If you want a better world to live in, build it yourself
Recently, I’ve seen much
hubbub to the effect that the US Republican Party must adopt libertarian views
to retain its popularity. For example, see this article which, in spite of its
title, mostly discusses why the Republicans will fail if they don’t abandon “conservatism” for libertarianism.
As other examples, NPR had an extended segment on the news with a very
similar topic about a day ago, and I’ve seen friends
posting on similar themes.
I should like to take a
radically orthogonal view.
I honestly don’t care what
will or will not “save” either the Republican Party, or any other party for
that matter. Political parties generally disgust me, being organized for much
the same purpose as a gang of looters or a crime syndicate, and if only they
could all go out of business and their members be sent to prison where they
belong I would be pleased beyond measure.
What I do know is this,
though: just as the Democrats keep talking about things like “civil liberties”
while running Guantanamo and a surveillance state, and talk about “peace” while
growing the military and intervening around the world, your odds will be
excellent if you bet that a GOP that adopts “libertarianism” so it can win
elections will give the ideas lip service while implementing entirely
non-libertarian policies to serve their real goals: power and money for
themselves and their cronies.
Many people will not
understand this distinction between rhetoric and action. After all, few seem to
notice it right now. If the rebranding is successful and the Republicans start
winning elections, I fear that the public will start blaming “libertarianism”
for increased government spending, foreign intervention, business regulation,
torture, and whatever else they implement under the pretense of spending cuts,
non-intervention, deregulation, civil liberties, and the like.
I suppose that is not really
something I can help, though. The underlying problem is that people do not yet
widely understand that the higher the political office, the more likely it is
that the electoral contest is between two sociopathic con men.
Indeed, the US Presidential
election is a sort of quadrennial Olympics for con men. The odds of of a
randomly selected untrained amateur winning the Olympic 500m race are poor when
hundreds or thousands of professionals train for years for the event. The
probability of a decent human being winning the White House when competing
against hordes of amoral grifters whose skills are honed to a razors edge by
years of competition are even lower.
Worse, people do not
understand that even if a decent human being by some astounding accident wins
high political office, they are almost inevitably both thwarted and corrupted.
The system is built to derail reform, not to enable it, and it holds
temptations that few normal people can resist. One is faced with (to name but a
few things) the powerful financial interests of the Military-Industrial
Complex, blackmail by the intelligence community, lobbyists more numerous than
locusts, fellow politicians who do not want their sustenance to end, a press
almost as interested in preserving the status quo as the pigs at the trough, Sir Humphrey
Appleby‘s spiritual kin, constant luxuries from banquets to private jets to soften
one’s moral resistance, and an endless series of instances where one might bend
the rules just this once, for the common good.
I would not even trust myself
with the power of the Presidency — it should be no surprise that I trust no one
else with it either.
I have been asked by some,
“then what do you propose we should do, if electoral politics will not work?
Surely you must work within the system you have, not the one you wish you had.”
This viewpoint reminds me of a political cartoon featuring a pair of Aztec
priests removing the heart from a victim. One says to the other, “it isn’t the
best possible system, but it’s the one we’ve got.”
I think that until one thinks
beyond the current system and its failures, one cannot get away from those
failures. You cannot become celibate by increasing your frequency of sexual
intercourse, shoot your way to nonviolence, gorge your way to weight loss, or
vote your way to a system that respects inalienable rights not subject to the
whims of the electorate.
The US’s founding fathers
conducted an interesting experiment in whether a strong constitution could
restrain the worst defects of democracy. (That was literally their intent, as
the Federalist Papers reveal.) We would be fools to ignore the result of that
experiment. To be sure, it was a partial success for a time, but it did not
last. The rot began almost immediately.
(I have acquaintances who are
attorneys who believe in a “living constitution.” They laugh at me when I say
things like “but the plain intent of the words `Congress shall make no law[...]
abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press’ is that Congress isn’t
allowed to make laws on that topic.” Apparently a belief that words can have
plain meanings is the height of naïveté and shows exactly how stupid I am.)
The only rational way forward
I see is to try to build the world I want directly, and to leave the political
mechanism, which I wish to see eliminated anyway, behind.
My message, and sadly the best
path I have to offer (for it is not an easy one) is this: work on ways
to achieve the world you want that do not involve politics, and work on letting
others know that this is the only long term path to make the world a better
In other words, if you want to
see people fed, work on ways to feed them — one Norman Borlaug beats a million “food
security activists” begging for stolen money. If you want to see people better
able to communicate in privacy or avoid censorship when they wish to speak in
public, build computer protocols and software to help them do that regardless
of the desires of bureaucrats. (The people who built Tor, PGP and the like did not
wait to be given “permission” to do so, they simply built what they felt the
world needed. You can, too.) If you want to help people live longer and
healthier lives, do medical research or open a clinic.
So, if you want to be free,
live as freely as you can right now, and help others to be free as well. Build
the institutions and technologies you wish existed to support freedom today,
not someday after “they” have given you permission to be free. “They” will
never grant their permission, so you will be waiting forever. Besides, waiting
for “them” to throw you crumbs of freedom is servile. Not only will the things
you build improve your own life here and now, those things will also undermine
the power of those who would enslave you. (“They” would prefer that you believe
yourself to be powerless and dependent on what “they” choose to do. Ignore
Most of all, do not believe
the con men, do not join them, and do not aid them. (Try to help other people
understand that they should not believe or aid them either.) The con men are
not your friends. The last several millennia of experience with elections are
not a fluke to be dismissed as mere experimental error. The next politician and
the next election will not be different than all their predecessors. The next
politician will not usher in “change”, or “hope”. The next politician will, if
experience is any guide, care mostly about self-maximization. It doesn’t matter
how hard they pander to your prejudices, they don’t care about what you want,
they’re in it for what they want. If you want a better world to live in, build
it yourself instead.
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