Giulio Andreotti was a role model for the European system
of decision-making
By Tom Gallagher
Giulio Andreotti, the man who symbolised the tortured politics of
post-war Italy, died on May 6th, aged 94. This great survivor had
been elected to Italy’s constituent assembly in 1946 as the Christian Democrats
were emerging as the main successors to the defeated Fascists of Benito
Mussolini. After being Prime Minister on five occasions, he was made a Life
Senator in 1991, continuing to influence the fate of governments well into his
He was
an enigmatic figure, respected because of his uncommon political skills but
feared due to his associations with the Mafia. These led him to spend years as
a defendant in trials and in 2003, he was actually convicted of terrorist
links, resulting in the issuing of a 24-year jail sentence, one that was later
quashed on appeal.
major domestic legacy was to defeat the reformist wing of post-war Christian
Democracy (DC), associated with Alcide de Gasperi, the party’s founder.
Andreotti helped build up a crony-ridden party that believed in little except
staying near the centre of power. Bribery and corruption flourished, with the
DC immoveable because most Italians distrusted the alternative, the Italian
One of
his neatest tricks was to push the Social Democrats, under Bettino Craxi, down
the same seedy path. The Christian Democrats felt able to stay in the
background as the bombastic Craxi held sway in the 1980s.
But so
unrestrained were the appetites of the Socialists that a crisis of the whole
party system was triggered. Italy had been on the frontline in the Cold War but
after the fall of the Berlin Wall, the DC and Craxi’s party were swept away in
a tide of pent-up fury. Unfortunately, it would be Silvio Berlusconi who filled
the resulting power vacuum and a genuine clean-up of a murky political world
proved as far away as ever.
was prime minister in August 1991 when he was informed that Mikhail Gorbachev
had been topped by hardline enemies. Along with Francois Mitterand, his
response indicated that he thought the West just had to learn to live with what
was thankfully a short-lived power shift.
He had
been foreign minister for much of the 1980s, devoting much attention to
cultivating ties with a range of Arab regimes. It was from Andreotti that
Colonel Gaddafi learned, a day in advance, of American plans to mount aerial
attacks on Libya in April 1986 due to his promotion of terrorism.
Thatcher got to know Andreotti well at EU summits and she would later write how
he projected “a positive aversion to principle, even the conviction that a man
of principle is doomed to be a figure of fun”.
1985, along with Craxi, he ambushed her at the Milan Summit of Italy’s EU
presidency. Jacques Delors, the centralising French Socialist newly-installed
at the head of the European Commission, wished to revise the 1957 Treaty of
Rome so as to greatly expand EU powers. Thatcher wished to proceed slowly,
ensuring that the initiative remained with the national members. However, in a
procedural trick, Craxi managed to obtain agreement for an Intergovernmental
Conference at the end of 1985. It led directly on to the Maastricht Treaty and
the single currency. The Foreign Office, with Geoffrey Howe in charge, was no
match for scheming politicians who dreamt of a new bureaucratic order that
involved the eclipse of representative democracy.
Mario Draghi, a subtle, byzantine operator like Andreotti, who became head of
the European Central Bank in 2011, few Italians had held a really top EU job.
But at many levels, the institution was dominated by scheming and resourceful
Italian officials who treated its different outposts as one big employment
agency in which favours could be done on a much bigger scale than back home in
The EU
supposedly has rigid procedures, but they are often punctured by deal-making
that transcend ideological lines. British officials who landed in Brussels
either proved out-of their- depth or else quickly went native. None have risen
as high in the bureaucracy as David (now Lord) Willamson, Secetary-general of
the Commission from 1987 to 1997. He even allowed Jacques Delors’s arch-fixer,
Pascal Lamy (now head of the World Trade Organization) to re-write the minutes
he had taken at Commission meetings so that the Delors line was fully adhered
ought to be a role model for the European system of decision-making that has
emerged in the previous generation. In Italy, he pioneered a secretive and
hierarchical system based on deals and favours in which elections hardly
changed anything. Voters felt cheated by politicians in charge of an
elephantine state which appeared to work only for their benefit. He survived
crises too numerous to mention, a Senator for Life though condemned in an
Italian court for high crimes. Italy after Andreotti has continued to be a
fractious and polarised country.
of being deplored as a malign influence on a country which ought to have made
far greater strides after 1945, I suspect Andreotti is regarded as a good old
boy at the top of the EU power structures. He personified the failure of a
state and its political system and yet never really had his just desserts.
What is
there not to like in someone with such a record who died in his bed and will
probably now receive the top honours of the Italian state? Perhaps, even as
their failures pile up around them, it is this kind of send-off which Jose
Manuel Barroso and the other EU panjandrums dream of – that is after their
Europe abandons any pretence of listening to what its national citizens want.
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