The gold standard alone makes money independent of governments, of dictators, of political parties, and of pressure groups
In his New York Times column, “Lust for Gold” (April 12), Paul Krugman embraces once
again monetary inflation as one of the ways to create prosperity, one of the
longest enduring myths in economics. By disparaging gold as money, Krugman
also reveals his lack of understanding of monetary economics. In
addition, Krugman’s support for deficit spending also puts him in the camp of
George W. Bush, Dick Cheney, who said “deficits don’t matter.” In short,
Krugman as well as Republican politicians just cannot get enough of the
welfare-warfare state.
Krugman writes, “…historically, gold has
been anything but a safe investment.” However, in 1968 gold was $35 per
ounce; you could buy a brand new automobile for about 80 ounces, or $2,800.
Today, at $1,500 an ounce, you need only 20 ounces of gold to buy a
brand new $30,000 automobile. In over four decades, gold has increased in
purchasing power while the dollar has declined in purchasing power. This
is just example of many how gold has maintained its purchasing power over time.
So what is Krugman saying about gold that
it is not a “safe investment?” Its purchasing power has increased while the
dollar’s has plunged since I graduated from college. Is Krugman implying
that gold is not safe because the government has and could confiscate the
yellow metal, as FDR did 80 years go this month? And in 1971, President
Nixon defaulted on the dollar when he closed the gold window when he told
foreign government and other “official” holders of gold that the United States
would not honor its commitment to redeem dollars at $35 per ounce.
Yes, gold is not “safe” when the people
have to rely on the integrity of government officials to honor their commitment
to be good stewards of a nation’s monetary affairs.
As far as returning to a gold standard,
Krugman quotes his idol, John Maynard Keynes that the gold is a “barbarous
relic,” with a link to the alleged deconstruction of gold as a reliable
monetary standard.
Compare Keynes conclusion that gold is an
artifact of barbarians with Ludwig von Mises’s insights about the opponents of
the gold standard and how gold money leads to a check on government spending
running amuck.
“The gold standard has one tremendous
virtue: the quantity of the money supply, under the gold standard, is
independent of the policies of governments and political parties. This is its
advantage. It is a form of protection against spendthrift governments.”
So one reason Krugman and other modern
monetary cranks love paper money is simple: the central bank can create
money out of thin air to buy government bonds when the national government
spends more than it taxes the people so the public can have its cake and eat it
too, a bigger and bigger welfare-warfare state without paying higher taxes.
Mises also explained how the international
gold standard advanced western civilization. “The gold standard was the
world standard of the age of capitalism, increasing welfare, liberty, and
democracy, both political and economic. In the eyes of the free traders its
main eminence was precisely the fact that it was an international standard as
required by international trade and the transactions of the international money
and capital market. It was the medium of exchange by means of which Western
industrialism and Western capital had borne Western civilization into the
remotest parts of the earth’s surface, everywhere destroying the fetters of
age-old prejudices and superstitions, sowing the seeds of new life and new
well-being, freeing minds and souls, and creating riches unheard of before. It
accompanied the triumphal unprecedented progress of Western liberalism ready to
unite all nations into a community of free nations peacefully cooperating with
one another.”
Why did governments abandon the gold
standard? Mises showed it was a deliberate policy to remove the last
safeguard against money printing. “The gold standard did not collapse.
Governments abolished it in order to pave the way for inflation. The whole grim
apparatus of oppression and coercion—policemen, customs guards, penal courts,
prisons, in some countries even executioners—had to be put into action in order
to destroy the gold standard. Solemn pledges were broken, retroactive laws were
promulgated, provisions of constitutions and bills of rights were openly
defied. And hosts of servile writers praised what the governments had done and
hailed the dawn of the fiat-money millennium.”
In short, governments are inherently
violent, using any means necessary to achieve their goals, welfarism at home
and war overseas.
Mises also zeroed in on Keynes’ alleged
brilliance when he wrote this more than five decades ago, “The unprecedented
success of Keynesianism is due to the fact that it provides an apparent
justification for the ‘deficit spending” policies of contemporary governments.
It is the pseudo-philosophy of those who can think of nothing else than to
dissipate the capital accumulated by previous generations.” In other
words, money printing tends to undermine an economy’s supply of capital goods,
which reduces its ability to produce goods for the masses.
Krugman has taken up Keynes’ mantle, as
the foremost “monetary crank”–a pro money printing, pro deficit spending, anti-savings
advocate in the world– who asserts that prosperity is the result not of savings
and investment but by government boosting “aggregate demand” of the people,
i.e., inflating the supply of money.
Mises observed, “Inflation and credit
expansion, the preferred methods of present day government openhandedness, do
not add anything to the amount of resources available. They make some people
more prosperous, but only to the extent that they make others poorer.”
And Mises wrote this more than 70 years ago!
Inflating the supply of money creates
winners and losers. That is the reality of the Federal Reserve’s
Quantitative Easing policy, another benign sounding program that reduces the
standard of living of most Americans at the expense of the financial elites who
are cheerleaders of easy money.
Meanwhile, Krugman knowingly or
unknowingly has become the nation’s leading apologist for the welfare-warfare
state. As Mises pointed out that the proponents of the gold standard,
“The gold standard alone makes the determination of money’s purchasing power
independent of the ambitions and machinations of governments, of dictators, of
political parties, and of pressure groups. The gold standard alone is what the
nineteenth-century freedom-loving leaders (who championed representative
government, civil liberties, and prosperity for all) called ‘sound money.’ ”
The dollar’s purchasing power has declined
more than 95% since the Federal Reserve was created nearly 100 years ago.
The purchasing power of gold is relatively stable over the long run. But
Keynes famously said, “In the long run we are all dead.”
Mises responded: “A dictum of Lord
Keynes: “In the long run we are all dead.” I do not question the truth of this
statement; I even consider it as the only correct declaration of the
neo-British Cambridge school.”
By continuing to quote his cultish idol,
John Maynard Keynes, Paul Krugman is clearly the latest member of the hall of
defunct economists.
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