One Big Family of Aggressors and Central Planners, with Delusions
of Grandeur
Regarding the
traditional left-right scheme and modern uses of the terms “conservative” and
“liberal,” the neoconservatives are hardly conservative and the liberals and
progressives are hardly liberal or progressive. Rather than viewing “left” as
liberal or progressive, and “right” as conservative or neoconservative, I view
left as being collectivist and right as individualist.
Because both
sides, progressives and neoconservatives (a.k.a. “neocons”) are of
collectivism, I view both sides as on the left. Advocates of private property
and voluntary exchange are on the right, in my view.
includes the sacrificing of the individual to serve the collective, and the
conscription of the individual’s labor to serve the interests of the collective
via coercive taxation under threats of violence, i.e. involuntary servitude.
Individualism, on
the other hand, includes the protection of the rights of the individual to
self-ownership, the right to be free from the aggression and intrusion of
others, the sanctity of justly acquired private property, and voluntary
exchange, voluntary association and voluntary contracts.
between the neocons and the progressive-left include covetousness, trespass
onto the property of others, delusions of grandiosity and the use of aggression
to force their delusional plans onto others. Both groups are also collectivist
in nature, and their policies show a lack of respect for the rights of the
individual. The individual , to these collectivists, is to be
sacrificed to serve the interests of the community, or of the State.
The Progressive
In their utopian
delusions of grandiosity, the progressive-left central planners seem to
fantasize that the disadvantaged and the underprivileged would be helped if the
government forced people to do certain things, with business regulations,
mandates, licensure requirements, union protectionism, trade laws and
restrictions, minimum wage laws, etc.
But as we have
seen from America’s economic destruction over many decades, the progressives
have inflicted on us their pathological “fatal conceit,” as coined by
F.A. Hayek.
And the progressive-left
probably don’t understand that when they support legislation, enforced by armed
police agents of the State, that they are really supporting aggression and violence.
Why are the
progressives’ grandiose schemes violent in nature? Because it takes the use of
physical force or coercion and the State’s hired guns, the police, to
enforce the progressives’ agenda. The progressives do not seem to accept the
ideas of voluntary association, voluntary contracts and private property.
And the more
intrusive legislation they support, such as the Dodd-Frank “Wall Street
Reform and Consumer Protection Act,” and the “Patient Protection and Affordable
Care Act,” a.k.a. “ObamaCare,” the more armed
police (via FBI, IRS, SEC, local police, etc.) they require to inflict their
grandiose utopian yet counter-productive schemes onto the rest of us.
Workers unions are
a more direct representation of the violence imposed by the left and
progressives. Unions have used intimidation to coerce their employers to pay
them more than their labor would be valued in a free and open market [.pdf]. Employers have
become slaves of workers, and as a result there are fewer
workers, because some employers can’t afford to pay the salaries and benefits
that the unions have forced them to pay either through “negotiations” or
through legislative force.
Some people
believe that it was unions’ unreasonable demands for further artificially
higher pay and luxurious benefits that would have put General Motors out of
business, were it not for the taxpayers who involuntarily “saved” the
unions GM.
Believe it or not,
or like it or not, State privileges such as those granted to private sector
unions through protectionist coercion or legislation, as well as public
employees unions’ extravagant benefits and pensions – taken by force through
taxation from the private sector workers and producers – are in the same
category of State-privilege for the “1%” Wall Street crowd who get their
bailouts, their Primary Dealer government-fiat-money handouts and their extravagant
bonuses – all at the expense of the taxpaying and compulsory-dollar-using
working stiff.
And the Occupy
Wall Street movement seems to have an agenda associated
with that of the progressive left. Some of Occupy’s demands have
included more governmental interventions and coercion (to
further wreck the economy). Besides forgiveness of student loan debts and
getting rid of corporate influence in elections, demands also include a further
increase in the minimum wage, increasing taxes on the rich, universal or
single-payer health care, and ending capitalism entirely.
Obviously, in my
opinion, many amongst the Occupy movement are just not economically literate. Class warfare has been
used by the left for a century to inflict its agenda of collective sacrifice of
the individual and State theft of the individual’s property and wealth.
But as Sheldon Richman
observed, Wall Street couldn’t have done it alone, and it
takes collusions with government to cause the financial mess that America is
now in. So the Occupy Wall Streeters also need to protest Congressional
offices, the Federal Reserve, and the White House to be consistent.
As Richman
concluded, the solution lies in a freed market. That is,
markets of voluntary exchange and private property, in the absence of
governmental intrusions and coercion.
Acts of intrusion
into the private associations and contracts amongst individuals that the
progressive-left have imposed have caused the reduction of employment
opportunities and distorted prices of products and services. Whether it’s in
the health care, financial or other industries, central planners’ authoritarian,
top-down approach to resolving problems and inequalities of opportunity or
wealth is impossible to achieve, because central planners lack the information that is
necessary to know what is needed, how much is needed, where something is
needed, and what price a product or service should be.
In contrast, in a
freed society with freed markets, in which private associations and contracts
are protected from intrusions and protected from aggression, trespass and
theft, the consumers would
determine what prices should be and who succeeds in what particular field of
The Neocons
How are
“neoconservatives” not conservative and instead socialists and
much more closely linked with progressives than with real conservatives?
To be conservative can
refer to adhering to traditional social and cultural values, as well as being
fiscally conservative. But the neoconservatives spend tax dollars
(received through coercive taxation and threats of violence against
individuals) and borrow while increasing public debts in the name of expanding their
military bases overseas.
Neocons are socialists in that they
believe in the public ownership of the means of production in security. Neocons
would never consider the idea of de-monopolized, privately owned [.pdf] means
of production in security under the rule of law. That would remove the
protectionism that the privilege of State-controlled, socialized national security gives favored defense
contractors, and would instead provide the population with many
more choices of competitive protection firms on a freed, open market.
Regarding the
“moral values” of actual conservatism, the neocons have started
wars against countries such as Iraq (twice) and
Afghanistan, in which much of those countries’ infrastructure and property was
destroyed, multitudes of innocent civilians were slaughtered or injured,
families torn apart, and for no good reason.
But to believe in
actual moral values, one would have to adhere to the Golden Rule of “Do unto
others what one would want others to do unto you,” and “Don’t do
unto others what one would not want others to do unto you.”
Sadly, when Ron
Paul mentions this basic Christian, universal rule of moral civility, he gets booed by the
When it comes to
true conservatism and moral values, the neocons are phony. They’re as phony
as a dollar bill.
Besides their
grandiose schemes and promotion of Big Government central planning, another
aspect that puts neocons in the same category as the progressives is their
globalist fanaticism.
In the neocons’
utopian delusions of grandeur, those central planning collectivists have been
attempting to “remake the Middle East,” particularly with the first unnecessary
and counterproductive Iraq War in 1991, and onward. As with
progressive President Woodrow Wilson, the neocons want
to “make the world safe for democracy.” (But not safe for freedom.)
As Justin Raimondo explains, modern neocons
have their roots in the late Irving Kristol, father of chickenhawk Bill
Kristol. The elder Kristol was a self-proclaimed Trotskyist. He opposed
Stalinism but embraced Trotskyism.
Stalin, as
Raimondo points out, favored “Socialism in one country,” such as USSR
and its satellite countries, but not necessarily world revolution, while
Trotsky embraced the idea of world revolution, defeating
capitalist countries and spreading socialist
paradise globally.
Further expansion
of the neocon movement and of the U.S. government’s military-industrial-complex
ensued following the 1991 Iraq War. In 1996, the younger Bill Kristol, and
Robert Kagan (later foreign policy advisor to George W. Bush, Hillary Clinton
and Mitt Romney, and who has been praised by Barack Obama), published the
article, Toward a Neo-Reaganite
Foreign Policy. In the article the neocons called for “benevolent
global hegemony.” And In 1997, Bill Kristol and Kagan founded Project for the New
American Century, whose main policy paper, Rebuilding America’s
Defenses, calls for the U.S. to spread its might and influence
In 2007, Gen.
Wesley Clark revealed that the
neocons had by 2001 planned to invade and force regime change in particular
countries, including “Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan and Iran.”
As Raimondo
observes, the Trotskyite neocons transferred their loyalty from the USSR to the
U.S., albeit not a capitalist America but a truly socialist American
utopia, in which the central planning government controls all things
domestically with its regulatory and armed police state, and expands
itself globally as well.
With George W.
Bush and Obama’s Patriot Act, NSA spying against Americans, the NDAA indefinite detention of
innocents, America has become much more like the Soviet Union and Nazi Germany,
thanks to the Demopublicans and Republicrats’ rubber-stamping the neocon police
state agenda.
In a sense, one of
the major neocons of our time, Dick Cheney, who has spent most of his adult
life not in the private sector being productive but in the public sector
feeding off the taxpayers’ labor, has a lot in common with the current
president, Barack Obama, who has spent his entire adult life advocating the powers
of the State to administer “social justice,” and who also advanced in life
through privilege (and affirmative action).
But the “antiwar”
progressive Democrat candidate of 2008 Barack Obama immediately became a Cheney neocon after being
sworn in as President. Obama expanded the Bush imperialism warmongering and
then the more typically
progressive-left “humanitarian” warmongering.
Contrary to the
neocon-progressives’ assertion about “spreading democracy” or fighting against
terrorism, their aggression is hardly behavior of “peace-loving,” “democratic,”
or “benevolent” cultures and societies. You can’t say with a straight face that
you are “spreading capitalism,” when you are engaging in murders of innocent
civilians, destruction of other people’s property and trespassing on other
peoples’ lands.
Just as the
progressives’ domestic economic interventions that allow State theft of and
aggressions into private property have the natural blowback of “unintended
consequences” (an economy in shambles, dwindling freedom, etc.), the neocons’
foreign interventionism has caused a great deal of blowback against America.
The war of aggression that President George H.W. Bush and his defense secretary
Dick Cheney started against Iraq in 1991, the destruction of civilian water and
sewage treatment facilities, sanctions and subsequent disease and deaths of
hundreds of thousands of innocent civilians, all led to widespread
anti-Americanism throughout the Middle East and the 9/11 attacks.
Terrorist attacks
within America’s borders were actually predicted by Ron Paul
during the 1990s, based on Dr. Paul’s understanding of the situation
overseas, especially in Iraq, and his understanding that when central planners
initiate aggressions against the lives, liberty and property of others, there
will be negative consequences and blowback.
As I noted here, war is an
artificial collectivist and statist concept used to rationalize criminal
aggression. It comes straight from the left and from the State and its
apparatchiks, propagandists, and merchants of death, certainly not from the
individualist, voluntaryist right.
So-called conservatives
such as Sarah Palin and Sean Hannity, who allegedly believe in traditional
moral values and “small government,” seem to have been brainwashed into
supporting the wars of aggression by the neocons that have destroyed much of
the Middle East, and have given us the domestic police state that is now
Nazifying America. Not very conservative, not really moral.
Real capitalists
and individualists who believe in free markets, private property and voluntary
exchange, do not impose themselves onto others with aggression. Aggression and
invasion of property are the marks of socialists and interventionists.
collectivism, and destructive central planning delusions are the
characteristics which bond the neocons and progressives together in one big
covetous family of power-grabbers. Can
we possibly ever free ourselves of them?
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