The Obama administration seems more Nixonian by the day
The comparisons of
the Obama and Nixon White Houses are suddenly coming—pardon the expression—fast and
furious, and why not? The IRS investigations; the
administration’s fixation on leaks and leakers and its obsession with enemies;
the cover-ups, the blame-shifting to subordinates, the defiant chief executive,
even the sweating, pathetically dissembling press secretary; it all has the
odor of that earlier time. Again, it’s all happening early in the second term,
following a triumphant reelection. Again, the operative terms are arrogance,
contempt for law, and thuggery.
The growing
awareness of administration malfeasance is evident in the numbers on Google:
more than 59 million hits for “Obama and Nixon” and 24 million–plus for “Obama
and Watergate.” For those interested, the 44th president’s face can already be found morphing
into the 37th’s. Then there’s the rising tide of commentary. “Obama knee-deep
in Nixon-esque scandal” runs the headline of columnist Joe Battenfield’s piece in the Boston
Herald, which notes that Obama’s campaign slogan would have been more
appropriate if it were not “Forward” but “Backward”—“All the way to, say,
1972.” “Benghazi, IRS—Son of Watergate?” asks Cal Thomas.
“In IRS Scandal, Echoes of Watergate,” observes the Washington
Post’s George Will.
Such talk is
mostly confined to the Right so far, but a handful of principled liberals have
also weighed in. “There’s no way in the world I’m going to defend that,” said U.S.
Representative Michael Capuano of Massachusetts of the IRS’s going after the
Tea Party. “Hell, I spent my youth vilifying the Nixon administration for doing
the same thing.” Former Michigan Democratic congresswoman Lynn Rivers echoedhim: “For anyone
over 50, this news couldn’t help but stir memories of Richard Nixon’s Political
Enemies Project. . . . To use Dan Rather’s ‘duck test,’ the IRS probe of
‘hostile’ ideological groups looks like, swims like, and quacks like government
dirty tricks.” One of the heroes of Watergate weighed in, too. “This is
outrageous, and it is totally inexcusable,” Carl Bernstein raged about the
revelation that the Department of Justice had secretly seized the phone records
of Associated Press journalists. “There is no reason that a presidency that is
interested in a truly free press and its functioning should permit this to
Thus it is that
questions that once seemed unfathomable take on unexpected plausibility. Where
and how far will it all go? Is it remotely conceivable that where Richard Nixon
led, Barack Obama might follow? The answer, of course, depends primarily on the
nature and severity of the crimes committed—if, indeed, they are crimes—and
whether presidential culpability can be established.
But such an
observation instantly gives rise to two other considerations. Lest we forget,
while Democrats led the congressional inquiries into the Nixonites’
misdeeds—Sam Ervin’s committee in the Senate, Peter Rodino’s in the House—in
the end, it was principled Republicans, led by Barry Goldwater (who told Nixon
he could count on no more than 15 Republican votes in the Senate), who forced
the president’s resignation. Can we expect such nation-above-party behavior on
the part of today’s Democrats? Can you imagine Patrick Leahy ever deserting
Obama? Or Al Franken? Or Barbara Boxer?
Then there’s the
role of the press. Unsurprisingly, the media on the far left have circled the
wagons in defense of the president. “Desperate for a Scandal, Fox’s Dobbs
Attacks Obama’s ‘Inner Nixon,’” read a dismissive
headline on Media Matters for America, while DailyKos hasharped on previous
“GOP-Fabricated Non-Scandals” that went nowhere. And it’s true that, whether it
was the president’s associations with his racist pastor or the Fast and Furious
boondoggle, such allegations have gone nowhere—but primarily because the press
has protected Obama. So it is a given that the media will again play a key role
in determining whether the current scandals are pursued to their logical
conclusion or are allowed to fizzle out.
Recent history
suggests which outcome is more likely.
Benghazi? With a
few notable exceptions, such as CBS’s Sharyl Attkisson and CNN’s Jake Tapper,
reporters shrugged off the administration’s cover-up in the immediate aftermath
of the attack, when it might have harmed Obama’s presidential fortunes. They
have at last been forced by whistleblowers to start asking obvious questions,
but their impulse to protect Obama is presumably undiminished. The IRS scandal?
Reporters have as little sympathy for the Tea Party as other liberals do, but
this story can’t be ignored, at least for the moment. Even administration apologist
Joe Klein opines: “I don’t think Obama ever wanted to be on the same page as
Richard Nixon. In this specific case, he now is.” But the “specific case”
wording is telling; Klein’s piece is generally tepid, arguing that the IRS
matter is an exception to what has been a generally scandal-free
administration. It is a line that many in the media are apt to adopt.
As Bernstein’s
outburst makes clear, the media generally saves its greatest outrage for
government attacks on . . . the media. Thus, the DOJ/AP episode may be the most
dangerous to the administration of the mushrooming scandals. It’s likely that a
prominent head or two will roll, perhaps even Attorney General Eric Holder’s.
Reporters are nothing if not creatures of the pack, and the pack has been dissed
here, big-time. How hard will they go after the president? Probably not very.
Think battered-woman syndrome: he may be an abuser, but he’s still their
man—the one they covered for when he was caught with Jeremiah Wright and Bill
Ayers, the one they played along with on the faux war on women and the
anti-Islam video as the cause for the Benghazi attack. With Nixon, by contrast,
once the media picked up the faintest scent of blood, they were relentless and
increasingly joyous in pursuit.
As George Will writes:
“Episodes like this separate the meritorious liberals from the meretricious.
The day after the IRS story broke, The Post led the paper with
it, and, with an institutional memory of Watergate, published a blistering
editorial demanding an Obama apology. The New York Times consigned
the story to page 10.” So it’s also the case that, amid all the stunning events
of the past few days, the story that will likely prove the most relevant is this one, courtesy of “Top CBS, ABC, CNN execs all have relatives working as advisors for
White House.”
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