How and How Not to Desocialize
by Murray N. Rothbard
It is generally acknowledged that
bureaucrats are obstructing the process, but confusion abounds among
free-market proponents themselves. Matters are scarcely helped by the fact that
Western economists, to whom the former Eastern bloc is looking for wisdom, have
themselves done virtually nothing to study, let alone solve, this problem
during the sixty years since Stalin established socialism in the Soviet Union
and the half-century since the Soviets imposed it on Eastern Europe.
For ever since the mid-1930s, almost all
Western economists have accepted the view that there is no calculation problem
under socialism, and most have accepted the subsequent notion that the Soviet
economy has been successful and growing, and would shortly overtake that of the
United States.[1]
How Not to Desocialize
We may first clear the way on how to
desocialize by examining various paths that have become popular, and yet are
decidedly not the way to arrive at our presumably common goal.
How not to go about desocialization may be
highlighted by the story of a friend of mine, who told me recently about a
Soviet colleague in his department, who came to the United States to study
diligently the problem of how to create a futures market in the USSR. He has
been stymied by the fact that he cannot seem to figure out what laws or edicts
the Soviet state should lay down, so as to replicate the futures market in the
United States. In short, he cannot find a way to plan a futures market.
Here then is a crucial point: you
cannot plan markets. By their very nature, you can only set people free so
that they can interact and exchange, and thereby develop markets themselves.
Similarly, several of the socialist countries, seeing the importance of the
capital markets in the West, have been trying to develop stock exchanges, but
with little success. First, again, because stock markets cannot be planned,
and, second, because, as we will see further, you cannot have markets in titles
to capital if there are still virtually no private owners of
capital in existence.
Do Not Phase In
It is, again, generally accepted that free
markets must be arrived at quickly, and that phasing them in slowly and
gradually will only delay the goal indefinitely. It is well known that the
giant socialist bureaucracy will only seize upon such delay to obstruct the
goal altogether. But there are further important reasons for speed. One,
because the free market is an interconnected web or lattice-work; it is made of
innumerable parts which intricately mesh together through a network of
producers and entrepreneurs exchanging property titles, motivated by a search
for profits and avoidance of losses, and calculating by means of a free price
Holding back, freeing only a few areas at
a time, will only impose continuous distortions that will cripple the workings
of the market and discredit it in the eyes of an already fearful and suspicious
public. But there is also another vital point: the fact that you cannot plan
markets applies also to planning for phasing them in. Much as they might delude
themselves otherwise, governments and their economic advisers are not in a
position of wise Olympians above the economic arena, carefully planning to
install the market step by measured step, deciding what to do first, what
second, etc. Economists and bureaucrats are no better at planning phase-ins
than they are at dictating any other aspect of the market.
To achieve genuine freedom, the role of
government and its advisers must be confined to setting their subjects free, as
fast and as completely as it takes to unlock their shackles. After that, the
proper role of government and its advisers is to get and keep out of the
subjects' way.
Do Not Crack Down on Black Markets
One route toward freedom that former
President Gorbachev had adopted was to crack down on the villains of the black
market. We might conclude that the mindset of the Eastern bloc has a long way
to go in understanding freedom, except that there are precious few Westerners
who understand this problem either. For the black marketeers are not villains;
if they sometimes look and act like villains, it is only because their
entrepreneurial activities have been made illegal. The "black market"
is simply the market, the market which Soviets claim to be
searching for, but which has turned "black" precisely because it has
been declared illegal. It is the market crippled and distorted, but it is
there, in this despised "black" area, that the Soviets will find the
market most readily. Instead of cracking down, then, the governments should,
immediately, set the black market free.
Do Not Confiscate the People's Money
The Soviet Union suffers from the problem
of "ruble overhang," that is too many rubles chasing too few goods.
It is generally admitted that the "overhang" is the result of
comprehensive price fixing, by which the government has set prices far below
market-clearing levels. Over the years, the Soviet government has been rapidly
printing new money to finance its expenditures, and this increased money
supply, coupled with an ever-dwindling supply of goods resulting from the
breakdown of socialist planning, has created aggravated shortages and an excess
supply of money over goods available.
It is commonly acknowledged that the
shortages will be relieved and the overhang abolished, if prices were set free
to move. But the government fears the wrath of unhappy consumers. Perhaps, but
it is scarcely a solution to do what Gorbachev did, that is, follow the
uninspired path of the Brazilian "free market" President Collor de
Mello, who in the spring of 1990, in an attempt to reverse hyperinflation,
arbitrarily froze 80 percent of all bank accounts. Gorbachev did one better by
suddenly making useless all large-ruble bills, allowing only a small number to
be exchanged for smaller dominations. This is no way to eliminate an overhang;
at best, the cure is much worse than the disease.
In the first place, in this supposed
strike at black marketers, it has been rather the savings of the average Soviet
that has been destroyed, since the black marketeers were shrewd enough to have
moved already into precious metals and foreign currency. But even more
important: by this action, the government delivers the second body blow of a
one-two punch at the average citizen, and at the economy. The first punch was
for the government to inflate the money supply so as to engage in its usual,
wasteful expenditures. Then, after the money has been spent, and prices driven
up — in either open or repressed fashion — then the government, in its wisdom,
begins to exclaim at the horrors of inflation, blames black marketeers, greedy
consumers, the rich, or whatever, and proceeds to the second monstrous punch of
confiscating the money long after it has come into private ownership. Whether
or not one calls this process "free market," it remains confiscatory,
unjust, statist, and a double set of implicit taxes and burdens upon the
Do Not Increase Taxes
"As part of the shift toward freedom and desocialization, taxes should be drastically lowered, not raised."
Unfortunately, one of the
"lessons" that many East Europeans have absorbed from Western
economists is the alleged necessity of sharply raising taxes and making them
progressive. Taxes are parasitic and statist; they cripple energies, savings,
and production. Taxes invade and aggress against the rights of private
property. The higher the taxes, the more the economy becomes socialistic; the
lower they are, the closer the economy approaches true freedom and genuine
privatization, which means a system of complete rights of private property. The
Mazowiecki attempt to achieve privatization and free markets in Poland was
greatly hampered by the imposition of far higher and progressive taxes.
As part of the shift toward freedom and
desocialization, then, taxes should be drastically lowered, not raised.
Government Firms Owning Each Other is Not
I owe to Dr. Yuri Maltsev the information
that the much-vaunted Shatalin plan for the Soviet Union, which was supposed to
bring about privatization and free markets in 500 days, was really not
privatization at all. Apparently, existing government firms in each industry,
instead of being actually privatized — that is, owned by private individuals —
would have been owned (or 80 percent owned) by other firms in the same
industry. This would mean that giant state monopoly firms would continue to be
state monopoly firms, and be self-perpetuating oligarchies rather than truly
privately owned. Privatization must mean private property.[2]
How to Desocialize
The following points of desocialization
must necessarily be written or read sequentially, but they need not be carried
out in that manner: all the following points could, and should, be instituted
immediately and all at once.
Legalize the Black Market
The first two planks are implicit in the
previous part of this paper. One, is to legalize the black market, that is to
make all markets free and legal. That means that the private property of all
those engaging in such markets must, along with everyone else, be made secure
from government depredation, secure as a right of ownership. It means also that
all goods and services hitherto illegal are now to be legal, whether they are
legal in the West or not, and that all transactions are to be engaged in freely,
that is, that prices are to be set voluntarily by the exchanging parties. Thus,
all government price control is to be abolished forthwith.
If such genuine prices for real
transactions are to be higher than pseudo-"prices" set by the
government for non-existent transactions, then so be it. Consumer griping
should simply be ignored; any consumers who still prefer the previous regime of
fixed prices for non-existent goods will, of course, be free to boycott the new
prices and try to find cheaper sources of supply elsewhere. My hunch, however,
is that consumers will adjust soon enough to these one-shot changes, especially
since unprecedented abundance of consumer goods will quickly pour forth onto
the markets.
By "legalizing," by the way, I
mean simply abolishing a previous outlaw status; I do not propose to engage in
semantic exercises trying to distinguish between "legalizing" and
Drastically Lower All Taxes
Another implication of our previous
analysis is that taxation should be cut drastically. There is, in the
literature on taxation, far too much discussion about which types of taxes are
to be imposed, and who is to pay them and why, and not nearly enough on the
height or amount of taxes to be levied. If the tax rate is low enough, then the
form or principles of tax distribution really makes very little difference.
To put it starkly, if all tax rates are
kept below one percent, then it really does not matter much economically
whether the taxes are on incomes, sales, excises, property, or capital gains.
It is important instead to focus on how much of the social product is to be
siphoned off to the unproductive maw of government, and to keep that burden
While the form of taxation would not then
matter economically, it would still matter politically. An income
tax, for example, however low, would still maintain an oppressive system of
secret police ready and willing to investigate everyone's income and spending
and hence his entire life. Economists' opinion to the contrary, there is no tax
or system of taxes that could be neutral to the market.[3]
Whatever taxation that might exist after
desocialization should, however, be as close to neutral as possible. This would
mean, in addition to very low rates and amounts, that the taxation be as
unobtrusive and harmless as possible, and imitate the market as closely as it
can. Such imitation might include the voluntary sale of goods and services at a
price, or setting a price for participating in voting. The sale of goods or services
by the government would, of course, be drastically limited in our desocialized
system, because of the enormous scope of privatization of government
activities. Privatization will be treated below.
Abolish the Government's Ability to Create
There are three parts to any government's
ability to generate revenue: taxation, the creation of new money, and the sale
of goods or services.[4] There can be no genuine free market
or desocialization so long as government is permitted to counterfeit money,
that is create new money, whether it be paper tickets or bank deposits, out of
thin air. Such money creation functions as a hidden and insidious form of
taxation and expropriation of the property and resources of producers. Ending
counterfeiting means getting the government out of the money business, which in
turn implies eliminating both government paper money and central banking. It
also means denationalizing currency units, such as the ruble, forint, zloty,
etc., and returning them to private market hands.
Denationalizing currency can only be
achieved by redefining paper currencies in terms of units of weight of a market
metal, preferably gold. When the central banks are liquidated, they could
disgorge their gold hoards; as their last act on earth they could redeem all
their paper tickets at the redefined weight in gold coins.
While, given the will to desocialize, this
monetary denationalizing process is not as complex or difficult as it may first
seem, it might indeed take longer than the one day required for the other parts
of our plan.[5] There could then be transitional
steps of a few days' length: that is, the ruble or forint could be allowed to
fluctuate freely and be convertible at market exchange rates into other
It would still be imperative to take the
money-creating power out of the hands of the national government; a possible
way of doing that, and a second transitional step, would be to make the ruble
convertible into harder currencies, such as the dollar, at some fixed rate.
Pending return to a pure gold standard and liquidation of the central bank, it
would also be important to curb the government's power to create money by
freezing permanently all central bank activities including open market
operations, loans, and note issues. It need hardly be added that a law or edict
limiting or freezing the government itself is not an act of
intervention into the economy or society. Quite the contrary.
Just as black markets and all private
markets would be set free, so too private credit institutions, for the lending
of savings or the channeling of the savings of others, would be set free to
Fire the Bureaucracy
A question may have occurred to the
reader: If taxation is to be drastically lowered, and the government is to be
deprived of its power to print or create money, then how is the government
going to finance its expenditures and operations?
The answer is: It wouldn't have to,
because there would be precious little left for government to do. (This will be
explained further in the discussion of privatization below.)
The socialist economy is a command
economy, staffed and run by a gigantic bureaucracy. That bureaucracy would
immediately be fired, its members set free at long last to find productive
jobs, and develop whatever productive abilities they might have, in the now
rapidly expanding and flourishing private sector.
This brings us to a fascinating problem which,
while resting long in the hearts and minds of the oppressed subjects of
socialism, has now unexpectedly become a live political issue. What is to be
done with and to the top Communist party cadre, to the nomenklatura,
to the vast apparatus of the once all-powerful secret police? Should justice at
last be meted out to them by a series of state-crime trials, followed by proper
and condign punishment? Or should bygones be bygones, a general amnesty be
declared, and ex-KGB men hired as private guards or detectives? I confess an
ambivalence on this issue, in weighing the competing claims of justice and of
social peace. Fortunately, the decision can be left to the peoples of the
former Soviet Union and of Eastern Europe. There is not much that an economist,
even a free-market economist, can say to resolve this issue.
Privatize or Abolish Government Operations
This brings us to the final, but scarcely
the least important, plank of our proposed desocialization platform:
privatizing government operations. Since theoretically all, or in practice
most, production in socialist countries has been in the hands of the State, the
most important desideratum, the crucial route for attaining a system of private
property and free market, must be to privatize government operations.
But simply to say "privatize" is
not enough. In the first place, there are many government operations,
especially in socialist states, that we don't want to privatize, but rather to
abolish completely. For example, we would not, as libertarians and
desocializers, wish to privatize concentration camps, or the Gulag, or the KGB.
God forbid that we should ever have an efficientsupply of
concentration-camp or secret police "services"!
Here is a point that needs to be
underlined. The basic assumption of national income and GNP analysis is that
all government operations are productive, that they contribute their expenses
to the national output and the common weal. But if we truly believe in freedom
and private property, we must conclude that many of these operations are not
social "services" at all but disservices to the economy and society,
"bads" rather than "goods."
This means that desocialization must
involve the abolition, not the privatization, of such operations as (in
addition to concentration camps and secret police facilities) all regulatory
commissions, central banks, income tax bureaus, and, of course, all the bureaus
administering those functions that are going to be privatized.[6]
Principles of Privatization
Genuine goods and services, then, are to
be privatized. How is this to be accomplished? In the first place, private
competition with previous government monopolies is to be free and unhampered.
This would legalize not only the black market, but all competition with existing
government operations. But what about the massive accumulation of government
firms and capital assets themselves? How are they to be privatized?
Several possible routes have been
suggested, but they can be grouped into three basic types. One is egalitarian
handouts. Every Soviet or Polish citizen receives in the mail one day an
aliquot share of ownership of various previously state-owned properties. Thus,
if the XYZ steel works is to be privately owned, then, if there are 300 million
shares of XYZ steel company issues, and 300 million inhabitants, each citizen
receives one share, which immediately becomes transferable or exchangeable at
will. That this system would be impossibly unwieldy is evident. The number of
people would be too much and shares too few to allow every person to have a
share, and there would be shares of innumerably large numbers and varieties
that would quickly descend upon the heads of the average citizen.
Much of this chaos would be eliminated in
the suggestion of Czech finance minister Vaclav Klaus, who proposes that each
citizen receive basic certificates, which could be exchanged for a certain
number or variety of shares of ownership of various companies on the market.
But even under the Klaus plan, there are grave philosophical problems with this
solution. It would enshrine the principle of government handouts, and
egalitarian handouts at that, to undeserving citizens. Thus would an
unfortunate principle form the very base of a brand new system of libertarian
property rights.
It would be far better to enshrine the venerable homesteading principle at the base of the new
desocialized property system. Or, to revive the old Marxist slogan: "all
land to the peasants, all factories to the workers!" This would establish
the basic Lockean principle that ownership of owned property is to be acquired
by "mixing one's labor with the soil" or with other unowned resources.
Desocialization is a process of depriving
the government of its existing "ownership" or control, and devolving
it upon private individuals. In a sense, abolishing government ownership of
assets puts them immediately and implicitly into an unowned status,
out of which previous homesteading can quickly convert them into private
ownership. The homestead principle asserts that these assets are to devolve,
not upon the general abstract public as in the handout principle, but upon
those who have actually worked upon these resources: that is, their respective
workers, peasants, and managers. Of course, these rights are to be genuinely private;
that is, land to individual peasants, while capital goods or factories go to
workers in the form of private, negotiable shares. Ownership is not to be
granted to collectives or cooperatives or workers or peasants holistically,
which would only bring back the ills of socialism in a decentralized and
chaotic syndicalist form.
It should go without saying that these
ownership shares, to be truly private property, must be transferable and
exchangeable at will by their holders. Many current plans in the socialist
countries envision "shares" which must be held by the worker or
peasant and, for a term of years, could only be sold back to the government.
This clearly violates the very point of desocialization. Other suggested plans
impose severe restrictions upon the transfer of ownership to foreigners. Once
again, genuine privatization requires complete private property, including sale
to foreigners.
There is, furthermore, nothing wrong with
"selling the country" to foreigners. In fact, the more that
foreigners purchase "the country" the better, for it would mean rapid
injections of foreign capital, and therefore more rapid prosperity and economic
growth in the impoverished socialist bloc.
A problem immediately arises in granting
shares to workers in the factories, a problem akin to the question what is to
be done with the Communist cadres and the KGB: Should the managing nomenklatura be
cut in on the shares of ownership?
In advising the Soviets in an address in
Moscow in early 1990, the economist Paul Craig Roberts observed that the Soviet
people could either cut the throats of the nomenklatura or cut
them in on shares of ownership; for the sake of social peace and smooth
transition to a free economy, he recommended the latter. As I wrote above, I
would not be that quick to thwart the demands of justice; but I would like to
point out again a third possible route: not doing either one, and freeing the
nomenklatura to find productive jobs in the private sector. The philosophic
point in contention is to what extent, if at all, the managers' activities in
the old Soviet economy were productive, and therefore participant in
homesteading-labor, and to what extent they were crippling and
counter-productive, and therefore deserving of nothing better than a curt
A third commonly suggested route to
privatization deserves to be rejected out of hand: that the government sell all
its assets to the public at auction, to the highest bidder. One grave flaw in
this approach is that since the government owns virtually all the assets, where
would the public get the money to purchase them, except at a very low price
that would be tantamount to free distribution?
But another, even more important flaw
hasn't been sufficiently stressed: why does the government deserve to own the
revenue from the sale of these assets? After all, one of the main reasons for
desocialization is that the government does not deserve to own the productive
assets of the country. But if it does not deserve to own the assets, why in the
world does it deserve to own their monetary value? And we do not even consider
the question: What is the government supposed to do with the funds after they
have been received?[8]
A fourth principle of privatization should
not be neglected; indeed, it should take priority. Unfortunately, by the nature
of the case this fourth route cannot be made into a general principle. That
would be for the government to return all stolen, confiscated property to its
original owners, or to their heirs. While this can be done for many parcels of
land, which are fixed in land area, or for particular jewels, in most cases,
especially capital goods, there are no identifiable original owners to whom to
restore property.[9] In the nature of the case, finding
original landowners is easier in Eastern Europe than in the Soviet Union, since
far less time has elapsed since the original theft. In the case of capital
goods built by the State, there are no owners to identify. The reason why this
principle should take priority wherever it applies is because property rights
imply above all restoring stolen property to original owners. Or to put it
another way: an asset becomes philosophically unowned, and therefore available to
be homesteaded, only where an original owner, if one had existed, cannot be
There is one nagging remaining problem:
How large should the newly private firms be? Every industry in socialistic
countries is generally locked into a monopoly firm, so that if each firm is
privatized into an equivalent-sized firm, the size of each will be far larger
than the optimum on the free market. A fundamental problem, of course, is that
there is no way for anyone in a socialized economy to figure out what the
optimum size or number of firms is going to be under freedom.
In a sense, of course, mistakes made in
the shift to freedom will tend to iron themselves out after a free market is
established, with tendencies to break up or to consolidate in the direction of
optimum size and number. On the other hand, we must not make the mistake of
blithely assuming that the costs or inefficiencies of this process may be
disregarded. It would be preferable to come as close as possible to the optimum
in the initial privatization.
Perhaps each plant, or each group of
plants in an area, may be initially privatized as a separate firm. It goes
without saying that a very important aspect of a free market and of this
optimizing process is to allow the market complete freedom to work: e.g., to
merge, combine, or dissolve firms as it proves profitable.
The dimensions of the proffered Rothbard
Plan for desocialization should now be clear:
1. Enormous and drastic reductions in
taxes, government employment, and government spending.
2. Complete privatization of government
assets: where possible to return them to the original expropriated owners or
their heirs; failing that, granting shares to productive workers and peasants
who had worked on these assets.
3. Honoring complete and secure property
rights for all owners of private property. Since full property rights imply the
complete freedom to make exchanges and transfer property, there must be no
government interference in such exchanges.
4. Depriving the government of the power
to create new money, best done by a fundamental reform that at one and the same
time liquidates the central bank and uses its gold to redeem its notes and
deposits at a newly defined unit of gold weight of existing currencies.
All this could and should be done in one
day, although the monetary reform could be done in steps taking a few days.
One point we have not specified: precisely
how low should taxes or government employment or spending be set, and how
complete should be the privatization? The best answer is that of the great
Jean-Baptiste Say, who should be known for many other things than Say's Law:
"The best scheme of [public] finance is, to spend as little as possible;
and the best tax is always the lightest."[10] In short, that government is best
that spends and taxes and employs the least, and privatizes the most.
A final point: I have been criticized by
libertarian colleagues for proposals of this sort because they involve action
by government. Isn't it inconsistent and statist for a libertarian to advocate
any government action whatever? This seems to me a silly argument. If a thief
has stolen someone's property, it is scarcely upholding "robber-action''
to advocate that the robber disgorge his stolen property and return it to its
owners. In a socialist state, the government has arrogated to itself virtually
all property and power of the country. Desocialization, and a move to a free
society, necessarily involves the action of that government's surrendering its
property to its private subjects, and freeing those individuals from the
government's network of controls. In a deep sense, getting rid of the socialist
state requires that state to perform one final, swift, glorious act of
self-immolation, after which it vanishes from the scene. This is an act which
can be applauded by any lover of freedom, act of government though it may be.
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