What has happened in Egypt is an unmitigated disaster.
On two levels. It’s disastrous that an elected government, voted for by 52 per
cent of Egyptians last year, has been ousted by a military voted for by no one,
ever. And it’s disastrous that this violent sweeping aside of a democratic
government by armed men, which was swiftly followed by massacres of those who
dared to express support for the ousted government, has been hailed as a
positive development by many Western observers. From the right to the left,
from war-lovin’ Tony Blair to self-styled radicals, the coup has been embraced
as not a coup at all, but as a glorious people’s sweep to power.
Many in the West are tying themselves in linguistic
knots to try to avoid calling a coup a coup. The White House is refusing to use
the c-word to describe the removal of Mohammed Morsi, the Muslim Brotherhood
Egyptian president up to 3 July, when he was deposed by his defence minister.
Using that word has ‘significant consequences’, it said. ‘A coup, or something
else?’, asked a headline in the New
York Times. I know that paper is facing financial travails, but I didn’t
know things were so bad it couldn’t afford a dictionary. The ridiculousness of
some observers’ allergy to using the c-word was summed up in the opening para
of that NYT piece: ‘[T]he generals removed the
democratically elected president, put him in detention, arrested his allies and
suspended the constitution. But was it a military coup d’etat?’ Ladies and
gentleman, the world’s most prestigious newspaper.
The shamelessness of the coup cheerers disguised as
devotees of democracy is extraordinary. So Mona Eltahawy, the American-Egyptian
journalist who was turned by fawning Westerners into the poster girl of
Egyptians’ uprising against dictator Hosni Mubarak in 2011, says baldly of
recent events: ‘This is not a coup.’ It seems unaccountable military power is
only a problem when it runs counter to Ms Eltahawy’s own interests, not when
it’s wielded in the name of her and other Egyptians’ desire to force aside
elected Morsi. Laurie Penny, darling of Britain’s collapsed middle-class Occupy
movement, said on the day of the coup: ‘The Egyptian people have brought down
Morsi.’ This is a commentator who thinks students being kettled by cops in
Trafalgar Square for half an hour is a crime against humanity, yet apparently
military men using fighter jets and tanks to yank the reins of power from an
elected president and his supporters is perfectly okay.
Then there are those who for the past 10 years have
trumpeted their mission of ‘bringing democracy’ to the Middle East, who now
claim that, actually, the Middle East isn’t ready for democracy and thus the
Egyptian coup is justified. If there was a Nobel prize for gobsmacking
hypocrisy, these people would get it. Idiot imperialist Tony Blair is currently
doing the media rounds to defend the military coup in Egypt with the same
rictus, toothy fervour with which he once denounced unaccountable militarism in
the Middle East and declared his determination to defeat it. All you need to
know about Blair’s attitude to foreign countries is contained in the fact that
he wrote a pro-Egyptian coup article that had these words in it: ‘I am a strong
supporter of democracy. But…’ Pro-coup NYT columnist David Brooks, another supporter
of the Western wars to ‘deliver democracy’ in Iraq and Afghanistan, now says
people with Islamist sentiment, by which he presumably means both the Muslim
Brotherhood and the millions who vote for it, ‘lack the mental equipment to
govern’. If only the destroyers of Iraq and Afghanistan and their media
cheerleaders had discovered the political deficiencies of the inhabitants of
Muslim countries a bit earlier, perhaps we could have avoided the past 10 years
of bloody ‘wars for democracy’.
Various Westerners’ excuse-making for the Egyptian
coup explodes their early praise for the Arab Spring, and confirms that all
they’re really interested in for the mentally malformed Arab peoples is
stability, enforced by whoever is best equipped for the task. More than that,
their c-word-avoiding cheering of the events in Egypt represents an underhand
attempt to redefine what democracy means. ‘Democracy is a way of deciding the
decision-makers, but it is not a substitute for making the decision’, says
Blair, cryptically. What he means, echoing the motley mix of Western leaders
and radicals who have cheered the army’s seizing of power, is that if voters
make the ‘wrong’ decision in polling booths then it can fall to others, those
who ‘operate outside the convention of democracy’, as Blair puts it, to rectify
things. This is an open invitation to the violent overthrowing of any elected
government that fails to meet Blair’s or Mona Eltahawy’s or Cairo-based
radicals’ expectations. And the millions of people who voted for Morsi? Screw
them. They are mentally unequipped.
Yet however much these democracy warpers might try to
deny it, a coup did take place in Egypt. The question of why it took place, and
how, is an uncomfortable one, including for us at spiked who were early and loud supporters of
the Arab rebellions. For the Egyptian coup is not simply, or even primarily, a
case of a power-hungry military asserting itself. Rather, it springs from and
was energised by the incoherence of the Egyptian uprising of the past three years,
and from the fact that this radical movement so lacked a strategy, and a
vision, and the means for achieving its goals, whatever they were, that it
continually looked for external actors to do its work for it, be they Western
activists or Western leaders or, more disastrously, the Egyptian military.
Even as spiked hailed the Egyptian uprising as an
opportunity for the people of that country to move ‘into the heart of power
itself’, we also recognised the inherent dangers of the various Arab
protesters’ refusal to take themselves seriously in political and ideological
terms. ‘It is a sad fact that one of the most notable things about the Arab
uprisings is their incoherence, their dearth of strategy and ideology’, we
argued in August 2011. Indeed, in early 2011, when Mubarak was ousted, one
Egyptian writer noted ‘a complete absence of ideological rhetoric [in Tahrir
Square]’. Sadly, many of the Arab protesters seemed to have imbibed the very
po-mo Western idea, then being globally promoted by the ubiquitous Occupy, that
not having a structured movement and clear demands is a benefit because it allows for flexibility. One
described the absence of ‘a formal, organised, political opposition’ as ‘quite
liberating’. Thus was a virtue made of the fact that what the Arab protesters
had in terms of muscle and tenacity they lacked in terms of coherence and
vision. As a consequence, the Egyptian and other Arab protesters have been
unanchored, unclear, with a tendency to lash out unpredictably, and they have
developed a habit of looking to others to represent their desires organisationally
and ideologically. Some have called on the West to intervene, as they did in
Libya, and finish off hated dictators. Others seem to have devoted as much
energy to winning the flattery of influential Western radicals as they have to
forging a radical roadmap for their own nations. The Egyptian military,
exploiting this vacuum at the heart of the uprising, has depicted itself as
doing what the Egyptian masses were incapable of doing, and, bizarrely, it has
been cheered for doing so.
The coup, sadly, might represent the official end of
the Arab Spring, its tragic subsuming, through its own self-conscious eschewing
of plans and ideals, into the broader game of the Arab militaries and their
friends in the West. The lessons of the events in Egypt are these: Western
politicians don’t care about democracy in the Middle East; Western leftists
don’t understand what democracy is; protesters can have all the physical
presence and staying power in the world but they will still get nowhere without
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