As always with human affairs, self-interest rules
Like reforming the
spoils system of the 19th century, dealing with today’s incompetent, lazy, and
corrupt public employees is a good deal easier said than done.
In government,
last year’s reform has a bad habit of causing this year’s problem.
For instance, take
the federal civil service, that vast army of government workers (in 2011 there
were 2,756,000 employees in the executive branch). It has been much in the news
lately, thanks to burgeoning scandals at the IRS and elsewhere.
The civil service
has been around since the Constitution took effect in 1789, when there were 40
employees in the Treasury Department and only five in the State Department. But
there were no rules regarding the hiring and firing of civil servants at that
time. They all served at the pleasure of the president.
When Thomas
Jefferson became president in 1801, he discovered that most federal employees,
having been appointed by presidents Washington and Adams, were members of the
opposition Federalist Party. In the last two weeks of the Adams administration,
Congress — still in Federalist hands until Inauguration Day on March 4 — had
taken advantage of that fact to pursue Federalist self-interest. It had passed
the Judiciary Act of 1801, establishing 10 new district courts, 3 new circuit
courts, and 42 new justices of the peace, who were to serve 5-year terms. On
March 3, Adams filled the newly created posts and the Senate confirmed them en
masse. But the acting Secretary of State John Marshall (who had already been
appointed chief justice) was simply unable to issue all the commissions before
his power to do so evaporated at noon the next day. This gave rise to one of
the most important cases in Supreme Court history.
Upon becoming
president, Jefferson immediately ordered the State Department to withhold the
remaining commissions. One of those thus deprived of office, William Marbury,
sued, asking the court for a writ of mandamus compelling the State Department
to issue the commission. In 1803, the case reached the Supreme Court. Chief
Justice Marshall wrote the opinion in Marbury v. Madison. It
sympathized with Marbury but denied him the writ, stating that the power of the
Court to issue such a writ, given the Court by the original Judiciary Act of
1789, contravened the Constitution.
So, by denying
Marbury his federal office and denying the power of the Court to issue writs of
mandamus, Marshall established the vastly greater power of the Supreme Court to
review acts of Congress.
immediately began to replace Federalist workers with Democratic-Republicans, as
his political allies were coming to be called. Andrew Jackson, creator of the
modern Democratic Party, greatly expanded the practice of placing party
loyalists in federal jobs, often firing the previous holders of the positions
in order to do so. In 1832, one of Jackson’s allies, Senator William L. Marcy
of New York, justified the practice by saying, “To the victor belongs the
spoils” — the origin of the term “spoils system.”
From then on,
every time there was a change of party in the White House, there was a
wholesale turnover of federal employees. This ensured that there would be
little continuity in the federal bureaucracy and also little competence, as
employees were chosen for their political loyalty, not their skills. And,
protected by party affiliation, the members of the civil service did not work
hard or, in many cases, work at all.
A reporter
visiting New York’s City Hall in 1866 wrote: “We pass many open doors ...
through which we see idle men with their feet upon tables smoking cigars. There
are few buildings in the world, probably, wherein the consumption of tobacco in
all its forms goes on more vigorously during business hours than the City Hall
of New York. Smoke comes in clouds from many rooms, and the vessel which Mr.
Thackeray used to call the ‘expectoratoon’ is everywhere seen.”
It was the same in
city, state, and federal offices across the country.
Good government
types began calling for reforming the spoils system that was so obviously a
major cause of government inefficiency and corruption. But politicians, being
human beings, tend to put their self-interest first. And they were deeply
invested in the status quo. The reason was simple enough: the party men who
were rewarded with federal jobs were expected to kick back a portion of their
salaries to the party, and these “assessments,” as they were called,
constituted a major percentage of party funds.
As cries for
reform mounted, presidents tended to favor reform. Having climbed the greasy
pole to the top, they had less need of patronage than did those who were still
climbing. They also had more interest in efficient government, in order to make
themselves, as chief magistrate, look good. In 1872, Ulysses S. Grant convinced
Congress to establish the U.S. Civil Service Commission, which was supposed to
set standards and qualifications for various federal jobs. But Congress was so
unhappy with this threat to the spoils system that, after two years, it refused
to fund the commission anymore.
Rutherford B.
Hayes tried to reform the civil service through executive orders, banning, for
instance, the practice of assessments, and forbidding political activities by
federal office holders.
James Garfield
also favored civil service reform, but nothing was done until Garfield was
assassinated by a disappointed office-seeker. With a president as a martyr to
the spoils system, reform at last became possible. Garfield’s successor,
Chester Arthur, was an ardent advocate of civil service reform. This was, at
the least, ironic, as Arthur had risen to political prominence through the
agency of Roscoe Conkling’s Republican political machine in New York. He had
held the extremely lucrative patronage plum of collector of the port of New
In 1883, Arthur
managed to get Congress to pass the Pendleton Act, named for its principal
Senate champion, George H. Pendleton, Democrat of Ohio. It outlawed assessments
and required filling some federal positions through competitive examinations.
It also forbade the firing or demotion of federal employees for political
reasons and revived the U.S. Civil Service Commission, defunct since 1874. The
three civil service commissioners were appointed for fixed terms to give them
The Pendleton Act
also allowed the president to enlarge the scope of the act, to cover more and
more of the federal workforce. As the White House changed parties frequently in
the late 19th century (in 1884, 1888, 1892, and 1896), departing presidents had
an incentive to lock in the previously unprotected employees whom they had
appointed, and so the spoils system gradually faded away.
The Civil Service
Commission was abolished in 1978 and replaced with a number of
often-overlapping successor agencies, such as the Federal Labor Relations
Authority, the United States Merit Systems Protection Board, and the Office of
Personnel Management.
But by taking away
from politicians the power to hire and fire federal employees and giving it to
a commission, a different set of self-interests — those of federal employees —
began to cause new problems.
It was, after all,
the employees of that Civil Service Commission who had to write the specific
rules and regulations regarding hiring and firing. Being themselves
bureaucrats, they naturally protected the interests of bureaucrats with
ever-more elaborate procedures for termination. Under President Kennedy, many
federal employees were allowed to unionize, adding still another layer of
protection against being fired.
The number of procedures
and appeals in place today means that it can take 18 months to fire a federal
employee for cause, if it is possible to fire him at all. Thus, in 2011, only
about one-half of 1 percent of federal employees were fired, about one-fifth
the private-sector rate.
And the higher up
the civil service ladder the employee is, the less likely he or she is to be
fired. Of the government’s 35,000 lawyers, for instance, only 27 got canned in
2011, less than one-tenth of 1 percent. Thirty-three federal lawyers died on
the job that year, six more than got fired.
Often it is a lot
easier for managers to simply transfer an employee or even promote him so that
he becomes someone else’s problem.
The inevitable
result of employees who cannot be fired is, of course, a federal workforce
that, feeling safe in their jobs, is not likely to overexert itself and is more
prone to fall into corruption — as some employees of the IRS clearly have. More
than a few master the art of skirting the edge of trouble. Senator Tom Coburn of
Oklahoma estimates that over a seven-year period, the federal government lost
9,000 man-years of work due to employees who simply failed to show up to the
office some days. That is not very different from the situation under the
spoils system — although smoking, at least, has been banned from federal office
The solution,
obviously, is a much reformed, simplified, and faster process for dealing with
incompetent, lazy, and corrupt employees. But like reforming the spoils system
of the 19th century, that is a good deal easier said than done. As always with human affairs,
self-interest rules.
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