Machines can be manipulated and controlled. Real economies can’t.
A couple
weeks ago, we gave a speech in London. In it, we quoted economist Paul Krugman.
Here’s the quote, from an article in The New York Times:
“Keynesian economics rests fundamentally on the proposition that macroeconomics isn’t a morality play — that depressions are essentially a technical malfunction. As the Great Depression deepened, Keynes famously declared that ‘we have magneto trouble’ — i.e., the economy’s troubles were like those of a car with a small but critical problem in its electrical system, and the job of the economist is to figure out how to repair that technical problem.”
What kind of brain
could think such a thing? How could you confuse an economy with a machine? We
promise not to become earnest about it, but it is probably worth spending a few
minutes exploring this claptrap.
It is the fatal
flaw at the heart of modern economics. It also happens to be the foundation of
the Fed’s attempt to revive the economy. Krugman, Bernanke, Summers et al.
think they are technicians…
They’ve got the
wrong metaphor. You may be able to describe the human body as a machine too.
But don’t try to fix it with an adjustable wrench. It’s a good thing Paul
Krugman isn’t a medical doctor!
Unlike a machine,
an economy was neither designed by anyone nor built in a factory. There are no
plans… no owner’s manual… no guide to troubleshooting problems… and no website
where owners go to talk about the problems they’ve had and the tricks they’ve
used to fix them.
Not made by man…
it cannot be repaired by man. But let’s look at why this is so.
First, an economy
is a “complex adaptive system.” It has lots of moving parts, in other words,
and each of these parts has information and desires of its own.
The farmer in
Mississippi may know that his bottom 40 acres are too wet to plow. The
Department of Agriculture has no idea. The plumber in Milwaukee may know that
his business is slowing down. But how would Krugman know?
What machine has
intelligent parts… each responding to its own information base, more or less
Second… and
perhaps more importantly… the parts have desires of their own. You build a
machine to accomplish the desires of the designer. An economy, on the other
hand, is merely a way for the constituent parts to achieve their own ends.
Imagine an
automobile that goes where the steering wheel wants to go! Imagine a motor that
runs faster when the carburetor feels frisky… and slows down when the valves
get tired
You can see that
this is like no machine ever created. The parts want to go in different
directions… at different speeds… for different reasons. The economy is much
more like a flock of birds than a Boeing 747.
In today’s
America, real (inflation-adjusted) wages are lower today than they were 10
years ago. Depending on how you adjust for inflation, they may be as low as
they were at the end of the second Eisenhower administration.
With so little in
earnings, people are naturally careful with their money. They go to giant
discount shops… in order to get as much for their money as possible. They want
low prices.
What is an economy
for if not to satisfy the hopes and desires of the people who live in it? And
what is the goal of activist economics if not to help people get what they
So what does Paul
Krugman do?
He urges the
government to raise consumer prices — to consciously and intentionally sabotage
the wishes of the people by raising the cost of living. That’s the point of QE:
to put more money in circulation so that prices rise. Then people will get less
for their earnings and savings… and be more eager to spend now, rather than
save for later (rightly fearing that their dollars will lose value over time).
And that’s why
Krugman prefers to think of an economy as a machine. Machines can be manipulated and
controlled. Real economies can’t.
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