Private investors have pulled out of Club Med, dumping their claims onto the taxpayers of Germany and the northern creditor states

By Ambrose
So, we now know:
Silvio Berlusconi seriously floated plans to pull Italy out of the euro in
October/November 2011, precipitating his immediate removal from office and
decapitation by EMU policy gendarmes.
Ex-ECB insider
Lorenzo Bini-Smaghi has quietly dropped a few bombshells in his new book Morire
di Austerita (Dying of Austerity), worth a read if you know Italian.
Mr Bini-Smaghi –
until recently on the ECB's six-man executive council, and for many years
Italy's man in Frankfurt – states that Silvio Berlusconi was toppled as Italian
premier in November 2011 as soon as he began to rattle the EMU cage in earnest.
Specifically, he
discussed (threatened?) Italian withdrawal from the euro in private meetings
with other EMU governments, presumably with Chancellor Angela Merkel and
France's Nicolas Sarkozy, since he does not negotiate with underlings. ("L'ipotesi
d'uscita dall euro era stata ventilata in colloqui privati con i governi degli
altri paesi dell'euro").
Mr Bini-Smaghi
also reveals that Merkel continued to think that Greece could be thrown out of
the euro safely as late as the early autumn of 2012, when thePfennig finally
dropped that all hell would break lose, with chain reactions engulfing the
whole system. She then switched tack abruptly, rushing to Athens to praise the
new government for its heroic efforts. "Merkel l'ha capito sole nell'
Autunno del 2012".
He confirms that
Germany is indeed on the hook for €574bn of credits from the Bundesbank to the
central banks of Greece, Portugal, Ireland, Italy, Cyprus, and Slovenia.
We have always
been assured that the so-called Target2 credits within the ECB's internal payments
system is a technical adjustment, without significant risk.
Mr Bini-Smaghi
states that any EMU state leaving the euro would face likely default on
external obligations. "The national central bank would not be able to
repay liabilities accumulated in relation to other members of the euro system,
which are registered in the internal payments system of the Union (known as
Target2). The insolvency would provoke substantial losses for counter-parties
in other eurozone countries, including central banks and states."
German voters
may wish to know this before the elections on Sunday week, since they are told
otherwise by their own leaders. The anti-euro AfD party – now running at 4pc in
the polls, with a shot at the Bundestag – might also find this to be of interest.
As I understand
it, the Bundesbank (and the central banks of Finland, Holland, and Luxembourg,
likewise) offsets the Target2 claims on the Club Med bloc by selling securities
to banks registered in Germany. It does this
for monetary policy reasons.
This means that
if the euro blows up, the Bundesbank still owes this money to the same private
banks, which could be Deutsche Bank, but could also be Nomura, Citigroup, or
Barclays. This is not fictitious. The Bundesbank cannot default on these
Perhaps I am a
bear of very little brain, but I have yet to hear a satisfactory explanation as
to how this can be conjured away painlessly, as we are told by a long list of
illustrious economists that it can be. I have never seen them answer this
issue. They publish long papers, blinding everybody with science as economists
are prone to do (usually bluffing), but never get to the core point.
The fast is that
Target2 is the flipside of intra-EMU capital flight. Private investors have
pulled out of Club Med, dumping their claims onto the taxpayers of Germany and
the northern creditor states. Dress this up any way you want, but that is the
Yes, the
Bundesbank could print money with gay abandon in such a crisis – and would have
to do so to avoid a deflationary shock, and on a much larger scale than
anything suggested so far within the EMU construct. Germany would no doubt
muddle through, but its monetary doctrines would be shredded.
The Bundesbank's
official position is that the Target2 controversy is a storm in a teacup. In
fact, they don't believe it themselves. A Bundesbanker with direct
responsibility for Target2 said in my presence that he "worries about it
every night". The bank's own president Jens Weidmann testified last year
that the imbalances are an "unacceptable risk".
I suspect that
somebody is trying to pull the wool over the eyes of the German people, and it
is not the splendidly outspoken Jens Weidmann. I disagree with his monetary
theories: his intellectual honesty is magnificent.
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