Back in
2011, prominent hedge fund manager Mark Spitznagel penned for the Wall
Street Journal a
highly regarded op-ed about excessive government intervention in our limping
economy. Spitznagel likened the intervention to wrongheaded efforts throughout
history among forest rangers to put out small forest fires.
Small fires are nature’s way of forests
maintaining their positive evolution, and when firefighters attempt to blunt
the minor impact of small ones, they ultimately foster much worse blazes later.
Spitznagel expertly, and very correctly correlated firefighting with the
hubristic efforts among policymakers to artificially blunt the effects of recession.
In doing so he channeled Albert Jay Nock, among many others as will soon become
As Nock long ago wrote, “Any contravention
of natural law, any tampering with the natural order of things, must have its
consequences, and the only recourse for escaping them is such as entails worse
consequences.” Translated, forests are nature as are markets, and if you mess
with the natural direction of either, you get much worse down the line.
Many anti-interventionists are asking
today what the coming economic forest fire will look like thanks to all the
meddling in the markets by our political class, and it says here the fire is
already burning brightly. To paraphrase two of Spitznagel’s favorite thinkers
in Fredric Bastiat and Henry Hazlitt, the seen is an economy limping toward recovery,
but the unseen and raging forest fire is what the
economy would look like absent all the intervention. Specifically, how many
Microsofts and Intels, how many cancer and heart disease cures, and how many
transportation innovations have not reached us precisely because our federal
minders won’t let the proverbial – and rather small – economic fires burn so
that an economy comprised of individuals can avoid the big ones?
Thankfully for readers eager to understand
why the markets and the economy are both a shadow of what they could be,
Spitznagel has written an essential new book. Indeed, The Dao of Capital:
Austrian Investing in a Distorted World might
be one of the most important books of the year, or any year for that matter.
As evidenced by the book’s title,
Spitznagel’s economics and investing are rooted in the Austrian School
tradition of Carl Menger, Eugen von Bohm-Bawerk, Ludwig von Mises whom he deems
the greatest economist of them all, along with Bastiat and Hazlitt. Spitznagel
rightly notes about Hazlitt that his Economics
In One Lesson is the
only book he’ll ever require his children to read, assuming they reveal no
broader interest in the subject. To readers who e-mail this reviewer about
books to buy, the response is always that a read of Hazlitt’s best known book
will have them more informed about how economies work than 99.9% of economists.
It’s that good, or perhaps economists are that bad. It would be a good debate.
What’s initially interesting about the
endlessly fascinating The Dao of Capital is that Spitznagel ties the supreme
logic underlying the Austrian School with Daoist thinkers 25 centuries before
who, “in their concept of reversion saw everything emerging from – and as a
result of – its opposite: hard from soft, advancing from retreating.” It’s
rooted in the notion of ‘roundabout’ whereby the detour beats the direct route.
Whether investing or engaging in direct commerce, Spitznagel notes that the
normal, indeed human, route is one of taking
the direct, perhaps easy, path to money, commercial success, or both.
Spitznagel very entertainingly uses
commercial and military history to disprove the ‘easy’ as the correct path. He
makes plain throughout that the most successful investors and businessmen take
the indirect road; essentially going right in order to ultimately go left. Of
course, to achieve roundabout success one must be willing to underperform in
the near, and sometimes long-term in order to ultimately come out ahead.
Spitznagel initially learned his
philosophy at the Chicago Board of Trade (CBOT) from his mentor, grain trader
Everett Klipp. Though Klipp was neither a Daoist nor an Austrian, his
investment style encompassed the teachings of both. And it was highly
As Klipp made plain, “Any time you can
take a loss, do it, and you will always be at the Chicago Board of Trade.” The
problem by Klipp’s estimation was that too many smart people who understood the
market were possessed by an “urgency for immediate profits.” Their elevation of
near-term profits ultimately rendered them unfit for successful tenures at the CBOT.
As Klipp sermonized to Spitznagel, “One trade can ruin your day. One trade can
ruin your week. One trade can ruin your month. One trade can ruin your year.
One trade can ruin your career.”
In light of the above, the smart market
player should stand back and let the all-too-human traders rush in for the
quick profits. As Mises put it, “once a boom sets in, a bust is inevitable.”
Much as conifers in forests “take root in the out-of-the-way places, rocky and
inhospitable, where few can survive,” only to re-seed in the more hospitable
parts of the forest after the small fires clear the land, so must successful
investors wait patiently, far from the frenzy, only to aggressively return –
cash in hand – for the bust that is authored by the boom.
Spitznagel notes that “I earn my living
from the hungriness of investors” for immediacy. He waits patiently and
zigs left so that he can eventually turn right. It all seems so easy, but then
it’s not human nature for most to stay sidelined as easy investing profits reveal
Put plainly, and going back to Daoist
thinking in a book that teaches us how to think, our nature is to pursue the li strategy of immediacy, over the shi of patience and non-aggression. Most
are incapable of the latter.
Of course shi is underlay by Austrian School
thinking, not to mention the writings of 19th centur French political economist
Bastiat. It once again centers on the seen vs. the unseen. It’s of extreme
importance to the twins that are economic and stock market health.
And just as some, but not all, investors
seek profit immediacy when they commit capital, politicians similarly lust for li when they impose their policy visions
on the electorate. For background, we must consider the broken windows fallacy
first described by Bastiat, and later by Hazlitt. The Paul Krugman view is that
if a businessman’s window is broken then the economy benefits. That’s the case
because the owner of the business will have to hire a glazier to replace the
window, and then the glazier, newly flush with cash for having fixed the
window, buys shoes, thus stimulating the cobbler. That’s the seen. But to
Austrian thinkers the “key is to free oneself from a tyranny of first
consequences, overvaluing what comes first at the expense of what inevitably comes
Austrian thinkers correctly look ahead to
the ‘unseen,’ as in if the initial business owner hadn’t had to pay for a
broken window, he could have invested in a new hire who might expand the
productivity of his business, he might have expanded into a new product line,
or perhaps expended his always limited capital on signage meant to make his
business more attractive to the passerby.
Von Mises perhaps put it best in his classic book Liberalism in which he properly observed about war that it “only destroys; it cannot create.” To Keynesians of the Krugman variety, war is stimulative because existing capital is immediately put to work creating weaponry, and all manner of goods necessary to stage a fighting force. More on this later, but the seen is war mobilization putting the jobless to work on the way to ‘growth’ as measured by the horrid GDP calculation worshipped by Keynesians, and sadly too many others not part of the delusional Keynesian camp.
Von Mises perhaps put it best in his classic book Liberalism in which he properly observed about war that it “only destroys; it cannot create.” To Keynesians of the Krugman variety, war is stimulative because existing capital is immediately put to work creating weaponry, and all manner of goods necessary to stage a fighting force. More on this later, but the seen is war mobilization putting the jobless to work on the way to ‘growth’ as measured by the horrid GDP calculation worshipped by Keynesians, and sadly too many others not part of the delusional Keynesian camp.
Austrians naturally look beyond the
initial result of policy, noting that war machines are created to kill
potential customers, and thus must shrink the economy in short order. Quoting
von Mises once again, “war destroys the division of labor inasmuch as it
compels each group to content itself with the labor of its own adherents.” It’s
horrifyingly asserted to this day that WWII ended the Great Depression, but in
truth, it set the U.S. back immeasurably. War destroys wealth that must be
rebuilt, as opposed to building on existing wealth, plus it retards the
division of labor that happily brings all labor force participants more and
more toward the very work specialization that boosts their productivity,
increases their wages for productivity serving as a lure to investment, and
then expands the range of goods they can access.
Looked at in a more broad sense, hapless
politicians seek the immediacy of taxing and borrowing from the private sector
in order to use the funds to create jobs, but their desperate search for quick
cures means that their taxing and spending soon enough starves the real economy
of investment necessary to expand. Looked at in today’s terms, the looming fire
isn’t deficits that ‘someday’ (it’s always someday) will prove insurmountable,
rather it’s the here and now whereby nosebleed government spending deprives
entrepreneurs of seed capital, and workers of wages.
Addressed in terms of money, the ‘seen’
that so captivates Keynesians and the political class is the rabid consumption
that will in the near-term result from currency devaluation, but the unseen is
the investment, productivity, and resulting wage growth that will be stunted
for the needs of savers – society’s ultimate benefactors to paraphrase Adam
Smith – being dismissed. The same applies to interest rates. It’s fun to think
that central bankers can make credit cheap, but the latter is the equivalent of
rent control with apartments. The ‘seen’ is cheaper apartment rent, but the
longer-term ‘unseen’ is apartmentscarcity for the builders of same being
deprived of market-driven rent. Spitznagel comically references George W.
Bush’s cruel blessing in the form of Ben Bernanke as the “head ‘ranger’”
constantly seeking to put out small fires with quantitative easing (QE) and
interest rate machinations, but the unseen is the credit scarcity that results
from adolescent attempts to make it cheap.
Applying the Austrian view to investing
itself, Spitznagel happily elevates the great Henry Ford. To the author, Ford
was most certainly an Austrian even if like Klipp, he wasn’t a reader of
Austrian School books. As Spitznagel writes, “If it were within my power to go
back in time to arrange a meeting, it would surely be between Ford,
Bohm-Bawerk, and Mises, whose lives overlapped.” Absolutely!
In Spitznagel’s eyes, Ford was “the
embodiment of the roundabout entrepreneur who created a new paradigm of
production.” Figure cars were ‘space age’ before the latter became a phrase,
but rather than seek the immediacy of easy profits, Ford held back, constantly
reinvesting profits earned. As Spitznagel writes, “Ford Motor Company would not
have prospered had the founder not committed to continuous long-term investment
in improvements and roundabout production.”
Notably, the Ford example explains why
“value investing” is really only an “estranged brood” of Austrian investing per
the author. Austrian investors don’t so much look for the cheap and sometimes
prosaic as much as they look for companies run by entrepreneurs willing to
delay immediate profits in favor of constant re-investment in the production
process such that they ultimately thrive. Ford’s disciplined reinvestment in
the assembly line was a left turn, a detour as it were, that eventuated in a
right turn, and a car production process that could be measured in seconds. To
put it more simply, Ford pursued the shistrategy on the way to
great fortune.
Considering Ford’s genius in an economic
sense, and it’s really hard to separate the economic from the market,
Spitznagel writes that “the advantages and gains that are realized today are
due to capital that was invested previously.” This is so true, and arguably the
most succinct refutation of Keynesianism in print today. Keynesianism is about
consuming – and really wasting – available capital today at the
certain expense of long-term economic advancement tomorrow. This most absurd of
ideologies has sadly been revived in modern times, and since it has been, it’s
no surprise that the economy limps along.
Taking the investment process further,
Spitznagel writes that the “Austrian investor doesn’t lunge in li fashion immediately for the goal,”
rather the Austrian searches for “highly roundabout, productive firms – ones
with high ROIC – that possess the circuitous means of economic profit.” Going
back to Spitznagel’s mentor in Everett Klipp, Klipp’s Paradox is one of “love
to lose money, hate to make money,” or better yet, Austrian investing “is not
to find a way to make money now, but to position ourselves for better
investment opportunities later” when the von Misean “crack-boom” forces
impatient liinvestors into sell mode.
It’s then that the shi investor, the human conifer as it
were, “can be strategically impatient” in more cheaply purchasing companies
that were patient about creating a profitable business model.
Are Austrian investors searching for the
“black swans” or “tail events” that consume so much of the thinking of the
average investor? The answer is no. As Spitznagel puts it, “When it comes to
market events, there have been no impactful black swans.” To the Austrian
investor a “black swan” is an asteroid hitting the earth. Regarding big market
events, Spitznagel writes that the “stock market plunges that have occurred
over the past century most certainly were not black swans or tail events.” In
truth, they were entirely predictable events made that way by policy error that
eventually led to crack-ups. Let’s perhaps call government itself our black
swan. The Austrian investor waits for corrections made inevitable by government
error, and is once again conifer like in aggressively returning to the land
cleared out by the small forest fire in search of companies that patiently and
wisely invested their capital.
Austrian economic and market thinkers
essentially analyze government policies for distortive errors, and specifically
avoid what they deem policy-driven bouts of li that will surely end in tears.
Spitznagel is understandably reverent toward von Mises, and notes that when the
great Austrian economist was offered a position at Austria’s Kreditanstalt Bank
in the late ‘20s, he demurred given his belief that a crash was on the way. Von
Mises was proven correct about what was ahead, and Spitznagel writes about the
best and most famous of the Austrian School scholars that von Mises was “the
man who predicted the Great Depression.”
About the above, it’s the best guess of
this reviewer that Spitznagel simply worded what he meant improperly. As
he would know better than most, and as he writes throughout The
Dao of Capital, market and economic corrections are healthy,
economy-enhancing fires that, if left alone, clear out all the waste, misuses
of labor, and Austrian-defined malinvestment that previously took place. What
it seems Spitznagel means is that von Mises foresaw the crack-up itself.
Indeed, for von Mises to have predicted
the Great Depression, he would have had to have predicted an economy-sapping
reversal of the global division of labor in the form of the Smoot-Hawley
tariff, a rise in the top U.S. tax rate from 25 to 83%, an enormous increase in
economy-suffocating government spending, a devaluation of the dollar, wage
floors, and the imposition of a Undistributed Profits Tax of 74% on retained
corporate earnings. Returning to Ford Motor Company, Spitznagel’s previous
assertion about how it came to be great is apt in this regard. Would Ford have
become the global brand it ultimately ascended to if such a tax had been in
place in the early part of the 20th century? It’s hard to imagine, at which
point it should be said that von Mises predicted a crash, as opposed to a
multi-year debacle solely authored by politicians naively trying to put out
small economic fires that Austrians would logically deem healthy, and prefer be
left alone.
Moving to the 1920s that preceded the
Great Depression, Spitznagel asserts that the boom was monetary in nature. He
acknowledges very clearly that the latter is much debated to this day, though
modern Austrian thinkers in particular tend to be of the view that excess
credit created by the somewhat newly formed Federal Reserve ignited what was
seemingly an artificial expansion. The latter isn’t compelling to this
Indeed, the ‘20s began with a massive
recession, one much worse than that which revealed itself in 1929-30. The
difference, and this is why we rarely hear about the early ’20s downturn, has
to do with the federal government’s response. Quite unlike the hubristic
actions taken by the political class in the ‘30s, government spending was cut
in half, the top tax rate trended downward all the way down to 25%, and at
least until the mid ‘20s, the integrity of the dollar was maintained.
Austrian thinkers question the credit boom
in the ‘20s, but to paraphrase John Stuart Mill, when entrepreneurs are
producing in productive ways, they are explicitly demanding
money. In light of the pro-growth policies that prevailed in the
‘20s, and particularly in light of the fact that growth engine England kept its
tax rate at WWI confiscatory levels, is it any wonder that a boom ensued in the
U.S. as credit flowed to the world’s foremost growth story? Just the same, is
it any wonder that as productivity ramped up that dollars in circulation and
credit soared alongside all the activity?
It’s said that money was easy then, but then the best forward signal of easy money is commodity prices, yet there’s no evidence that they were rising. This is very contrary to Austrian theory, but commodities prices from the mid ‘20s onward suggest overly tight money. In The Forgotten Man, economic historian Amity Shlaes observed that in the late 1920s, farmers suffered “falling grain prices.” In their book Monetary Policy, A Market Price Approach, economists Manuel Johnson and Robert Keleher noted that from 1921 to 1930, “prices actually fell 1.1 percent per year.” It should be stressed here that in a capitalist economy prices are always falling as productivity enhancements – per von Mises – make today’s luxuries tomorrow’s necessities. Still, the price level with stable money value would be flat for falling prices creating new demands for other goods previously out of reach. Further on in Monetary Policy, Johnson and Keleher discussed the Fed, and the fact that “it disowned any responsibility for the drastic decline of commodity prices which had been underway since 1925.”
It’s said that money was easy then, but then the best forward signal of easy money is commodity prices, yet there’s no evidence that they were rising. This is very contrary to Austrian theory, but commodities prices from the mid ‘20s onward suggest overly tight money. In The Forgotten Man, economic historian Amity Shlaes observed that in the late 1920s, farmers suffered “falling grain prices.” In their book Monetary Policy, A Market Price Approach, economists Manuel Johnson and Robert Keleher noted that from 1921 to 1930, “prices actually fell 1.1 percent per year.” It should be stressed here that in a capitalist economy prices are always falling as productivity enhancements – per von Mises – make today’s luxuries tomorrow’s necessities. Still, the price level with stable money value would be flat for falling prices creating new demands for other goods previously out of reach. Further on in Monetary Policy, Johnson and Keleher discussed the Fed, and the fact that “it disowned any responsibility for the drastic decline of commodity prices which had been underway since 1925.”
Perfect money in the Ricardian or Smith
sense is that which doesn’t change in value such that it serves as a measuring
rod that facilitates exchange of consumable goods and investment. More to the
point, if a weak dollar is problematic for fostering malinvestment, then so
must a rising dollar similarly be problematic for corrupting prices such that
malinvestment creates a deflationary style crack-boom.
Looking at the stock market crash from this
perspective, Liaquat Ahamed noted in The Lords of Finance that when the stock market topped out
in September of 1929, “only 19 of the 826 stocks on the New York Exchange
attained all-time highs. Almost a third had fallen at least 20 percent from
their highest points.” It’s surely another way of looking at the ‘20s, but
Ahamed’s numbers suggest that the correction began long before the historically
significant 12.5% crash in October of that year, and it’s at least arguable
that tight, as opposed to easy money, loomed large in bringing about the
eventual market reversal.
Spitznagel notes that von Mises referred
to the “artificial expansion of bank credit” when discussing “the perverse
effect of inflation,” but just the same, von Mises in The
Theory of Money and Credit described
inflation as “an increase in the quantity of money, that is not offset by a
corresponding increase in the need for money.” By the latter definition, and
taking into account the Fed’s fear of gold inflows in the ‘20s such that it
didn’t create commensurate money, one could at least posit that the Fed oversaw
a deflationary event in the classical sense such that dollar demand outweighed
supply on the way to a rising unit of account.
All of the above is very debatable,
Spitznagel acknowledges as much, but Smoot-Hawley was initially conceived
(wrongly) as relief for farmers suffering falling agricultural prices. It’s
speculation, but assuming the dollar’s integrity is fully maintained in the
‘20s, it can at least be suggested that there’s no major crash (the 12.5%
correction occurred alongside word that President Hoover would sign
Smoot-Hawley in 1930) thanks to a stable dollar fostering a more rational
distribution of investment, not to mention making the horrors of Smoot-Hawley
less likely.
Moving far ahead to the more recent
crack-up, what’s undeniable is that a rush into the consumption of housing was
not just recessionary for real economic ideas suffering a lack of investment at
the expense of consumption, but that the latter was a prime example of what
Austrians once again refer to as malinvestment. What reads as potentially
wanting is the notion that it was driven by excess credit through artificially
low interest rates.
No doubt rates were artificially low, but
then just as government-enforced apartment rents lead to scarcity of same, so
logically would artificially low rates of interest at least somewhat mitigate
naïve central bank efforts to create massive amounts of credit. Figure in the
1970s the Fed was rapidly hiking interest rates, but George Gilder described
the Carter-era housing boom this way in his early ‘80s classic, Wealth
and Poverty:
“What happened was that citizens
speculated on their homes. … Not only did their houses tend to rise in value
about 20 percent faster than the price index, but with their small equity
exposure they could gain higher percentage returns than all but the most
phenomenally lucky shareholders.”
Gilder’s description of the ‘70s begs the
question of what truly drives what von Mises described in Human
Action as a “flight
to the real.” Does easy credit author housing booms, or does credit simply flow
to the assets least vulnerable to monetary error? Comparing the ‘00s to the
‘70s, rates were falling during the ‘00s, they were rising during the ‘70s, but
the one constant of the two periods was a falling dollar as measured in gold.
With it once again undeniable that policy error fostered a recessionary housing
boom, it’s arguable that the falling dollar trumped low rates as the driver of
that which ended in tears. Absent a declining unit of account that aided
commodities priced in dollars, and that surely made hard assets like housing
more attractive, it’s not unrealistic to assume that no major, economy-sapping
housing boom reveals itself.
Some would argue that low rates beget a
weak dollar, but then in the ‘60s interest rates were very low alongside a not
perfect, but largely stable Bretton Woods dollar. Japan’s yen soared against
the dollar and gold in the ‘80s and ‘90s despite lower rates across the yield curve.
And then it should be noted that the housing boom was global despite higher
rates of interest around the world. The latter occurred alongside broad
currency weakness versus gold given the sad, and highly unnecessary tautology
that when the dollar is falling, it’s always and everywhere a global event for
all currencies.
The above digression is in no way meant to
detract from the essential economic and market story in The
Dao of Capital. Just as artificially low rates of interest clamored
for by politicians and imposed by central bankers in search of li are
evidence of policy error, so are policies of currency weakness evidence of liyearnings
among politicians and central bankers. The seen is the near-term boom in assets
least vulnerable to devaluation, not to mention heavy consumption, but the
unseen is the investment that never occurs as li seeking investors migrate toward the
immediacy of profits in hard wealth that already exists;
the latter at the expense of shi investment in the stock and bond
income streams representing wealth that doesn’t yet exist.
More sad here is that while government
calculations promote the idea that Americans don’t save, the stupendous wealth
in this country is a certain signal that Americans, particularly when
government policy is mostly good (the ‘20s, and then ‘80s and ‘90s when the
dollar was revived, taxes fell, trade was opened, and deregulation occurred
with greater speed), save with great gusto. Simply put, if we weren’t savers,
we wouldn’t be so wealthy.
Applying the above to Wall Street, though
it’s seen as short-term in nature, investment banks have proven rather patient
as evidenced by their investment in pharmaceutical companies, to name but one
sector. Looking at the proliferation of global brands created on these shores
such as Apple, Microsoft and Procter & Gamble, it seems Americans too are
‘roundabout’ in the way they build great companies. Americans are in a very
real sense Austrian by nature.
The problem ultimately comes down to
economists and the politicians so eagerly in their thrall; both classes
infected with the immediacy of li. Spitznagel throughout The
Dao of Capital mocks
the non-science that is economics for cruelly plunging the U.S. and the world
into “repeated financial crisis and labor market stagnation.” Desperate to be
relevant in a world that would advance and thrive much more powerfully without
them, economists and politicians continue in their adolescent attempts to put
out the small fires that the economy desperately needs so that it can truly
grow. But since they can only conceive the seen, the global economy
is as a result suffering a raging blaze.
In that case, thank goodness for Mark
Spitznagel’s tour de force, a book that will hopefully be widely read by all.
Economics isn’t about numbers, it’s about human action, it’s about people
failing and succeeding, and constantly fixing errors with growth the natural
result assuming governments get out of the way. The
Dao of Capital explains
in dazzling fashion that growth is ours for the taking, but it will only
reassert itself if our minders in government allow nature to take its course
such that failure, recessions, and market corrections are viewed every bit as
positively as success, economic booms, and bull markets.
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