The creation of a bureaucratic European
order has become as transcendent a cause as loyalty to the Soviet Union was for
many a last century West European Marxist 

By Tom Gallagher
It is natural that Jose Manuel Barroso
should last week have expressed his displeasure at the British Conservative
contingent in the European Parliament for faltering in their commitment to the
European cause. He presumably sought to embarrass them by warning that they
were in danger of becoming another UKIP.
In 2008,
he unwisely remarked that the Eurosceptic views of the British public didn’t
really count because ‘the people who matter in Britain’ want to adopt the Euro.
A super-bureaucrat who wags his finger at whoever dares to break the top-down
European consensus is a gift for those who wish to tilt the balance back to a
Europe of democratic nation-states.
will be gone by next spring; his hopes of becoming the next secretary-General
of NATO hopefully staying unfulfilled.
On the
morning of his ‘State of the Union’ address, I happened to be attending a
conference on the campus in the Portuguese capital where, back in 1975, he had
organized student unrest in his days as a Maoist law student.
which have substituted each other in office in recent decades accuse each other
of being the guilty ones for ensuring that Portugal ran out of money in
2010 and had to subject itself to a ‘rescue’ from the European ‘troika’.
behind the scenes, they share a commitment to preserving a ruling order that
disproportionately rewards insiders – civil servants, lobbyists, economic
forces that survive through doing business with the state – and casts adrift
much of the rest of society.
Thus, a
‘partyocracy’ drives politics for the benefit of an underperforming political
elite, bloated state and its myriad hangers-on.
This is
the political quagmire from which Barroso emerged. For a decade he has ruled
the roost in Brussels where funding streams are also allocated on a
discretionary basis to politically favoured groups ranging from the many-headed
environmental lobby to corporate big business.
He cannot
conceal his irritation that a new politics might challenge the one of bogus
rhetoric and sleazy deals that has dominated the European scene, alienating
voters in their millions.
He and
other European grandees began to see the writing on the wall last February when
a restive Italian electorate returned dozens of women and young people to the
Italian parliament due to the rise of Beppe Grillo’s populist Five Star
out at the Conservatives was Barroso’s way of saying that the established political
forces need to close ranks to keep the great unwashed from ever shaping
decision-making at the European level.
in both Portugal and Spain, the initiative is still held by parties on the left
and right with a deep attachment to European integration. They actually fear
remedies to the economic crises crippling their countries that might place a
question-mark over the continuation of the European project.
abandonment of the Euro, the temporary suspension of some members, or breaking
up the currency union into different parts are rejected even if a case can be
made that a new departure stands a chance of bringing the EU’s southern
periphery out of its desperate crisis.
creation of a bureaucratic European order mimicking practices in their own
country has become as transcendent a cause as loyalty to the Soviet Union was
for many a last century West European Marxist. But the basis for faith is more
materialistic than ideological or devotional.
For a
quarter-of-a-century, EU funds in Iberia, Italy and Greece have been vital
currency enabling mainly left parties to build up patronage networks which keep
them going irrespective of their electoral performance. The Mediterranean party
blocs of Left and Right are usually relaxed about the so-called democratic
deficit in the EU because, too often, in practice, democracy is even more
flagrantly manipulated back home.
Even with
the crisis in full spate, a large, centralised EU, controlling vast funding
streams, inspires devotion for southern European party elites. It offers a
channel of recruitment for politically adept figures that old imperial
structures in Spain and Portugal may have once possessed.
No exit
from the crisis that places the continuation of the European empire in doubt,
is acceptable, especially for those countries whose own debased political
arrangements have been reproduced in Brussels. So the people whom the Southern
European parties supposedly ‘represent’, will just have to endure hard
times for as long as it takes until the European project is restored to
But the
youth of Portugal are flooding abroad, leading to a process of creeping
desertification. With a shrinking labour force, there will be insufficient
people left to pay pensions and welfare bills. Due to the family declining as a
powerful social institution, migrants are likely to send back only a fraction
of the money (in the form of remittances) needed to support their parents and
regenerate the economy.
As for
Barroso, it is possible he will one day end up elected as Portugal’s President
by an ageing electorate in a stagnant country. His contacts with the oil-rich
elite in the former Portuguese colony of Angola could provide
alternative funding streams for a while.
We should
at least be thankful for his candour as he struts the European stage: clearly
he is determined that neither Britain, nor any other part of Europe, should
slip the leash and re-establish a politics based on the genuine representation
of national citizens’ interests.
One only
hopes that if the drive to creating a new feudal Europe is checked in Britain
or elsewhere that those in southern Europe keen to break the hold of the army
of Barrosos over public life will rally and drive them from power
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