Ιt was possible only so long as government could keep spending at rates far higher than the growth rate of the national economy
After the US economy liquidated excess inventory and labor and hit its
natural bottom in June 2009, it embarked upon a halting but wholly unnatural
“recovery.” The artificial prolongation of the Bush
tax cuts, the 2 percent payroll tax abatement and the spend-out of the Obama
stimulus pilfered several trillions from future taxpayers in order to gift
America’s present day “consumption units” with the wherewithal to buy more shoes
and soda pop.
But there has been no recovery of the Main
Street economy where it counts; that is, no revival of breadwinner jobs and earned incomes on the free market.
What we have once again is faux prosperity. In fact, the current Bernanke
Bubble is an even sketchier version of the last one and consists essentially of
the deliberate and relentless reflation of financial asset prices.
In practice, this amounts to a monetary version of “trickle down”
economics. By September 2012, personal consumption
expenditure (PCE) was up by $1.2 trillion from the prior peak, representing a
modest 2.2 percent per year (0.6 percent after inflation) gain from the level
of late 2007. Yet half of this gain—more than $600 billion—reflected the
massive growth of government transfer payments, and much of the rebound which
did occur in private consumption spending was concentrated in the top 10–20
percent of households. In short, the Fed’s financial repression policies
enabled Uncle Sam to fund transfer payments for the bottom rungs of society at
virtually no carry cost on the debt, while they juiced the top rungs with a
wealth effects tonic that boosted spending at Nordstrom’s and Coach.
The Fed’s post-Lehman money printing spree has thus failed to revive Main
Street, but it has ignited yet another round of rampant speculation in the risk
asset classes. Accordingly, the net worth of the 1
percent is temporarily back to the pre-crisis status quo ante. Needless to say,
successful speculation in the fast money complex is not a sign of honest
economic recovery: it merely marks the prelude to another spectacular meltdown
in the canyons of Wall Street next time the music stops
The precarious foundation of the Bernanke Bubble is starkly evident in
the internal composition of the jobs numbers. At the
time the US economy peaked in December 2007, there were 71.8 million
“breadwinner” jobs in construction, manufacturing, white-collar professions,
government, and full-time private services. These jobs accounted for more than
half of the nation’s 138 million total payroll and on average paid about
$50,000 per year—just enough to support a family.
Breadwinner jobs also generated more than 65 percent of earned wage and
salary income and are thus the foundation of the Main Street economy. Yet
after a brutal 5.6 million loss of breadwinner jobs during the Great Recession,
a startling fact stands out: less than 4 percent of that loss had been
recovered after 40 months of so-called recovery.
The 3 million jobs recovered since the recession ended in June 2009, in
fact, have been entirely concentrated in the two far more marginal categories that
comprise the balance of the national payroll. More than half of the recovery
(1.6 million jobs) occurred in what is essentially the “part-time economy.” It
presently includes 36.4 million jobs in retail, hotels, restaurants, shoe-shine
stands, and temporary help agencies where average annualized compensation was
only $19,000. This vast swath of the jobs economy—27 percent of the total—is
thus comprised of entry level, second earner, and episodic jobs that enable
their holders to barely scrape by.
The balance of the pick-up (1.1 million jobs) was in the HES Complex,
which consists of 30.7 million jobs in health, education, and social services. Average
compensation is slightly better at about $35,000 annually and this category has
grown steadily for years. Its increasingly salient disability, however, is that
it is almost entirely dependent on government spending and tax subsidies, and
thus faces the headwind of the nation’s growing fiscal insolvency.
When viewed in this three category
framework, the nation’s job picture reveals a lopsided aspect that thoroughly belies
the headline claims of recovery. A healthy Main Street economy
self-evidently depends upon growth in breadwinner jobs, but there has been
none, even during the bubble years before the financial crisis. The Bureau of
Labor Statistics (BLS) reported 71.8 million breadwinner jobs in January 2000,
yet seven years later in December 2007—after the huge boom in housing, real
estate, household consumption, and the stock market—the number was still exactly
71.8 million.
The faux prosperity of the Fed’s bubble finance is thus starkly evident. This is
the single most important metric of Main Street economic health, and not only
had there been zero new breadwinner jobs on a peak-to-peak basis, but that alarming
fact had been completely ignored by the smugly confident monetary politburo.
Alas, the latter was blithely tracking a feedback loop of its own making. Flooding
Wall Street with easy money, it saw the stock averages soar and pronounced
itself pleased with the resulting “wealth effects.” Turning the nation’s homes
into debt-dispensing ATMs, it witnessed a household consumption spree and
marveled that the “incoming” macroeconomic data was better than expected. That
these deformations were mistaken for prosperity and sustainable economic growth
gives witness to the everlasting folly of the monetary doctrines now in vogue
in the Eccles Building.
To be sure, nominal GDP did grow by 40 percent, or about $4 trillion,
between 2000 and 2007. Yet there should be no mystery as to how it happened. As has
been noted, total debt outstanding grew by $20 trillion during that same
period. The American economy was thus being pushed forward by a bow wave of
debt, not pulled higher by rising productivity and earned income.
Indeed, the modest gain of 7.5 million jobs during those seven years reflected
exactly this debt-driven dynamic and explains why none of these job gains were
in the breadwinner categories. Instead,
about 2.5 million were accounted for by the part-time economy jobs described
above. On an income-equivalent basis these were actually “40 percent jobs”
because they represented an average of twenty-five hours per week and paid $14
per hour, compared to a standard forty-hour work week and a national average
wage rate of $22 per hour. Thus, spending their trillions of MEW windfalls at
malls, bars, restaurants, vacation spots, and athletic clubs, homeowners and
the prosperous classes, in effect, temporarily hired the renters and the
increasing legions of marginal workers left behind.
Likewise, another 5 million jobs were
generated in the HES (health, education, and social services) complex. Here the
job count grew by 20 percent, but it was mainly due to the fact that the
sector’s paymasters - government budgets and tax-preferred employer health plans - were temporarily flush.
As discussed in part 2 of this series,
however, these, too, were “debt-push” jobs that paid modest wages. While the steady
2.6 percent annual growth of HES jobs during the second Greenspan Bubble did
flatter the monthly employment “print,” it was possible only so long as government and health plans could keep
spending at rates far higher than the growth rate of the national economy.
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