A market economy is a profit-and-loss system
By Robert
In his justly famous 1942 book Capitalism, Socialism and Democracy, Joseph A. Schumpeter described the
dynamics of a market economy as a process of “creative destruction.” In his
view, innovation—“the new consumers’ goods, the new methods of production or
transportation, the new markets, the new forms of industrial organization that
capitalist enterprise creates”—drives this process. Its most important result
is that for the first time in history, the mass of the population in developed
countries enjoys a standard of living that even the aristocrats of past ages
could scarcely have imagined, much less have actually had.
Yet, as Schumpeter sought to express by his pithy term, the process is
not merely creative, but also destructive. As a market economy develops, it
necessarily brings about an immense variety of changes in particular demands
and supplies, and hence it results in losses as well as profits. For those who
rely on selling goods or services in declining or disappearing demand, for
those whose locations no longer fit well into emerging spatial patterns of
production, for those whose techniques of production no longer represent a
means of maximizing net revenues, for those whose skills and experience no
longer attract eager buyers in the labor markets—for them and countless others,
the process of economic development brings anxiety, disappointment, loss, and
in some cases ruin.
The losers take little solace in the thought that their economic
displacement or demotion by more competitive workers and producers constitutes
the heart and soul of a process by which the entire society, on average,
becomes richer. And their plight has always attracted legions of critics who
correctly blame the market system for the wreckage. It is simply impossible for
the process of economic development to operate without losers. A market economy
is a profit-and-loss system. Profits signal the desirability (to
consumers) of moving resources to new employments; losses signal the
desirability (to consumers) of removing resources from current employments. On
the one hand, people are drawn by the prospect of heightened economic pleasure;
on the other hand, they are repelled by the onset of persistent economic pain.
In this way the overall system continually reshapes itself to comport more
effectively with the prevailing patterns of demand and supply.
For the losers, the perceived remedy of their plight has often been not
to make the necessary personal adjustments as well as possible, but to use
force, especially state force, to burden or prohibit the more successful
competitors in the market. Thus, the market’s critics demand bailouts,
subsidies, tax breaks, and corporate and personal welfare of various sorts to
soften the blows of the Schumpeterian “perennial gale of creative destruction.”
Notice, however, that all such attempts to soften the blows also serve to mute
or falsify the messages the market system is sending about where resources can
be employed most productively in the prevailing circumstances. Amelioration of
the suffering softens the blows, to be sure, but it also slows the process by
which wealth is being created and introduces wasteful measures that may,
especially if they are state-mandated, become entrenched in the
politico-economic system and thereby serve as channels for resource waste and
as permanent fetters on real progress.
Many critics, of course, have called not for ameliorative measures, but
for wholesale abandonment of the market system and its replacement by
socialism, fascism, or some other form of state direction of the economic
order. For the past two centuries the debates between pro-market and
anti-market champions have raged continually with no sign of a final resolution
in sight. Nowadays, however, the market’s critics call less often for
across-the-board abandonment of the market and more often for greater or lesser
state intrusions into its fundamental institutions—secure private property
rights and genuine rule of law. If enough such partial intrusions accumulate,
however, as they have over the past century or more, the system becomes less a
market system deflected here and there by the state, and more a state-dominated
system deflected here and there by entrepreneurs who operate, legally or
illegally, in the system’s remaining market-oriented interstices.
In this de facto fascist environment, the resource wastes and
misallocations become a growing burden on the system’s capacity to generate a
high rate of economic growth, indeed, ultimately on its capacity to produce any
additions to real wealth. Such overburdened economic orders eventually die a
slow death as their vital arteries of innovation and private investment become
clogged by subsidies, taxes, regulations, direct state involvement, and other
anti-productive buildups. The system then must endure not simply the
frustrations and relative impoverishment of a succession of (often only
temporary) losers in the process of creative destruction, but the frustration
and absolute impoverishment of everyone except perhaps a fortunate few who
benefit from the state’s channeling loot to them.
What are we to conclude, then, about the process of creative
destruction? The main conclusion must be that however painful it may be for
those who must make the wrenching adjustments required by the economy’s
technological progress and changing structure, that pain plays an essential
role in motivating the resource reallocation and other adjustments—for example,
changes in the types of education, training, and experience people acquire—that
make possible an ongoing process of economic development in which, in the
course of time, nearly every member of society will be better off. Turning to
the state, either for endless ad hoc intrusions or for across-the-board
replacement of the market-directed economic order, may eliminate some of the
pain associated with the process of creative destruction, to be sure, but only
by replacing that process with one of uncompensated destruction, suffocating
innovation and other forms of economic creativity and bringing real economic
progress to a grinding halt.
It is a sorrowful reality that for the past century or more, people in
the West have for the most part turned increasingly away from the economic
system whose creativity redeems it and embraced instead systems whose hallmarks
are economic irrationality, resource waste, bureaucratic tyranny, and
ultimately mass impoverishment. Perhaps the great economic advances in Asia,
where the market has been given wider scope in recent decades, will serve as a
lesson to Westerners, pulling them back before they allow their governments to
plunge them into the mass poverty from which their ancestors pulled themselves
by means of the market system in earlier centuries.
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