We know that there are no truly local and thereby isolated developments.
No criminal insanity that becomes the law of a foreign land will rest in the
“Half-Baked Oddities Museum”. Be certain that what you filed as “how did those
nuts come up with that?” will be presented to your community to save it and the
Bringing coal to Manchester is a deed that
responds to a need that is already filled. Knowing that, we could avoid the
critique of measures to which the title refers. It is unlikely that the readers,
not being inmates of closed institutions, need arguments against the capping
salaries to twelve times of the lowest paid by a firm. So, this piece does not
intend to recruit support but warns, “You are next”.
A word is needed about the unlikely venue of
the imbecility. Switzerland is a success story where anything above 3%
unemployment is a “crisis”. High-tech and luxury exports thrive. The currency
is stable; credit costs are low without manipulation. All this regardless of
major disadvantages. This is a small landlocked country inhabited by four
nationalities, three of which are the people of state across the border. Add to
this the climate and little arable land. This explains why, even in the 19th
century, poverty was general and communities financed the emigration of their
superfluous eaters.
With that said, one could conclude that we
have a case of success – confirmed by a top rank in global competitiveness. Not
so, at least not for the Left, the Greens, and armchair redeemers. This element
is ideologically moved. It assumes that success by merit is impossible because
any system to the right of Marx is built on exploitation. Therefore, without
socialism, a just system is impossible. Success is explained away with an
argument based upon the principle that “property is theft”.
Before turning to the proposed suicide by
self-disembowelment, an observation must be inserted. In open societies,
individuals act upon what they think to be their best interest. A corollary is
that the individual’s enlightened self-interest is cognizant of the goals of
the community in whose context he acts. A flanking notion is that people are
imperfect. This explains why the critique of persons and institutions is a
basic right. If leaders could be infallible, then their critique would be
irrational and illegitimate. The assumed imperfection of institutions and of
laws explains why it is unreasonable to expect that all transgressions can be
totally avoided.
Some of the blemishes alluded to and the
seeming endlessness of economic success has produced disturbing fall-outs.
Outstanding among these is the salary of some managers in world-class firms.
The income of owner-executives is, generally not a problem outside the far-left
that considers private ownership to be a crime.
In March, a plebiscite accepted an
initiative launched by an entrepreneur. It reacted to excessive remunerations
of executives. In an exceptional instance, one CEO got about $14 million. The
corrective involves stockholders’ voting to set salaries.
Encouraged by what it saw as a vote
against the “bosses”, the Left-Greens presented a radical proposal. It will be
up to a vote under Switzerland’s direct democracy, and is called “1:12”. If
accepted, no salary could exceed a firm’s lowest multiplied by twelve. Problems
are imbedded in what might be seen through leveling filters as just. Without
further government interference, the law would not change much.
A difficulty is enforcement. Cleverly,
constructed bonuses will be a safety valve. A way to raise executive incomes
would be to exclude the low-paid. For instance, cleaning could be outsourced to
a specialized firm. No remedy would come from another proposal that is now in
the pipeline. That one wishes to raise the minimal wage to $4’400/mo. Making
incomes independent of markets by giving primacy to politics will cause certain
people to be unemployable.
As with the white rabbits pulled out of
the magician’s hat, there is a remedy in store for the resulting idleness. It
is a proposition for a Guaranteed Basic Income. The measure allots an income to
every resident regardless of the recipient’s economic activity. The result
would be many Great Novels –or a lot of pick-up basketball.
Capped salaries, hinder firms to hire the
best managers on the international market if their going rate exceeds the
imposed limits. The diminution of managerial talent shrinks profitability,
employment, and ultimately the income of the remaining employees.
Lastly, the worse of the attempt to make
the purpose of business something other than business. Regardless of how these
proposal fare, their primary threat does not stem from their provisions. The
embedded negative consequences are less in the regulations’ immediate effects
than in their strategic outcome.
Let us begin with what the initiators
really mean when they say “1:12”. Recently, the local Social Democrats have
abandoned the flag of moderation under which they like to sail. They have done
so by amending the party’s platform. They are now committed to “overcome
Capitalism”. This makes “1:12” similar to an arsonists’ suggestion to cut off
the water supply of hydrants. Given the initiators’ strategic goal,”1:12” is
not an end but a step towards a socialist model rejected elsewhere by those
that have been exposed to it.
Completing the above, “1:12” would bring
an expansion of the state’s regulatory role. That, by the way, in an area in
which its record has been, regardless of culture, nation or whatever, the
poorest. In some ways, this failure suggests that implementing the measure is not
devoid of logic. To overcome capitalism, it must be defeated in war or ruined
economically. The past of government management extends the hope that the
demise of capitalism and its replacement with equally shared poverty is
You can be assured that efforts to apply
something like “1:12” and its likes will pop up where you peruse this. In
contemplating that dry tsunami, one wonders why such attempts do not provoke
more resistance.
It would seem that, after living the good
life for generations, malign growths arise. The minor successors of major
fortunes tend to believe that their condition corresponds to a law of nature.
Such delusions make concessions to exotic demands seem affordable to those that
think that no harm can come to them. Anyhow, giving in quietly on the way to
the golf course is easier than to argue with the possessed. The illusion
prevails that, handing over a slice of salami will not shorten the stick
measurably. The discovery of the finite nature of even the longest salami comes
only when there is little salami left. That inevitable end at the end tells
this: The mutilation that a community can bring upon itself supersedes the harm
its declared enemies could inflict upon it.
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