Monday, May 13, 2013

US plays with genocidal fire in Iraq

The forces are beginning to mass
By Mark Langfan
On January 10, 49 BCE, Roman General Julius Caesar crossed south over the red Rubicon river with his army. An all-out-to-the-death Roman civil war was inevitable. 
On April 23, 2013, Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki's Shi'ite tanks fired and murdered at least 23 unarmed Sunni protesters in the northern city of Hawijah as his tanks crossed red rivers of Sunni blood. An all-out-to-the-death Iraqi civil war is inevitable. 
Maliki's penchant for the mass-murder of innocent protesters shares the same religious genocidal lineage as Syrian President Bashar al-Assad: they are both Shi'ite stooges of Iran. Maliki, Assad, and their Iranian puppet-masters will stop at nothing, and murder millions of Sunnis without a single thought. 
How did we get here? Well, President George W Bush really launched two different invasions of Iraq: one announced, and one unannounced. The announced war was to take down Saddam Hussein. The unannounced war was to take down the entire Iraqi Sunni power structure. Then, instead of letting Iraq fall into three natural ethnically homogenous democratic-or-so parts, Bush laid the groundwork for a Shi'ite-Iranian dictatorship. To make matters worse, America sold the Iranian stooge billions of Abrams M1 tanks that will now be used, by Iran’s lackey, as Sunni killing machines. 
So, not only did President Obama anoint the newest Shi'ite Iranian robo-murderer, he armed him with the latest and greatest American mass-killing machines. Just wait until Maliki whips out his Obama-Apache helicopter "crowd control" Gatling guns. You won't hear a word from President Obama denouncing the use of American military equipment to mass murder innocent Muslim civilians. 

I, as an American citizen, demand the president of the United States not to duck and cover, but to explicitly condemn Maliki's mass-murder of civilians, and revoke all other arms deals to Iraq including Obama's soon-to-be-delivered F-16s. But rather, concerning Iraq, President Obama makes the Code Pink Israel-bashers look brave.
Worse, it shows that when Mubarak, a dependable American 30-year ally, sent Egyptian non-armored camels into Tahrir Square and their riders whipped a couple people with sticks, Obama and his lap-dog main-stream media were incensed, outraged, horrified, etc, etc. ... And, of course, Mubarak had to resign as of "yesterday." 
But, when Maliki sends Obama's American M1 Abrams tanks to blast unarmed Sunnis to pieces, Obama goes golfing and his media goes fishing. In sum, President Obama's pro-Iranian Iraqi policy makes Bush look like an Einstein crossed with a Kissinger. In Maliki, Obama has created a Shi'ite unmanned-genocidal-vehicle (UGV) operated by Iranian remote control who will ensure the Sunnis hate the United States for all time. 
In conclusion, President Obama's Syria and Iraq policies are so clearly lopsidedly pro-Iranian Shi'ite that either Obama is stupid, or he actively wants Iran to win, defeat Saudi Arabia, and erect a Shi'ite Mesopotamian empire running from Persia to the Mediterranean. 
If Obama continues to ignore Maliki’s Shi'ite mass-murder of Sunni protesters, the choice of whether he is dumb or an Iranian stooge will be all too abundantly clear. (Or maybe, just maybe, Obama's pro-Iranian policy is at the core of his Benghazi problem!??!)  
The forces are beginning to mass. Sunni tribal leaders are calling to arms. Kurdish rebels are "retreating" from Turkey to flood back to and defend Kurdish Iraq. Turkey will soon start to pipe oil out of Iraqi Kurdistan to the north. The Shi'ites are girding, ready for an all-out-war. If Obama sells Maliki one more American weapon (let alone the scheduled squadrons of F-16s), Obama will be a willing co-partner in Maliki's Sunni genocide.  

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