 17.5
percent. On the other hand, unemployment in Luxembourg is 5.7 percent; in Germany 5.4 percent and in
Austria, 4.7 percent. This disparity is clear and increasingly affects politics.
These tensions have resulted in a string of electoral victories by left wing
parties in the southern tier. However, despite their resentment of the ECB, IMF
and Germany, all have expressed a strong wish to remain within the
Eurozone. (They seem to know which side of their brioche is buttered).
But the peoples of the northern core countries have begun to chaff at the
yoke. The average German sees continued bailouts
as a means to reward and support what they believe to be a slothful, and
politically corrupt, southern fringe. As the crisis drags on, their previously
'liberal' impulses of support are giving way to deep resentment. Political
parties calling for strict controls of bailout funding and immigration are
growing in Germany, the Netherlands and even France.
However, the German elite has long seen the EU as an opportunity for
acquiring the empire Germany has for so long desired. Historically,
empires are paid for in treasure and blood. The carnage of two world wars may
have dimmed their enthusiasm for blood, but it appears that the German elite
are prepared to pay for a Eurozone empire with treasure alone. But with
their own population unwilling to pay more for direct bailouts, and the
indebted countries unwilling to tighten their belts, increased monetary flexibility
may be the only means open to the Germans to maintain union.
Last week, EU growth projections were reduced by a further 0.1 percent to
a negative 0.4 percent. Facing this grim reality and shrinking
resistance from the dominant Germans, the EU bureaucracy appear to be becoming
more lenient. Mr. Olli Rehn, the EU's economic chief, had been expected to
grant waivers of one or even two years for Spain, France and even the
Netherlands to reduce their debt to less than three percent of GDP. And right
on cue, the French finance minister declared just this past weekend that the
"era of austerity" had come to an end by announcing that France would no
longer abide by prior Eurozone debt limits in exchange for ECB bailout funds.
As a result, it appears likely that the ECB will begin falling into step
behind the Fed and the banks of England and Japan to dispense substantial QE. With
all of these central bank oars pulling in the same direction, I would expect an
asset boom with financials, commodities and real estate rising strongly once
again. Should that boom continue, expect the financial elite to celebrate
unabashedly. This week, Bill Gross, the head of the massive Pimco investment
firm nicely summed up the sentiment, "Pimco's advice is to continue to participate in an obviously
central-bank-generated bubble.''
I would remind all who would follow such advice
to recall that the last two central bank-financed booms (Dot com and Real
Estate) were brought to an end by spectacular collapses. The chances are that the next asset
class to experience a similar trajectory could be fiat money itself. The fall
of currency will be much more significant than falls in stocks or real estate.
Although we may all be very glad that the Germans of 70 years ago could
not hold the line in Normandy, we may regret that their grandchildren could not
resist similar international pressure on their monetary empire in Frankfurt.
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