Everyone loves Jews as victims. In other roles, not so much
By mark steyn
Justin Bieber, my successor as Canada's teen heartthrob, is currently
touring Europe. Passing through Amsterdam, he was taken to visit the Anne Frank
House and afterwards signed the guest book. "Anne was a great girl,"
he wrote. "Hopefully, she would have been a belieber" — the term used
by devoted fans of young Justin. Miss Frank did not live to become a belieber
because she was shipped off to Belsen concentration camp and died of typhus in
1945. But had she lived I feel it safe to say she would have regarded Justin's
oeuvre as complete bilge: As a teenager, she liked Liszt, so she was a
beliszter; she belonged to the franz club. Anyway, Justin's poignant message
set off a Twitterstorm of criticism at what the Washington Post called
"the insensitivity and the sheer ego" of it.
I'm inclined to cut him some slack here. As the years go by, Anne
Frank's supposedly inspiring story makes me a little queasy. Europe venerates
its dead Jews even as a resurgent anti-Semitism chases out its living ones.
Everyone loves Jews as victims. In other roles, not so much.
I can't wait for Justin to get back home and write in the visitors' book
at Canada's own bazillion-dollar monument to victimhood. My sometime boss the
late Izzy Asper was a media magnate whose lifelong dream was a world-class
Holocaust memorial in his home town of Winnipeg. For the usual
diversity-celebrating reasons, it evolved into a more general "Canadian
Museum for Human Rights," and is now lumbering toward its opening date
under the aegis of Izzy's daughter, Gail. Having been put through the mill by
Canada's "Human Rights" Commissions, I naturally despise any
juxtaposition of the words "Canadian" and "human rights."
But if you have to yoke them, this is the place: To paraphrase Justin's fellow
musician Joni Mitchell, they took all the rights and put 'em in a rights
museum, and they charged the people a dollar-and-a-half just to see 'em.
But I've warmed up to what the blogger Scaramouche calls the Canadian
Mausoleum for Human Rights. It could have been just the usual sucking maw of
public monies had it not descended into an hilarious, er, urinating match of
competing victimhoods. For those who thought "human rights" had
something to do with freedom of speech, freedom of religion, and so forth, it
turns out to be about which guy's genocide is bigger. The Ukrainian-Canadian
Congress was wary of the mausoleum from the get-go, suspicious that it would
downplay the Holodomor, Stalin's enforced famine in the Ukraine 80 years ago.
The mausoleum assured them that they were going to go big on the Holodomor, but
to guarantee the UCC came onboard offered to throw in a bonus exhibit of
Canada's internment of Ukrainian immigrants during World War I. This would be
part of "Canada's Journey," a heartwarming historical pageant
illustrating how the blood-soaked Canadian state has perpetrated one atrocity
after another on native children, Chinese coolies, Japanese internees, Jews,
gays, the transgendered, you name it. And, of course, the Ukrainians. Per
Izzy's wishes, the Holocaust would have pride of place in a separate exhibit,
because, its dark bloody history notwithstanding, Canada apparently played a
minimal role in the murder of six million Jews. However, the Holodomor would be
included as a permanent featured genocide in the museum's "Mass Atrocity
Oh, you can laugh at the idea of a "Mass Atrocity Zone"
tourist attraction in Winnipeg, but there isn't an ethnic lobby group that
doesn't want in. The Polish-Canadian Congress complained that lumping all the
non-Jew genocides in one Mass Atrocity Zone meant they'd have to be on a
rotating schedule, like revolving pies on the lunch counter. The Armenian
genocide was felt to be getting short shrift, considering it was the prototype
20th-century genocide. On the other hand, the Rwandan genocide, the last big
20th-century genocide, and the Congolese civil war don't appear to have got a
look-in at all. The Poles wanted room made for the Germans' ill treatment of
the Poles, which did not seem to be a priority of the mausoleum.
The floor plan has now emerged, and the Ukrainian-Canadians are furious
that their people's suffering has been "ignored or minimalized." The
Holodomor has been relegated to "a small obscure gallery near the museum's
public toilets." Don't you hate it when that happens? When your genocide
gets the lousy seats at the back by the bathroom while those Jews are all at
the big power table up front? Adding insult to injury, the bonus exhibit about
the internment of Ukrainian-Canadians turns out to be one measly photograph —
whether a respectable distance from the toilets or not, I cannot say.
Meanwhile, the Holocaust remains primus inter pares of human-rights
atrocities because, said Gail Asper, it had led to the U.N.'s Universal
Declaration of Human Rights. So the two events would be conjoined in the museum
in "an inspiring relationship between violation and response."
Unfortunately, Dr. Clint Curle, the mausoleum's "head of stakeholder
relations," was forced to break the news to the Winnipeg Jewish
Review that "as content development moved forward, the Museum,
with the input of experts in this area, realized that" Ms. Asper's thesis
was not true. "In its present conceptual articulation," reported Dr.
Curle, "the museum has delinked a direct causal relationship between the
Holocaust and the Universal Declaration." They're putting something in
between — the Ukrainians, or the toilets, or Canada's systemic discrimination
against whoever's left.
I'm sure Canadian schoolkids will be schlepped along in sufficient numbers
to keep this thing in business for a while. My advice is stay home and listen
to Justin Bieber: He's less trivializing and his "conceptual
articulation" is more articulate, too.
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