Cronyism extends far beyond the financial sector
by David Gordon
Those of us who favor the free market
must confront a problem. The virtues of the market, and the vices of socialism
and interventionism, have been made incontestably clear by Mises, Rothbard,
Hazlitt and others. The case for the free market, as these great figures
explain it, can readily be grasped and demands no esoteric knowledge. Yet many
academics reject the market. They condemn capitalism for leaving many in
poverty and for glaring inequalities. How can so many academics fail to grasp
what seem to us obvious truths?
In Crony Capitalism, a vital book, Hunter Lewis solves our
problem. Those who condemn the free market do so by considering bad features of
the present economy, both in the United States and elsewhere in the world. In
judging the free market in this way, they rely on an unexamined assumption.
They take for granted that the present order of things is the free market in
As Lewis explains and documents to the
hilt, this assumption is false. What we have today is not the free market but
“crony capitalism,” an altogether different matter. Government and business are
in a predatory partnership that extracts wealth to its own benefit. The fact
that many suffer under the present system should occasion no surprise.
Predatory “cronyism” has existed throughout history and has been the main block
to economic progress.
Lewis states his arresting thesis in
this way: “indeed it may be argued that cronyism is as old as recorded human
history and has always been the dominant system. This is precisely why the
human race has made so little progress in overcoming poverty. For most of human
history, there has been no economic growth at all. People born poor died poor.
Whenever economic capital began to be accumulated, it was generally stolen by
rulers or their friends or allies.” (p. 9)
Fortunately for the world, supporters of
the free market were able in the eighteenth century and after to gain important
victories against the older system of predation; but now matters have been
reversed, and cronyism is once more the order of the day. In the United States,
we no longer live under a predominantly private market. “But taking into
account companies and other organizations that are directly or indirectly
controlled by the government, it becomes clear that most of the economy is in
the ‘public’ sphere.” (p. 12)
The result of this governmental takeover
of the economy has predictably been dire. “Many of the new mega rich of the
1990s and 2000s got their wealth through their government connections. Or by
understanding how government worked. This was especially apparent on Wall
Street. ... This was all the more regrettable because, in a crony capitalist
system, the huge gains of the few really do come at the expense of the many.
There was an irony here. Perhaps Marx had been right all along. It was just
that he was describing a crony capitalist, not a free price system, and his
most devoted followers set up a system in the Soviet Union that was cronyist to
the core.” (p. 17)
Those inclined to dismiss Lewis’s claim
as exaggerated must confront the solid body of evidence he amasses. Everyone
knows that governmentally-sponsored mortgages helped to fuel the housing bubble
that burst in 2008 with disastrous consequences. As Lewis points out, though,
the situation is much worse than most people imagined. “By the end of 2007
government-sponsored mortgages accounted for 81% of all the mortgage loans made
in the US and by 2010 this had risen to 100%.” (p. 39)
Government dominance is of course bad
for the economy, but it works to the benefit of a small group of the powerful.
A great strength of the book is that Lewis names names: he tells us who the
predators are. “Clinton’s choice for Fannie CEO, Franklin Raines, took away $90
million in pay and stock option gains, in part because of misleading accounting
practices. Obama advisor James Johnson took only $21 million. For 2009-2010,
the chief executives of Fannie and Freddie got a combined $17 million, even as
these organizations were being bailed out. The top six executives got $35
million over the same period.” (p. 45)
An especially glaring example of a
predatory partnership between government and business followed the financial
collapse of 2008. It was widely alleged that massive government subsidies to
prop up failing banks and investment houses were required lest the entire
economy be destroyed.[1] “So
in the fall of 2008, the US supposedly stood on the edge of an abyss, with a
likely shutdown of the entire financial system, and a Depression from which we
might never emerge.” (pp. 110-11)
The allegation of imminent collapse
served as an excuse for massive transfers of money to a favored few investment
bankers. Lewis devotes particular attention to Goldman Sachs. “At the center of
Wall Street stands Goldman Sachs, master of the crony influence game.” (p. 86)
Lewis devotes six pages of his book to a chart of what he terms the “revolving
door” between Goldman Sachs and the government. (pp. 86-91) The result of these
close connections, together with the large amount of money spent by Goldman
Sachs in lobbying, will occasion no surprise: “Government connections conferred
many other benefits ... in some areas of the market post-Crash, Goldman Sachs
enjoyed what former employee Anthony Scaramucci called a ‘near monopoly.’” (p.
Cronyism extends far beyond the
financial sector. Lewis has for many years been active in the natural health
movement, and he is thus keenly aware of the manifold ways in which crony
capitalism risks our lives, health, and safety in pursuit of profit. Shunning a
genuine free market, the predators strike at products that, if widely
distributed, would threaten their ill-gotten gains. “In general, the FDA
maintains a resolutely hostile stance toward supplements. It will not allow any
treatment claims to be made for them, no matter how much science there is to
support it, unless they are brought through the FDA approval process and become
drugs. ... Who can afford to spend up to a billion dollars to win FDA approval
of a non-patented substance? The answer is obvious: no one. So the real FDA
intent is simply to eliminate any competition for patented drugs, since these
drugs pay the Agency’s bills.” (p. 171)
The crony capitalists have naturally
enough endeavored to find an ideological justification for their control of the
economy. They look down on the masses and allege that only an educated elite is
fit to rule. “The implicit skepticism about voters’ ability to make
disinterested and sound judgments about where the country should go is
certainly nothing new. It is the theme of Plato’s Republic, ... by
the 20th century, the debate had subtly shifted and ... the choice was now
between ‘average people’ and ‘smart people,’ or, in the usual formulation,
‘experts.’” (pp. 310-11)
In this controversy, there can be no
doubt on which side Hunter Lewis sides. “However bad things have become, the
new populist forces may yet prevail and roll back today’s crony capitalist
system. If so, it will be the people who have done it, not elitists urging less
democracy and more delegation of power to ‘experts.’”
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