A new campaign for
the abolition of UK faith schools ignores the real crisis in the state
education sector
by Neil Davenport
Militant atheists,
along with prominent religious leaders, have launched a campaign to ban schools
from selecting children on the grounds of faith. The Fair Admissions campaign
was launched last week by a coalition of groups, including the British Humanist
Association, the Lib Dem education association and Muslims for Secular
Democracy. In the long term, the group would like faith-based selection schools
banned and, in the short term, the admissions policies of faith-based schools
The charge against
selection on religious grounds is that it is ‘unfair’. Children who are not
members of the ‘right religion’, or who are from secular backgrounds, are effectively
barred from specific schools. For Fair Admissions campaigners, this is a
legalised form of discrimination. Rabbi Jonathan Romain of the Accord Coalition
likened faith-based selection to ‘the idea of no Catholics to be allowed in the
army, no Jews to be social workers’.
In reality, the
Fair Admissions campaign is the latest assault on traditional communities in
Europe. In Germany, for instance, some states have outlawed circumcision of
Jewish and Muslim boys on the grounds that it is a form of ‘child abuse’. In
the UK, the Equalities Act provides a mechanism through which faith schools
could be prosecuted for teaching beliefs that denounced homosexuality.
There is a curious
paradox here regarding faith schools. On the one hand, respect for a plurality of
beliefs, values, traditions and customs are the hallmarks of official
multiculturalism. Anyone old-fashioned enough to be judgmental about other
cultures can find themselves publicly ostracised or even on the wrong side of
the law. But on the other hand, respect for diversity starts to fade whenever
faith schools are mentioned.
It is true that
religious schools discriminate against those of a different or non-religious
background. For the Fair Admissions campaigners, this is incompatible with the
values of a liberal society. Yet secularism is not defined by hostility towards
traditionalist religions; rather, it is premised upon the freedom of religious
worship from state interference and diktat. Contingent on that freedom is also
the freedom of association - in other words the right to discriminate in your
choice of associates. Indeed, the integrity of different religious groups has
always operated on the basis of religious discrimination. Fair Admissions says
it is not against ‘faith schools in principle’. But a faith school that is not
allowed to discriminate on religious grounds would not be a faith school in any
meaningful way. Fair Admissions is thus an attack on the freedom of religious
worship which should be central to a liberal society.
In the context of
education, a discriminatory policy is based not only on religious autonomy but
also on parental autonomy. Parents often make choices over how they raise their
children, and with whom they want their children to associate. Therefore choice
of schools is part of a parent’s right to discriminate. If parents want to
raise children in a traditionalist community based on traditional values, then
they should have the freedom to make that choice. Calling for a ban on faith
schools is merely the latest way in which parental autonomy is being
undermined. In other words, religious parents can’t be trusted to pass on the
‘correct’ values, and must therefore be prevented from indoctrinating their
kids with ‘weird ideas’.
Unfortunately for
militant atheists, faith schools are widely regarded as centres of academic
excellence, not as hotbeds of wacko beliefs. As it happens, faith schools have
never been more popular – or oversubscribed to. Many largely middle-class
parents have clearly concluded that the local faith school would be a better
place for their kids than some hi-tech academy. Two thirds of the 50
best-performing primary institutions in recent years were Church of England,
Roman Catholic or Jewish.
Fair Admissions
counter that it is the socioeconomic, middle-class bias in faith selection that
it aims to combat. Yet although faith schools are seen as ‘white flight’
enclaves, the most ethnically diverse schools in London tend to be Catholic.
Still, middle-class parents’ familiarity with the education system does mean
they will be especially aware of which are the best schools for their kids. But
is attempting to dismantle a school system that obtains excellent results the
answer? Why not utilise the ethos of faith schools across the state sector?
This, it seems, is
another problem with the existence of faith schools. Their popularity is an
implicit criticism of the content-lite education across the state sector.
Indeed, rather than being the preserve of conservative, Telegraph-reading
middle classes, it seems faith schools are more popular with secular leftists
who acknowledge that their children will ‘get a better education this way’. As
one secular parent told the Guardian: ‘I wanted [my daughter] to go
somewhere that would nurture her intellect and her inquisitiveness.’ This
raises a key question: why do secular parents have so little confidence in the
state-education system?
Faith schools have
successfully educated generations in the UK for over 200 years. Many parents
who attended a Catholic or Jewish school as a pupil often recall that, for all
the mysticism, they still received an appreciation of learning for its own
sake. So when parents survey state education today, they see too many schools
that seem to have abandoned the passing on of knowledge in favour of meeting
health, inclusion and wellbeing targets.
state-run faith schools, with their emphasis on teaching beliefs, values,
customs and rituals, are slightly insulated from the instrumentalism prevalent
throughout the rest of the state-education sector. This means that faith
schools are better at encouraging ideas and concepts to be discussed on their
own terms, rather than in terms of other quantifiable aims and objectives. So
while detractors attack faith schools’ propagation of religious dogma, the
schools actually nurture intellectual curiosity. A biography of maverick
satirist Chris Morris reckoned that it was the influence of priests at his
Jesuit school that led him rigorously to question everything.
The setting up of
the Fair Admissions campaign is the latest attack on traditional communities
and values in Britain. Under the guise of equality and anti-discrimination,
Fair Admissions is an attempt to homogenise communities through
state-sanctioned values and etiquette. In order to achieve such conformity, the
autonomy of parents, and the values they want to pass on to their children, are
also called into question. And if faith schools go the same way as grammar
schools, it would be far easier for state comprehensives to avoid embarrassing
comparisons and criticisms. Rather than carping about the admissions policies
of religious schools, educationalists would be better off asking why so many
secular parents have lost faith in the local comprehensive.
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