Government is biased toward the past
farm bills now before Congress -- one from the Senate, the other from the House
-- attest, if nothing else, to the inertia of politics. There is no
"public interest" (a phrase often meaningless in Washington) in
having government subsidize farmers. Food would be produced without subsidies.
The uncertainties and insecurities faced by farmers from unpredictable weather
and global markets, though often compelling, are paralleled by the
uncertainties and insecurities faced by many industries from disruptive
technologies, erratic business cycles and shifting public tastes. Yet, unlike
most industries, agriculture is lavishly subsidized and protected by
The explanation is
force of habit. Since the Great Depression of the 1930s, when there were
plausible reasons to aid farmers, government has consistently accorded
agriculture special treatment. The politics of doing so long ago became
self-perpetuating. Without the massive subsidies, the Agriculture Department
would be far less important. So would the congressional agriculture committees
and the crowd of farm groups (sometimes, it seems, one for almost every crop)
that lobby for benefits. And certainly the farmers who receive payments and
protections feel entitled to them.
All this creates a
powerful and shared vested interest in safeguarding the status quo, even as
different interest groups and their congressional champions fight ferociously
over the structure and distribution of benefits. The cost has been
considerable. From 1995 to 2012, the various subsidies totaled $293 billion --
more than $16 billion annually -- according to the Environmental Working Group
(EWG), a critic of present programs. This understates the true costs, because
it includes only the on-budget costs of explicit subsidies. Excluded are higher
consumer prices paid on some products (sugar, for instance) that are partially
shielded from market competition.
The congressional
agriculture committees faced a special challenge this year because huge federal
deficits have put pressure on spending. The committees straddled this
difficulty by claiming to make substantial savings while actually extending
expensive programs. In press releases, the Senate Agriculture Committee says
its bill will cut deficits by $24 billion from 2014 to 2023. This sounds like a
lot but isn't. Even if the savings occur, the Congressional Budget Office (CBO)
estimates that farm subsidies will total almost $190 billion over the decade.
And the savings
may not materialize. The projections depend on assumptions about market prices
and crop yields that, in the past, have often proved optimistic, says the EWG's
Scott Faber. According to Faber, the projected spending for the 2002 and 2008
farm bills significantly underestimated actual costs. (In fairness, errors in
the other direction could reduce costs.)
Consider the farm
bills as a public relations exercise. To make subsidies more acceptable,
Congress is repackaging them. "Direct payments" to farmers are
ending, because they seem (and are) a straightforward giveaway. Instead,
"crop insurance" -- which seems prudent protection against droughts
and other misfortunes -- is being expanded. In reality, crop insurance
resembles "a farm income support program" more than standard
insurance, writes economist Bruce Babcock of Iowa State University in a report
for the EWG. Farmers' premiums cover only 40 percent of costs; taxpayers pick
up 60 percent. With premiums subsidized, farmers buy generous coverage that
produces payouts even in many good years. The CBO puts the 10-year cost at $89
The survival of
farm subsidies is emblematic of a larger problem: Government is biased toward
the past. Old programs, tax breaks and regulatory practices develop strong
constituencies and mindsets that frustrate change, even when earlier
justifications for their existence have been overtaken by events. It's no
longer possible to argue that ag subsidies will prevent the loss of small
family farms, because millions have already disappeared.
It's no longer
possible to argue that subsidies are needed for food production, because one
major agricultural sector -- meat production -- lacks subsidies and meat is
still produced.
The larger lesson
must be discouraging. Among other qualities, good government requires the capacity
to adapt to change. It needs to discard what doesn't work or is no longer
necessary. It needs to devote its limited resources -- in time, skill and money
-- to the problems where it might do some good. In the best of circumstances,
this is difficult. But routine politics compounds the difficulty, as the
immortal farm subsidies and endless debates over budget deficits attest.
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