Carbon Policies and Jobs
By Benjamin Zycher
In my
earlier essay discussing President
Obama’s speech on climate
change and “carbon pollution,” I noted the weakness of the evidence on the
effects of increasing atmospheric concentrations of greenhouse gases (GHG) and
the poor predictive performance of climate models. I also noted the trivial
prospective temperature effects of even draconian anti-carbon policies
regardless of what one believes about the underlying climate science, and the
obvious implication that wealth redistribution, essentially from red states to
blue, is the real underlying goal motivating these policy proposals.
I turn now to some
of the poor economic analysis in the speech, in particular the jobs promised as
an ancillary benefit of costlier electricity, specifically in the form of
complementary employment growth in the wind and solar power sectors. As Mr.
Obama claimed: "And that means jobs… manufacturing the wind turbines [and]
installing the solar panels…"
At a general
level, employment created — that is, shifted — as a result of a government
policy is a cost rather than a benefit for the economy as a whole, unless the
policy improves resource allocation by, say, correcting for some sort of market
inefficiency. (Whether or not government policies can be predicted
systematically to improve the efficiency of resource use is the central focus
of the vast public choice literature). As counterintuitive as that may seem,
imagine that a federal policy had the effect of increasing the demand for
high-quality steel. That clearly would be a benefit for steel producers, or
more broadly, for owners of inputs in steel production, including steel
workers. But for the economy as a whole, the need for additional high-quality
steel in, say, an expanding wind-power sector would be an economic cost, as
that steel (or the resources used to produce it) would not be available for use
in other sectors. More generally, the creation of “green” jobs as a side effect
of environmental (or carbon) policies is a benefit for the workers hired (or
for those whose wages rise with increased market competition for their
services). But for the economy as whole, that use of scarce labor is a cost
because those workers no longer would be available for productive activity
There is the
further matter that any expansion of the wind and solar electricity sectors
must mean a decline in some other sector(s), with an attendant reduction in
resource use there. After all, resources in the aggregate are finite. If there
is substantial unemployment, and if the labor used in wind and solar activities
is not highly specialized, a short-run increase in total employment might
result. But in the long run — not necessarily over a long period of time — such
policies favoring certain industries cannot create employment; they can only
shift it among economic sectors. In the context of the Obama carbon policy, an
expansion of wind and solar power would accompany a contraction of the
coal-fired power sector, and a contraction of other sectors due to an overall
increase in electricity prices. Moreover, there is also the adverse employment
effect of the explicit or implicit taxes that must be imposed to finance the
subsidies needed to increase wind and solar generating capacity; that such
subsidies are likely to be required for the foreseeable future is a topic
explored in detail in this AEI study.
Because wind power
and solar power are more costly than conventional generation, policies driving
a shift toward heavier reliance upon the former would increase aggregate
electricity costs, and thus reduce electricity use below levels that would
prevail otherwise. The 2007 Energy Information Administration (EIA) projection (Table 21)
for total U.S. electricity consumption in 2030 was about 5.17 million gWh.
The latest EIA projection (Table A8)
for 2030 is only about 4.28 million gWh, a decline of about 17 percent. The
change presumably reflects some combination of assumptions about structural
economic shifts, increased conservation, substitution of costlier renewables
for some conventional generation, and a price increase from about 9.6 cents per
kWh to about 10 cents (in 2012 dollars). It would be surprising if that reduction
failed to have some employment effect.
Figure 1 displays
data on percent changes in real GDP, employment, and electricity consumption
for the period 1970 through 2009, obtained from the Bureau of Economic Analysis, the Bureau of Labor Statistics, and the Energy Information Administration, respectively.
The correlations
by themselves are not evidence of causation, the determination (or refutation)
of which requires application (and statistical testing) of a conceptual model.
But the data displayed in Figure 1 make it reasonable to hypothesize that the
higher costs and reduced electricity consumption attendant upon the Obama
effort to reduce emissions of GHG would yield a reduction in employment rather
than the increase promised by the president.
It is certainly
possible that the historical relationship between employment and electricity
consumption will change. Technological advances are certain to occur, but the
prospective nature and effects of those shifts are difficult to predict. The
U.S. economy may evolve over time in ways yielding important changes in the
relative sizes of industries and sectors; but, again, the direction of the
attendant shifts in employment and electricity use is ambiguous.
the assertions of the president, there exists no evidence in support of the
notion that a reduction in electricity consumption would yield an increase in
employment. Like all geographic entities, the United States has certain
long-term characteristics — climate, available resources, geographic location,
trading partners, economic and legal institutions, etc. — that determine in
substantial part the long-run comparative advantages of the economy in terms of
economic activities and specialization. Figure 2 presents the historical paths
of the electricity intensity of U.S. GDP (kWh per dollar of output) and of the
labor intensity of U.S. electricity consumption (employment per kWh).
Between 1970 and
2011, the electricity intensity of GDP has increased and declined over various
years. But for the whole period, it has declined slightly at a compound annual
rate of about 0.5 percent. The labor intensity of U.S. electricity consumption
— in a sense, the employment “supported” by each increment of electricity
consumption — has declined more or less monotonically over the entire period,
at an annual compound rate of about 1.2 percent. This may be the partial result
of changes in the composition of GDP (toward services), and perhaps the
substantial increase in U.S. labor productivity in manufacturing; several
hypotheses are plausible. But these data do not suggest that a reduction in
electricity consumption would yield an increase in aggregate employment; if
anything, they suggest the reverse. While the employment/electricity
relationship may have declined over time, there is no evidence that it is
unimportant in an absolute sense, and it is far from inverse.
That there are no
free lunches is an eternal truth, notwithstanding the assertions of experts and
public officials. The Obama version of this ancient snake oil is simple: we can
have a stronger economy and more employment if we discard part of the
power-generating capital stock. That is a blatant example of the old broken
window fallacy: if a window is broken, output and employment will rise because
someone has to hire someone else to replace the window. That first someone, of
course, is forced to buy window replacement instead of some other good or
service, so that the broken window induces a shift of resources rather than an
increase in aggregate wealth. For the economy as a whole, the broken window —
or the electric generating capital forced into retirement — is a net loss. We
cannot become richer over time by making ourselves poorer in the here and now.
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