The idea that without free will there can be no morality is one of those obvious facts that bears repeating
by Tibor R. Machan
Let me once again quote George Orwell,
who reportedly noted that “Sometimes the first duty of intelligent men is the
restatement of the obvious.”
The idea that without free will there
can be no morality is one of those obvious facts that bears repeating. It was
Kant who famously insisted on this but others have signed on as well. For
instance, it is arguable a point made by Aristotle, too.) In an age that is
highly respectful of the opinions of scientists, even opinions that do not
arise from their work as scientists, seem to contradict this but even
scientists have affirmed the point!
For a simple view of what nearly all
scientists believe is that everything that happens in the world has to happen
exactly as it does happen. In short, scientist are supposedly committed to
determinism which is, at least in its usual meaning, incompatible with free
Free will involves being the originator
of one’s actions or conduct. Unlike physical objects, plants and most animals,
human beings are supposed to have free will in that they normally initiate what
they do. Their conduct is not fully explainable by reference to impersonal
factors such as their genetic make-up, their history or race or gender, etc.,
etc. They are, instead, agents of much of what they do, of their behavior.
Now this idea seems incompatible with
how scientists view the world, although in fact scientists aren’t supposed to
be prejudiced in favor of determinism or free will, for that matter. Whether
human beings have free will is something to be discovered, not assumed.
If nature is so constituted that it
makes room for free actions, we human beings would be good candidates for being
able to act freely, on our own initiative. Why not? Well, some think that
because everything is moved by something else, that holds for what people do as
But is this right? Do our thoughts, for
example, about free will or political liberty or child raising all spring forth
impersonally, without our own agency having a role in the process? Is what we
think about free will and determinism or anything else no different from the
movement of the planets or atoms? Or could there be some entities in the world
that possess the capacity to initiate some of their conduct?
Perhaps one such area of self-movement
is where human thinking and intending occur, in our minds, just as the criminal
law and morality sees it. If this is denied, what we believe about everything
is itself just an impersonal event, not something we produce with our thinking!
OK, much more can be said about this but
the gist of it is captured in the few paragraphs above. For now what matters is
that if we lack free will, then we also lack personal responsibility. We are,
in short, not the source of what we think and do. It is all que sera, sera!
But nature could well be rich enough in
its possibilities that agent causality makes perfectly good sense. Some,
perhaps few, entities start to act on their own. (This is a capacity usually
ascribed only to God but there is no reason why people couldn’t have it!)
Needless to say, free will is necessary
for moral and legal praise and blame as well as all the great varieties of
creativity evident in human affairs, for good or ill! This includes the
activity of trying to figure out whether free will exists!
But one unwelcome results of the
existence of free will is that millions of people could act differently from
how they actually act, could have acted differently as well, etc., much better
than they have acted. Not everyone welcomes this for it leads to the idea that
some folks are guilty of misconduct while others are praiseworthy for acting
properly, even heroically.
In short, the idea of free will implies,
among other things, that egalitarianism is false, something that those who
would embark upon regimenting us in life do not like to admit.
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