By Norman Ball
most battered tropes, "the tail wagging the dog" offers a durable, if
dog-tired, metaphor for much that afflicts us. While rhetoricians are apt to
groan over rote recourse to tired imagery, regular folks use cliches because
they strike a cognitive chord. After all, mass appeal is what exhausts language
in the first place. The bane of poets, cliche is a sign of democratic
affections. Let's have more of it.
particular metaphor derives its power from the sense that, rather than
addressing the thing-itself, we are forever grappling with epiphenomena,
proximate reflections and spun realities. Everything is mediated. Nothing is
authentically palpable. Manufactured consent is all about assembling a
coalition of the deceived.
we are being lied to with Goebbellian ambition to a point where deceit becomes,
for many, an undetectable ethos. No sooner does one explain to a seemingly
perceptive friend or colleague the diversionary intent of the current chemical
weapons debate than they nod their heads in sage agreement, take due note of
the submerged iceberg's immense size and resume stock sound-bites the very next
day. Such is the power of the frame.
is also, I'm convinced, a social component. Just as people want to make good
around the water cooler, no one wants to be the office's perennial, contrarian
weirdo. The frame du jour is where polite small-talk gathers.
Nothing ventured over doughnuts, nothing gained.
the mainstream media, we are presented daily with messages - tails - that
attempt to corral "bodies of facts on the ground". The messages are
illicit rearguard actions designed to exert mastery over sleeping dogs. Since
lies have a habit of demanding further lies, why undertake this great exertion
of deceit?
somewhere between Straussian arrogance and neo-Platonic contempt, the elite are
loath to address, in an open-air forum, the many hellhounds nipping at all of
our heels. Are we wrong to dignify this aversion with philosophical pretentions
as perhaps it has long since metastasized into pathology? Our leaders seem
convinced that subterfuge abets their power.
what Syria is really about involves a knotty confluence of water rights,
dueling pipelines, nation-state reconfigurations, militarized economies,
competing CIA and Department of Defense fiefdoms, Islamic sectarian divides,
the global affliction of nihilism, domestic (US) shale oil ascendancy, Saudi
panic, the fading petro-dollar, French colonial re-visitations, shifting
Israeli internal demographics, Persian and Ottoman empire re-imaginings, etc,
all due respect to the Syrian civilians who (apparently) died at the hands of
some agency of chemical weapons, this is hardly about them. They are but
ghoulish pretense. May they rest in peace all the same.
where things can get a little tricky, especially in this transparent and
skeptical age of alternative media. Syrian President Bashar al-Assad's
complicity in the chemical attack may or may not be fact. What is immutably
true now however is that the elites elsewhere have selected it (for better or
worse) as the controlling or instigating frame through which they will leverage
America's entry into the region for the host of "covert" reasons
touched upon above and, it should be added, at very real risk of sparking World
War III.
the Syrian regime did in fact commit the atrocity, it becomes a contributing
legitimation within a cluster of larger reasons for American engagement. It is
also a Trojan Horse hewn to commit America's military within the "city
walls" of the Levant. Once we are there, the road to Tehran will be a long
and arduous one; yet it is one that our friends, Saudi Arabia and Israel, are
determined we should make.
on the other hand it is shown the chemical attack was committed by the rebel
forces, the elite, far from relenting, will defend their rendition to the hilt.
(Remember, they exist beyond good and evil in the Straussian realm of the Noble
Lie.) Thus whether a complete fabrication or a genuine Assad war crime, the
chemical attack has the practicable effect of being an incidental expediency in
all cases.
burden and aftermath of collapsing grand deceptions can be onerous indeed. For
instance, the Syrian case for intervention must climb a wall of worry
constructed in Iraq and Afghanistan. Importantly and in all cases, the elites
are practicing deception (certainly the sin of omission) when they purport that
the use of chemical weapons is the sole reason for resorting to force. I would
hazard it barely cracks the top five.
it is, the plebes are fed a steady, lurid diet of comic book WMD's and noxious
gas portrayals. Bam! Zoom! Whammo! To coin Guantanamo's Jack Nicholson, we
can't handle the truth, or so it has been decided. Plato's Republic might be
cool with this paternalistic head-patting, except our elite manage to bollox
one Guantanamo after another. (Since we're treading linguistic terrain let me
say that I disparage the term "elite" as it conjures up notions of
sure-footedness and meritocratic station. Our "elite" are more in the
vein of Keystone cops.)
the Spin becomes King, vertigo rules the land and straight thinking acquires a
positively eccentric ring. Backwardation overturns causality. People are
instructed to believe TV, not their own eyes. Yet every time a regular Joe
summons his dog in real life, the animal "defiantly" arrives first,
its tail invariably traipsing along behind. People have been known to shoot
their dogs just to silence the doggone cognitive dissonance. Imagine putting
down Fido so that Senator John McCain might sound a little more lucid? Such are
the inestimable costs dogs of war are routinely called upon to make.
hackneyed phrase is sending the right message, something we've been
hearing probably six times a day of late. For this, we're back on TV, only
selling soap flakes. Sending a message is an attempted seduction via telegraph
not unlike batting an eyelash.
I don't want to be "right back after this message" during which a
kimono is coyly lifted, revealing a bit of ankle. Vladimir Putin has taken
great pains to assure us he's not that kind of guy, much less that kind of
adversary. Don't mediate your intent. Demonstrate it. All these ornamentalisms
are features of decadence and feckless, late empire.
the mediated message becomes the thing-itself, gesture has swarmed substance.
Camouflaged boys and girls from Kansas are sent in to rescue Nero's
sound-bites. Merely embarrassing the elites becomes a veritable Pearl Harbor to
be dealt with swiftly.
repetition, a Quixotic syndrome develops where people increasingly conflate
windmill-mirages for clear-and-present foes. This is a form of collective
madness which if not unique to the television age is certainly an emblematic
feature of it. Ironically, no group is more perilously removed from the
visceral (and so convinced of their message-making's existential heft) than are
our rarified leaders.
a certain decadent nadir has been reached when their foremost concern involves
the veracity and sanctity of the imparted message. You'd think the Red Line was
pinned down on Iwo Jima with a two-day supply of water. No matter, a command is
sent down from some high-up place: "Summon the kids (well, our kids
anyway). The message must be preserved at all costs!" A contemptible
equivalency has been struck: Losing a limb, ours, is a reasonable price to
avert losing face, theirs. Never mind that the Red Line isn't a cornered
battalion, but merely a botched metaphor wrapped in a rhetorical gaffe. It
happens also to be the exoteric casus belli.
quote is revealing: " ... to communicate with [the Iranians] we
have to be very clear, very forthright." - White House
Chief of Staff Denis McDonough
think if America wanted to send a very clear, forthright message to the Chilean
people, there are better ways to do it than bombing Nigeria. How about
Antarctica? It's closer and less populous.
would submit that Iran is, far and away, the most forthright target to send the
Iranians a forthright message. These non sequiturs are compelled by veiled
objectives. Then too, had we wanted to push Iraq decisively into the Iranian
orbit, there were far less costly and bloody ways to go about it than Gulf War
2. Maybe my brain is not cut out for all this strategy stuff, but from this low
chair, McDonough's argument suffers all at once from logical indirection,
geographic inexactitude and disingenuous message-talk. We're also back to
hopelessly mixed metaphors of sending bulletins with bombs, communicating with
shrapnel etc, when Mr McDonough should know that messages don't kill people.
Bullets kill people.
there's General Petraeus - the most brilliant military strategist of our
generation, doncha know, with this to say:
Failure of
Congress to approve the president's request would have serious ramifications
not just in the Mideast but around the world. Military action against the
Syrian regime is, thus, necessary ... to ensure that Iran, North Korea and other
would-be aggressors never underestimate the United States' resolve to take
necessary military action when other tools prove insufficient.
loopy geography and postural message-talk captured central command thinking
too. How did North Korea creep into a military leader's clear-eyed assessment
of Syria? Is this guy still running for president? You'd think by now Petraeus
would tip-toe around message-making like it was depleted uranium. Love missives
demolished his career after all. But no, everybody is suddenly a purveyor of
messages and a dime-store linguist when we've already got Noam Chomsky who
knows everything under the sun and then some.
such subtleties forever lost on the powerful? I can kill you, without
communique or fanfare. Or, I can convey the message that I plan to kill you. To
the functionary foot solider, the former is decidedly more lethal than the
latter, which is mere telegraphed intention. But then, the foot soldier has his
feet planted firmly on the ground. He knows the difference between a bullet and
a bulletin. I truly believe our elites are losing this distinction. Nay, I
think they've lost the friggin' plot.
I believe they fear the effects of a badly drafted bulletin more than they do a
well-aimed bullet. This is a moral corruption and there are reasons for it. The
elite are far more accustomed to dying in bed than in combat. What
coupon-clipper doesn't yearn to expire bedecked in a smile and plunked beside
his favorite mistress ala Nelson Rockefeller? Petraeus should be so lucky. By
the way, having a mistress sends a terrible message to your wife.
know I'll be accused of some sort of class warfare harangue. But I view this
message-promoted-to-flesh syndrome as a mental-health issue that happens to
afflict the promulgators more than we the recipients of said missives.
folks are inoculated to some degree because they still must take out their own
trash and drop legs in faraway places. Decadence spawns from the enervations of
unearned privilege. The mainstream media and the elite must re-engage on an
existential level with war. They must rekindle a healthy
forbearance towards armed conflict that only noblesse oblige can
supply. Whizzing bullets cure armchair commandos. We need warrior-kings once
again, leaders who can reacquaint word with deed. Through no accident
warrior-king Dwight D Eisenhower offered the most actionable speech of the last
60 years. We failed to heed his call and have trod a war footing ever since.
That's why I'm calling for the immediate NDAA rendition and delivery of Senator Lindsey Graham to his new role as Damascan warlord for some merry band of al-Qaeda psychopaths. Only after he has been baptized in palpable fear (a healthy rendezvous with unmediated reality) should Graham be allowed to resume frightening old ladies in Charleston with tales of looming nuclear holocaust.
It's high time we restored fear-mongering in America to its rightful place as a privilege that must be earned! Of course he will first have to explain to his new charges why he just called them "crazy bastards" in the chamber of the senate. But I have faith in Graham's rhetorical prowess if not his skill with a Kalashnikov
That's why I'm calling for the immediate NDAA rendition and delivery of Senator Lindsey Graham to his new role as Damascan warlord for some merry band of al-Qaeda psychopaths. Only after he has been baptized in palpable fear (a healthy rendezvous with unmediated reality) should Graham be allowed to resume frightening old ladies in Charleston with tales of looming nuclear holocaust.
It's high time we restored fear-mongering in America to its rightful place as a privilege that must be earned! Of course he will first have to explain to his new charges why he just called them "crazy bastards" in the chamber of the senate. But I have faith in Graham's rhetorical prowess if not his skill with a Kalashnikov
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