Call to Speed Up Creation of Banking Union
By Markus Dettmer
and Christian Reiermann
The EU's bailout
of Cyprus has elicited unusually frank and vehement criticism from the finance
experts grouped in the IMF's Executive Board. Their damning indictment at an
IMF meeting in May reflects global skepticism, especially in emerging
economies, about the euro zone's crisis management.
Paulo Nogueira
Batista, 58, is a fan of classical music, a connoisseur of German literature
and an advocate of straight talking. As executive director for his native
Brazil and 10 smaller countries, he is a member of the Executve Board, the highest-ranking
operational decision-making body of the International Monetary Fund (IMF).
His counterparts
from the United States and Europe have often witnessed the combative
personality of this economist with wavy, salt-and-pepper hair, who attended a
high school in Bonn for two years in his youth. Batista is one of the most
persistent critics of Western dominance in the IMF.
He often derides
the Washington-based organization, headed by French politician Christine
Lagarde, as a "North Atlantic monetary fund," because, as he argues,
Americans and Europeans are primarily interested in defending their interests
and preventing emerging economies like Brazil from exerting their rightful
influence in the fund. He resents the Europeans for increasingly availing
themselves of the fund's assets to combat their euro crisis, even though they
have enough money of their own. "The euro countries abuse their power
within the IMF," Batista is fond of saying.
In mid-May, the
Brazilian had yet another opportunity to sharply criticize the Europeans'
behavior. The bailout package for
Cyprus was up for a vote in the IMF Executive Board, a
package that includes €1 billion ($1.3 billion) in IMF funds. As it turned out,
there were others who shared the Brazilian's critical position.
As evidenced by
written position statements and the speaking notes of participants, the event
turned into a critical review of Europe's bailout policy. The IMF found itself
in the dock along with the European Commission and the European Central Bank
(ECB), the two other members of the so-called troika, as well as the countries
of the euro zone.
Although no names
were mentioned, the criticism was directed at all European politicians involved
in the bailout, from German Chancellor Angela Merkel and Finance Minister
Wolfgang Schäuble (both members of the center-right Christian Democratic Union,
or CDU) to French President François Hollande, European Commission President
José Manuel Barroso and Economic and Monetary Affairs Commissioner Olli Rehn.
The criticism applies in particular to the Eurogroup president, Dutch
politician Jeroen Dijsselbloem, who has even recommended the Cyprus bailout as
a model for future bailout programs.
Unusually Frank
Normally, the IMF
Executive Board is a secretive group of experts. There are rarely any leaks,
and certainly no evidence of sharp indictments or internal strife, emerging
from the tight-lipped group, to which the IMF member states appoint experienced
officials from their finance ministries and central banks.
There is something
of an esprit de corps among these experts, dominated by a sense of being
responsible for the fate of the global economy, which makes the severity of the
criticism the envoys of the IMF member states had for the Europeans seem all
the more unusual. The charges ranged from sheer inability to denial of reality
and excessive confidence.
The envoys aren't
acting independently. They usually coordinate their decisions and statements
closely with their respective governments. In other words, what they said
behind closed doors occurred with the knowledge and intent of their
The fact that the
IMF conference delivered a damning indictment of European politicians efforts
to save the euro is not just proof of their dissatisfaction with the most
recent decisions on the Cyprus bailout. It also documents a deep-seated change
in the global economy's most important financial institution. Prior to the
financial and euro crisis, it was usually the West that faulted the developing
nations and emerging economies for incurring excessive debt and constantly
begging for money from the IMF.
Role Reversal
The situation is
reversed today. The former petitioners now find themselves having to fend off
constant requests for assistance from Europe. And they note with growing
indignation how promises are being broken in Paris, Brussels and Berlin,
figures are being massaged and many of the principles that the West once
established for the IMF's activities are being violated. As a result, it was
primarily the representatives of emerging nations that were voicing criticicism
at the conference.
program needs a pinch of optimism but in this one the required dose ofgoodwill
-- or suspension of disbelief, if you will -- goes way beyond the
average," Batista noted caustically in his position statement. And indeed,
the troika does expect the Cyprus economy to begin growing again soon. To
achieve this goal, the island republic is expected to raise taxes substantially
and slash spending in the coming years to clean up its budget. But it was
precisely this crisis-fighting cocktail that plunged other troubled countries
like Greece and Portugal even more deeply into recession.
The savings Cyprus
is expected to realize would already be difficult to achieve under normal
conditions, Batista noted. According to him, the country would have to develop
a new business model while immersed in the worst crisis it has ever faced, and
this in the context of unfavorable global economic conditions.
The Canadian
representative expressed similar views, saying "it remains unclear how
Cyprus will adapt to a new sustainable business model in the long term and what
sectors will lead the recovery and growth."
The confidential
documents revealed the skepticism with which the shareholders view the bailout
approach that has been taken for Cyprus. The expectation that growth will pick
up again by 2015 "is too optimistic in our view," the Brazilian
representative, who also represents Argentina, wrote in his statement. He knows
what he is talking about. Argentina slid into a national bankruptcy 10 years
ago, and only when its currency, the peso, was de-pegged from the dollar was
the economy able to recover. Cyprus lacks this option, because it no longer has
its own currency to devalue.
EU Forecasts for
Cyprus Seen as Too Optimistic
The politicians
involved in saving the euro should learn from their experiences with the
program for Greece, the Saudi Arabian representatives warned, noting
projections for Greece had been "consistently optimistic." They
wrote: "We are not convinced about the realism of staff growth projections
for Cyprus." Australia's representative, too, voiced doubt about whether
the Cypriot program could be effective without changes.
In their position
paper, the two Russian representatives said that the changes in debt structure
predicted by the troika were little more than a "guess," and added:
"We should stand ready that every 3 to 6 months the program will need to
be considerably revised."
There was only one
bright spot for the Europeans: The criticism of the original plan was even
greater than the carping over the current bailout package. The Europeans had
initially decided to involve ordinary savers in the cost of restructuring the
country's two largest banks. Only in the second round were savings deposits of
less than €100,000 ($130,000) spared.
The first proposal
was simply "unacceptable," complained Brazilian representative
Batista. "It should never have been endorsed." The reasons for the
economist's irritation are understandable. In the euro zone, deposits of up to
€100,000 are insured and therefore off-limits. If politicians decided to seize
these deposits, it could shatter confidence in the global financial system,
with dramatic consequences. Savers around the world could attempt to empty
their accounts in order to move their savings to a safe place.
In this context,
the Saudis reminded the European politicians of the global economic crisis at
the beginning of the 1930s, when savings and jobs were destroyed on a massive
scale. "We should keep in mind that the insurance of bank deposits has
been the cornerstone of financial stability and trust in banking since the
Great Depression," the Saudis wrote in their statement. If the initial
plan had been approved, it would also have adversely affected the IMF's
reputation as a rescuer of countries in trouble.
The Europeans
ignored reality, the critics of their bailout programs charged. The Argentine
representative argued that Europe's politicians had been aware for years of the
"delicate situation" Cyprus was in. The Cypriot government, as well
as the euro zone, could have prevented the crisis from coming to a head
"if decisive and sustainable actions were taken at an early stage of the
crisis," the Saudis wrote.
Even the representative
of Iran, a country that normally has no objection to seeing the West suffer,
voiced his concerns. Lessons from similar bank crises and their harmful effects
on growth "seem to have been ignored," he said critically. Cyprus is
suffering as a result, he said, as is the "credibility of the regional and
global crisis management framework."
Call to Speed Up
Creation of Banking Union
The assembled
executive directors were not hesitant to hand out advice to Europe. The
countries of the monetary union, they noted, should move forward quickly with
the plan they had devised to overcome the euro crisis. The Canadian
representative, for example, called on the Europeans to "move swiftly on
the implementation of a banking union, a framework
for bank resolution, and deeper fiscal integration."
These are all
decisions that the leaders and finance ministers of the euro zone have already
reached, but they are making almost no progress on implementation. The banking
union has been delayed because German Finance Minister Schäuble wants to amend
the European treaties first. As experience has shown, this could take years.
The European
Commission's control over government finances suffers from the fact that the
member states don't like to be dictated to. This was evident once again last
week when French President Hollande angrily responded to reform proposals from
Brussels by saying that he would not be dictated to by the Commission.
Even traditional
allies on the IMF Executive Board are beginning to lose patience with the
Europeans. In her manuscript Meg Lundsager, the representative of the United
States, the largest IMF shareholder, called on the Europeans to proceed more
quickly. To ensure that Cyprus gets its debts under control, she wrote, it will
require "will require continued, strong European financial and economic
The Europeans'
statements were meek by comparison. Spain's spokesman thanked the members of
the IMF Executive Board for a "well written and comprehensive report"
on the situation in Cyprus. And the representatives of Germany, France, Italy,
Austria and Sweden expressed their unblinking optimism in a joint statement.
"We are aware that this is a very challenging program," they wrote.
Nevertheless, they added, "we are confident that the firm implementation
of the program will enable the Cypriot economy to return to a sustainable
growth path."
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